Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 844: Captive (Five K)

Latest URL: 咻——

A piercing sound of air breaking across the sky,

One after another ellipsoid shells shot out from the high-rise jungle of the ruined city, swept out a graceful arc in mid-air, and finally fell in the middle of the torrent of machines and beasts.


The pale shell of the cannonball burst open, spewing a large amount of yellow-green smoke from it.

The smoke spreads rapidly, and any machine beast in it first slowed down suddenly, then stumbled to the ground, limbs twitched, and electric sparks appeared.

Its body armor and joints were severely corroded, and the central processor was damaged by pervasive corrosive fumes.

Boom! !

The ground was lifted up, and six giant creatures drilled out of the body.

They look like some kind of worms that have been magnified countless times, and their bodies are covered with several layers of sturdy fish-scale carapaces, which are tightly connected to prevent the underground sand and stones from cutting their muscles.

Their head…to be precise, the end of the body, in the shape of an olive,

The top is a protruding tri-cone threaded bit, and the side is an array of multi-cone bits,

The drills vary in size and shape, but they are all dull in color, making one wonder if this is a creature or a machine—after all, all drills work well, and no eyes or mouths are visible.

The burrowing worm is exposed on the surface, only a small part of one end of its body is exposed, but this part alone is comparable to a whole subway car.

The torrent of machine beasts instinctively bypasses the burrowing worm, and the silver torrent is like encountering a solid reef, dispersing and forking.

The burrowing worms did not actively attack the beasts (except for the ones that crashed and ran over when they burrowed out of the ground),

Instead, twist the body, crawl forward a distance, turn the drill, and drill back into the ground.

Leaving two wide tunnels that are dark and deep.


Immediately there was the sound of showers and footsteps in the tunnel, and a large number of hideous creatures climbed out of the underground tunnel.

They can be divided into two types as a whole, beast class and squire class.

Beasts are larger in size, have limbs and a long tail, strong and sturdy hind feet on the ground, and firearms on their front limbs (there are many types of firearms, some are purely composed of biological flesh and blood, some are built by human civilization, and some are useful and lost. made of world materials, as well as a mixture of various materials),

The tail is overall long and extremely narrowed at the tip.

The overall shape is similar to that of a Velociraptor.

These beast-level soldiers are covered with several layers of tough chitin mixed metal armor. There are a large number of dense and tiny holes in the gaps between the armors, which are responsible for heat dissipation and oxygen extraction.

Tens of thousands of beast-level soldiers rushed out of the tunnel at a speed comparable to a car (the long tail is responsible for maintaining the balance of the body),

Set up a formation at the entrance of the tunnel, pull the trigger of the gun towards the surrounding mecha beasts, and open fire.

Heavy bullets of various types flew through the air, and the surrounding beasts fell down like straws.

Only a very small number of machine beasts can step on the corpses of the same kind and rush to the front of the defense line.

The blade of an ordinary machine beast can cut through a layer of armor on the body of a beast-level soldier.

But the armor of the soldier’s body is controlled by muscles. Once it senses being cut, it will rapidly contract the muscles,

The armor on both sides is like iron pincers, firmly clamping the blade of the beast, preventing it from causing more damage.

From the tunnel, there is also a class of squire-level soldiers,

They are smaller, similar to medium to large dogs,

He also carried biological bone knives, sharp blades seized from mechanical beasts, and small firearms.

The number of squire-class soldiers is similar to that of the beast-class, they are agile and fast, and their running speed is faster than the latter,

Able to travel freely in the battlefield, use bone knives to cut or use firearms to break the limbs and joints of the beasts, causing them to fall to the ground paralyzed, and be trampled and crushed to death by the same kind behind.

Six fortress-level burrowing worms, meaning six tunnels.

Beast-level and squire-level soldiers constantly pouring out of the ground surround the entrance of the tunnel, like a reef, engulfing the torrent of surrounding beasts.

In conjunction with it, the long-range firepower of the worm nest——

In the city of the steel jungle, hundreds of large creatures called “heavy tanks” slowly crawled out.

The largest size of them is comparable to that of an elephant. They usually have six limbs. The hind limbs are strong and sturdy.

The smaller forelimbs rest on the ground for support and cushioning.

There are more than ten models of heavy armored soldiers, but they are generally used as artillery and tanks.

