Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 901: Catastrophes


Ju Tiantian was stunned when he heard the words, squinting his eyes and looking at the phone carefully.

The Ajanta Grottoes are located in the territory of Maharashtra. They were first excavated in the 2nd century BC and lasted until the middle of the 7th century. After many expansions, they are famous for their beautiful murals. He also made a pilgrimage to Ajanta.

Afterwards, due to the decline of Buddhism in India, the gate of the grotto was neglected. It was not until the early 19th century that the British garrison commander John Smith (the name is really full of slots) accidentally discovered it during a hunt.

The mural on the screen of the mobile phone should be a picture of King Shibi’s life——

King Shibi sits in the middle, with a kind and gentle face, holding a pigeon in his right hand, his legs hanging from left to right, and a man holding a sharp blade on his left leg, cutting meat on King Shibi’s leg, and feeding the Noodle King with meat and standing white hungry eagle.

It is the legendary scene of cutting meat and feeding eagles.

The camera of the mobile phone seems to be in the hands of an ordinary tourist, and does not focus on the picture of King Shibi, but just like a normal tourist, passing in front of the mural,

However, relying on the pauses of professional software to zoom in and add details,

Can be clearly seen, when tourists pass in front of the mural,

The king of Shibi on the fresco, with a curved corner of his mouth, his eyes slightly opened, and a few drops of blood dripping from his left leg cut by a sharp blade…

“If only the portrait moves, it is an abnormal event at the green warning level at best. After the video was uploaded to the foreign tourist’s personal social platform, some netizens discovered the abnormality that night and informed the tourist himself.”

Zhu Xuemin said solemnly: “The European Heavy Industry Group took the lead in noticing this matter, and before the Global Occult Alliance, the blockade suppressed the dissemination of relevant information, and called their special mobile unit in central India to go to Maharashtra. Trabant Survey.

As a result, when they arrived, the Ajanta Grottoes built on the cliffs of the mountainside had undergone a mutation. “

Zhu Xuemin slides his finger to play the next video.

The shooting angle of the video seems to be from the night vision goggles of the members of the European Heavy Industry Group’s special mobile unit,

In the picture, the Vendaya Mountain, which bears the Ajanta Grottoes, continuously erupted with loud collapses,

The entire Ajanta Grotto, like a machine, self-replicates, expands and builds,

The mountain is eroded and assimilated into complex grottoes.

“One and a half hours after the mutation, the expansion of the grottoes gradually slowed down. The European Heavy Industry Group went to the grottoes to explore, but they all went back and forth.”

Zhu Xuemin said: “For security reasons, the European Heavy Industry Group has teamed up with local Indian institutions to block the area, and the Global Occult Alliance has stepped in and pulled us in in the name of the observation group.

At present, the news sent from the front line is that the Ajanta Grottoes have a high probability of becoming a mobile mutation phenomenon with a red warning level, similar to the prisoners’ cave on our side.

This may be a sign of the mutation’s resurgence,

It may also be a star gate opened by another world. “

“Mutation Resurrection…”

Ju Talent groaned, and a string of bubbles emerged from the bottom of the respirator,

As a member of the Abnormality Society with a fairly high level of secrecy, he has the right to see a lot of confidential information, including the report of the prisoner’s cave exploration team-during and after the battle for the door, the number of layers inside the prisoner’s cave has increased. Now, the seals of some powerful monsters at the bottom are gradually loosening, and there is a possibility of getting out of trouble at any time.

“More than that, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris suffered a geological subsidence, revealing a dark, dark, ominous underground cave;

The Colosseum was covered with thunderclouds, with lightning and thunder, hurricane and rain, accompanied by roars of unknown origin;

A cruise ship in the Mediterranean was attacked by a giant sea monster suspected of being Kraken;

A village thought to have been destroyed by a landslide disaster of the last century has re-emerged in the center of the earthquake zone after an earthquake in the northeastern part of the Japanese island…”

Zhu Xuemin concluded: “After the update of the Killing Game version, the occurrence frequency of orange and red alert level mutation disasters has increased significantly, to the point that it cannot be ignored.

Although I don’t want to say that, the situation in the outside world seems to be developing in a bad direction – whether it is for extraordinary people or ordinary people.

The think tanks in the bureau even have a guess,

The doors obtained in this large-scale event are not just resources and wealth,

Also, a refuge. “

“You mean…”

Ju Talent instantly thought of what Zhu Xuemin mentioned just now, that the D-class door obtained by Hanshuishi leads to a colony ecological planet.


Zhu Xuemin nodded, “Of course, the migration to alien colonies is just one of the development plans just proposed.

The high probability is to build a small-scale base on the stargate side first, observe the planet where the stargate is located, and the recent situation of the earth, and then make plans.

Anyway, it’s a must to plan ahead and take precautions. “


Ju Tiansheng slowly let out a sigh of relief. When he thought of the order of modern civilization in his life, it was very likely to undergo drastic changes, and a strong sense of powerlessness and frustration came to his mind.

If the earth fails to cope with the cataclysm…

The world of the magic sunflower, where there is no daylight and depression and despair, is likely to be the future of the earth.

“In the face of the general trend, there is not much we can do.”

Zhu Xuemin sighed, “Anyway, you should rest in peace.

You hurry up and complete the “Secret Technique of Cuixu Xuanhen Body Refinement” and fill up your body, and we can quickly open the door you a little hope for preserving the fire of civilization…”


The card-like personal communication terminal in Zhu Xuemin’s pocket vibrated. He took out the terminal and glanced at it, rubbing his brows in distress.

Ju Tiantian asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Something went wrong with the third phase of the Sky Repair Project.”

Zhu Xuemin waved his hand, “There’s something going on over there, I’ll go first.”


Ju Talent nodded. The so-called sky patching plan was planned as early as the early stage of the killing game.

That is to use all means related to killing games to protect human civilization and maintain social order.

The entire program is extensive and large, involving numerous departments and personnel.

Building cities, Skynet monitoring systems, abnormal event early warning systems, and mobile task forces are all projects under the Sky Patching Plan.

The project that Zhu Xuemin participated in mainly used Shengnan Wang (a conscious body formed by the will of countless untimely souls), Chengto Yukari (a supernatural person who was born with the ability to control and contain catastrophes) and other abnormal beings, /

To limit cataclysm on Earth,

It’s like the behavior of the Abnormality Institute throwing all the demons into the prison.

Ju Tiantian watched Zhu Xuemin leave, and slowly closed his eyes.

The current situation is turbulent, and the storm is about to come,

Perhaps as Zhu Xuemin said, moving to the door world can maintain peace as much as possible.

Who will get the A-level and B-level doors…

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