Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 911: Imagine

“After wearing this golden hoop, you are no longer a mortal person, and you can no longer touch the **** of the world. If you are tempted, this golden hoop will tighten and tighten around your head, and the misery will be unbearable… “

“What did you say?” The female investigator asked with a frown as she looked at Li Ang, who was holding the fourth-generation brain-computer interface helmet and muttering to himself.

“Nothing.” Li Ang shook his head and, according to Brown Murphy’s memory, turned on the start buttons on the right side of the brain-computer interface one by one.

“That’s right.”

While debugging the brain-computer interface, he calmly said to the suit agents of the Social Security Administration: “Entering another world requires full dedication, and there can be no interference.

I feel embarrassed if someone is next to me,

You’d better stay out of the bedroom. “


The female investigator snorted coldly, raised her hand and motioned for the agent to retreat to the living room outside the bedroom.

“Including you.” Li Ang added.


The female investigator pursed her lips slightly and pulled down the corners of her mouth, giving Li Ang a threatening look, took two steps back, and stood against the door frame, “You should know that we have obtained your Internet Protocol address and can monitor you at the data level. every move?

Remember our agreement and don’t play tricks. “

“I do things, you can rest assured.”

Li Ang slowly buckled the helmet on his head, exhaled slowly, closed his eyes, and lay back.

An expensive ergonomic chair that automatically supports the back, arms and legs, with a soft woven surface that makes you feel like you’re floating in the clouds.

If you want to enter another level, you must achieve a state of ecstasy, weaken or even isolate the body’s perception of the outside world, and achieve an effect similar to the “meditation” in mysticism.

Many shamans use aids to help themselves become more meditative,

For example, a small amount of muscle anesthetic, a semi-closed water tank that can deprive the five senses, etc.

Li Ang doesn’t need to use external objects at all. One of the introductory methods to cultivate psionic energy is to actively deprive himself of his five senses and experience long-term self-isolation.

Consciousness, gradually rising,

Then slowly floated out of the suburban house, overlooking the city that had woken up in the morning, in mid-air,

According to the familiarity in the dark, travel quickly along the fiber-optic lines extending in all directions? In less than half a minute? Circle the earth several times,

And jump back and forth at the transit stations of various multinational network service providers? Completely erase the physical address traces of the original Internet protocol?

Finally arrived at a data space that was purchased with an anonymous account and belonged to him.

This space is constructed by the communication company satellites in low earth orbit, which is equivalent to the wizard tower of each wizard? The wizard will complete the construction here, so as to truly enter another level.

This feeling is amazing?

Li Ang was floating in the air? He looked down at himself—a large number of data fragments rushed from all directions, attached to the surface of the translucent humanoid body, and quickly formed a mirage dragon red mane coat and a dragon head white coat.

“Lemon scented air…”

With the composition of Li Ang’s body? This data space is gradually becoming clearer?

From all green to a clean and bright bank vault.

The surrounding scene is clear, the touch of the walls and the floor is very real, and the lemon fragrance in the air is exactly the same as the one bought in the supermarket.

Li Ang withdrew the palm that was pressing against the wall,

This room isn’t real? It’s not constructed with huge amounts of data, just a simple piece of code—

The essence of the brain-computer interface is to give full play to the potential of the human brain,

Data signal cues to the virtual world? Generate imagination based on human brain function.

For example, when exposed to the data of [Land after the rain with the smell of soil], the brain will run automatically? Imagine a lifelike lawn after the rain.

The whole process won’t generate a lot of data? It doesn’t require a lot of bandwidth – otherwise all the witches will be quickly discovered by the authorities.

In layman’s terms? It is to put the graphics card in your mouth and use your brain to imagine the picture.

Of course, the adaptation is not random, the joke is not nonsense,

Random interpretation of data signals (such as trying to interpret water as fire) can cause brain disturbances that can throw wizards back into the wizard’s tower or the real world.

There is no death in the data world. The closest thing to the concept of death is to be banished back to the real world – if the ideology is destroyed,

The brain will be like a bad nightmare, it will be difficult to calm down for a long time, and it will be difficult to connect back to the virtual plane in a short time.

“…So it was.”

Li Ang nodded thoughtfully. This time the script mission has indeed sealed all equipment items except the escape ticket.

But in the virtual world, he can still call data to achieve extraordinary power-like effects.

This does not mean that Li Ang can do whatever he wants in the data world.

The perception from the world is equivalent to the signal input,

And the wizard’s extraordinary power is equivalent to signal output,

The upper limit of his ability is still limited by his own will, brain computing power, and the total amount of data and processors he controls.

“Similar to the real world.”

Li Ang strode to the door and muttered to himself: “The wizard’s ability to manipulate data is automatically converted into my own extraordinary power,

I can expend energy, manipulate data, and simulate the effects of equipment, props, and even skills,

Because of the habit of thinking in the brain, the cooling time and limitations of skill equipment have also been simulated…”

His palm pressed on the door of the vault, and the thick and sturdy password door turned and unlocked on its own, sliding silently to the sides.

The location of the logout is located in a barren plain, and on the horizon in the distance can see a huge hollow pipe that stretches for an unknown number of kilometers,

The surface of the pipe is made of glass,

Through the glass, you can see the dense stream of light that is flying at high speed inside – that is the data flowing in the fiber optic network.

Huge and rugged pipes extend in all directions, covering the entire wilderness.

Servers that provide computing and application services form a prosperous city;

The local area network forms forts and private estates of various sizes (some of which are surrounded by large numbers of AI guards);

Look up and see mountains, iron towers, clouds, stars suspended in mid-air,

That’s a low-earth orbit satellite,

Some of these belong to the network provider and can be accessed and logged out at will,

And some dim, red stars can only be reached through extremely hidden and dangerous trails – these stars are usually military agencies and official departments with a high level of secrecy.

Li Ang stood where he was, admiring the expansive scene like a stream of consciousness oil painting, and suddenly felt something on his shoulders.

Looking down, it was a green cricket.

The female investigator’s voice came out of Cricket’s mouth, “It’s me.”

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