They usually have a single or double mounted heavy gun mounted on their back. The heavy gun is longer than the heavy armored soldier itself, and the barrel has no rifling inside. It is a smoothbore gun in a sense.

The main advantage of rifled guns with rifling in the barrel over smoothbore guns is that the rifling gives the warhead the ability to rotate, so that the warhead can still fly stably after being bored.

But in the face of the torrent of machine beasts that do not need to be aimed, and able to make a nest for evolution, a smoothbore gun with a higher chamber pressure and a relatively simple production is naturally selected.

The gun barrels of all the heavy armored soldiers are connected to the back. The exaggerated weight of the heavy armored class can absorb the recoil when the gun is fired, and the eight pairs of chimney-shaped organs on the dark carapace of the back can be used for heat dissipation and cooling. The role of the barrel.

Behind each heavy armored soldier, there are more than a dozen beast-level and squire-level soldiers.

They are responsible for loading various types of shells into the rear loading ports of the Heavy Soldier.

To deal with the sea of ​​machine beasts, there is no need to use shells such as armor-piercing shells,

More often used are grenades and biobursts – a kind of worm-like weapon like a mortar shell, shaped like a ball, with a solid appearance, which can automatically explode when fired and hit the target,

Destroy enemies with shock waves, chemical and gunpowder explosions, and shell fragments.

Occasionally fires special projectiles with corrosive gases.

Hundreds of heavy armorers fired in unison, and the ground was like a drumhead being beaten in a rush.

Shock, heave, shake.

The sand and dust were lifted by the shock wave, and the gravel and metal debris fell like rain,

The machine beast hit by the cannonball was smashed to pieces, and the same kind around the crater was also torn apart and buried in the mud.

A few robotic beasts, lucky and tough enough,

They broke through the heavy blockade of the squire-class and beast-class soldiers, and were not hit by the heavy rain of shells, roaring (some droids would make a voice like “Welcome to the garden area on the 42nd floor of the shelter”) Towards the steel city.

Bang bang bang!

Dense figures fell from the high-rise buildings outside the city,

The huge Guard-level soldier worm stopped in front of the heavy-armed level and opened fire at the beast, quickly extinguishing the enemy’s charge.

In the entire battlefield, the hive units are not without casualties,

The most numerous beasts and squires are sometimes swarmed by the fearless machine beasts and killed directly,

But its corpse will soon be recovered by some special insect hive units (workers and special grades), pulled into the dark tunnel, and disappeared.

Instead, more Soldier units.

The machine beasts that only fight with their bodies are still limited after all,

Have made a worm nest for evolution and adopted tactics, and quickly grasped the initiative on the battlefield,

The “seemingly endless” torrent of machine beasts was quickly divided and devoured.

As a security guard crouching on the back wall of the battlefield made a sharp cry, several other security guards began to move, landed in front of the beasts, slashed and drove the beasts with their blades, and stopped charging,

Turn into a pipeline at the rear of the battlefield, then retreat to give way.

On the battlefield, only the Hive units remain active.

Heavy tanks and guards slowly retreat to the depths of the city.

Beast-level and squire-level at the entrance of the tunnel, spread out, use firearms and biological bone knives to make up for those mechanical beasts that are not dead,

And a large number of workers crawled out of the tunnel to collect the corpses of the hive units,

And use the fangs and claws to cut the limbs of the machine beast and carry it to the ruins of the city.

Sweeping the battlefield, silent and silent,

It was so quiet that Nina in front of the screen felt a shudder from her soul.

“Zerg? Calamity?”

Jin took a deep breath and murmured, “What the **** is this?”

“Biological weapons.”

Eva said blankly: “Like the flying creature we’ve seen before. Purely for war, killing and devouring.

Look at the dead Zerg units, they are full of organs, muscles, bones,

There are no digestive and reproductive systems that occupy a large amount of capacity in the body of ordinary creatures.

The small probability is that I read it wrong, the high probability is that these insects have abandoned their digestion and reproduction functions,

Supported by other insects, it directly supplements biomass and energy,

The other types of bugs are also responsible for reproduction. “

“More ants than ants…”

Pei Youzhen murmured, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, “Could it be the ant king? I heard that he raised an army of biological weapons.”

“No, it can’t be him.”

The Qingxing Deng on the side looked gloomy and said in a low voice: “I have played against the ant king, and his own strength is only average. As for his biological weapon army?

It’s okay to bully a modern army without heavy weapons,

And this hundreds of thousands, millions of Zerg army is not on the same plane at all.

The gap is one in the sky and one in the ground. “

If it’s normal, Qingxing Deng will definitely use a playful tone to sneer at the ant king, one of the seven seas,

But now she has completely lost interest, and instead is overwhelmed by shock and fear.

Assuming that she falls into the center of the worm’s nest battlefield, facing the overwhelming artillery fire and the endless ocean of biological weapons, how long can she sustain?

Half an hour? Or fifteen minutes?

Maybe in less than ten minutes, she will be forced to use all the special effects of her equipment, use up most of the potions, and put every skill into the cooldown time…

Even worse,

In order to survive, I overused the ability of [Hannya Transformation], completely lost self-awareness, and turned into a demon with no mind and only killing instinct…

No, calm down, calm down.

Qing Xing Deng took a deep breath, forcing himself to wake up from his terrible imagination.

The biological weapons in the picture are not so scary,

The strongest point of the player is the mobility given by the strange skills,

Even if you can’t beat the mighty sea of ​​worms, you can always escape and retreat – just from this local war,

Insect sea units don’t seem to have ultra-high-speed maneuvering units…

Qingxing Deng slowly exhaled a turbid breath, without thinking about the most terrifying possibility: the worm nest may not show its true strength, and there are more terrible things hidden in the dark and dull large urban ruins.. .

“The detector is still there.”

Eva turned pale, pursed her lips tightly, glanced at the system detector in the corner of the basement, and said in a low voice, “Did you just show the screen to the camera?”


Nina nodded.

“That’s fine.”

Eva’s eyes drooped and her mind turned sharply. At this moment, the support team in the real world must be intensively analyzing the screen information and speculating on the source and combat power of those strange creatures.

Unfortunately, there is a gap between the lost world and the present world. Information can only go out but not in. They cannot accept the analysis results of the outside world…

“Where did these monsters come from? What do they do? What’s their status?”

Qin frowned and asked, “It’s the player’s summon,

A player from a foreign land,

Or a dangerous species that escaped from a secret testing ground in the Lost World?

Why do they conflict with the beasts and security guards? “

“It cannot be a summon.”

Qing Xing Deng said solemnly: “Even the Thousand-Mawed Beast Guild, which is best at taming monsters. Its leader, Mistletoe, ranked 23, can only summon five double-headed Chimera dragons at the same time.

Summons consume various values ​​of the user,

Hundreds of thousands of biological weapons on the battlefield are simply not something that players of this level can summon, not even the strongest players.

And looking at the behavior of those biological weapons, they will recover their own corpses and dismantle enemy parts. Obviously, they have a complete logistics system.

This is also contrary to the characteristic that summoning skills must have a maintenance time. “

Master Haifang thought for a moment, then said in a low voice, “Could that be the use of space to store equipment and bring it in from the outside world?”

“It is very, very unlikely.”

Qingxing Deng said expressionlessly: “The player’s backpack bar cannot store living creatures,

And those space equipment and props that can store living creatures,

Capacity is proportional to price,

But at most, it will not exceed the volume of a building.

The combined volume of all biological weapons definitely exceeds the building, and even biological weapons need to reserve space for storage, and it is impossible to fill them all—

Unless that space is used to store equipment, the zero-gravity and freezing functions are very thoughtfully installed, so that the creatures stored in it fall into dormancy and weightlessness, and will not crush each other due to their weight.

And, even if the storage problem is solved, how can the player solve the communication command?

I don’t think it’s possible for players at this stage to do it…”

Before she finished speaking, a crackling sound came from the control panel in Nina’s hand.


The screen suddenly turned black, startling several people, almost pulling out their weapons.

“A drone was attacked!”

Nina’s face changed abruptly, she pressed several times on the control panel, and moved the screen from drone No. 1 to No. 2, and then I saw it,

No. ① drone has been penetrated by a thorn nearly one meter long,

What attacked it was the swarm flying unit that Wind Chaser and others had seen before—a flying formation composed of more than a dozen scout soldiers, rushing over and grabbing the constantly smoking ① UAV,

Drag it to the ground and use its claws to smash the drone into eight pieces.

Eva hurriedly said, “Let the other one go away!”

Without the size of her companion, Nina pressed the button and ordered the drone No. 2 parked in the back to fully turn on the stealth function, and slowly fly to the rear at an extremely slow flight speed.

Fortunately, the drone No. 2 was parked relatively far back, and when we turned the corner, the scene of the battlefield could not be seen.

Jin couldn’t help but ask, “How was the first drone discovered?!”

“God knows.”

Eva said gloomily: “The wind noise caused by the propeller blades, the humming sound of the motor running, the heat radiation emitted by the motor, or the change in the position of the black cloud on the dome caused by the stirring of the propeller blades – the stealth function can’t block this. “

She turned her head to look at Nina and said softly, “Are you sure the signal from the portable communication device is in the middle of the battlefield?”

The latter shook his head, “It’s on the left edge of the city, but this drone alone cannot pass through the defense line…”

Suddenly, without any warning, the drone No. 2 passively shifted – a delicate whip composed of dozens of pieces of wood swept silently, hooked the drone’s fuselage, and moved backward. Pull hard.

The camera of the drone is spinning, and when it stabilizes again, it has already met several faces: it is Bai Haozheng, Qimian Xuantian, and Juzi with a wooden whip.

They were lurking in a large broken pipe, and when they saw the [Dragon-style support drone], their expressions changed slightly, and they must have recognized that it was Nina’s property.

I didn’t see Ju talent and Longchamp Leopard change…

Qing Xing Deng narrowed his eyes and took a half step back.

Bai Hao was thinking for a moment, waved his palm, released his mind power, and replaced the noise barrier that was destroyed by Juzi’s wooden whip just now. Looking at the drone camera, he said softly, “Is it the Indian special situation security department? I’m an intelligence analyst at the Special Affairs Administration, Bai Haozheng.”

Nina glanced at Eva, and after receiving a nod from the latter, she pressed the button of the control device and remotely projected her face on the screen of the Dragon-style support drone.

Bai Haozheng had also seen Wind Chaser and others before. The last time Wind Chaser recorded a program, he had been to Yin City.

The two sides breathed a sigh of relief after meeting each other. After briefly asking about the situation, Eva immediately asked the question, “Mr. Bai, where is Ju Tiancai? We received information before that he stayed with you. ..”


Bai Haozheng paused and said with a serious expression: “I’m sorry, Comrade Ju Tiantian was accidentally involved in the war between the Zerg and the Machine Beast half an hour ago,

Captured by the Zerg creatures occupying the 41st floor city ruins. “


The green lantern on the side raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.




Eva’s face changed suddenly, “Don’t the members of the special affairs bureau have emergency tactical suits?”


Bai Hao nodded and said in a low voice, “But the Zerg can release a high concentration of hypnotic gas to avoid the automatic surrender function of the emergency tactical suit.

We are now trying to find a way to rescue him…”

Qing Xing Deng is even more proud of herself. If you want to rescue Ju talent, then the other party will never have the energy to turn around to find Qing Xing Deng and the others.

Maybe the Qingxing Deng can fish in troubled waters, and use the Zerg to trap and eliminate these people from the Special Affairs Bureau…


Bai Hao said solemnly: “The people who were captured in the Zerg lair were not only Ju talent, but also the Longchamp Leopard Transformation from the Special Affairs Bureau, Chengying from the Sword Royal Court Guild, the Twilight Knight from the Royal Orthodox Knights, and the Magician. Litang Jianxue from Yuehuan, and Tsuchimikado from Hijima Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau…”

Qingxing Deng, who had been laughing happily when he heard the last name (“These idiots were served in a pot hahahaha”), turned abruptly.

Tsuchimikado is the son of a senior member of the Hijima Anomalous Affairs Investigation Bureau…


Hive City, Deep.

In the underground fortifications overgrown with bacterial creep, meat pieces, and exotic plants, the seven-brained worms each lie in their living pods, with a large number of conduits connected to the back of their brains.

Some conduits are responsible for feeding the brain worms and expelling waste materials,

Some conduits are connected to the worm nest biological factory, and in the form of neural signals, the status of the biological factory is directly reported to the brain worm – the latter can issue neural commands in the underground fortifications to remotely control the biological factory.

And now, these seven-brained worms are reporting their work to their creator and loving father.

“Captive Player…”

Lost in the upper echelons of the world, Li Ang thought silently, “What should I do…”

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