Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 798: Recording

From the perspective of the setting sun melting gold, the dust like moth scale powder released by the hive soldier bee in mid-air has all turned into some kind of extremely tiny insects that resemble ticks of the order Parasitic mites.

These insects have no wings and rely on their light weight to float in the wind,

Following Li Ang’s instructions, groups of groups exploded on their own, releasing a colorless poisonous gas spray in mid-air that penetrated directly into the fpu’s body through the skin.

Because the explosions of parasitic mites have a sequence, and only when the fpu absorbs the poisonous gas, will it cause damage.

Therefore, Li Ang can determine the range of the fpu body based on the time of each group’s release of poisonous gas, and even directly lock which body it is.


Li Ang said in a low voice, raised his arm, pointed his finger to the sky, and released a dissociation technique, blasting away the bullet rain at the front,

And his body, as soon as he stepped on the ladder formed by [Tiyun Vertical], jumped up like a cannonball, and instantly appeared in front of a certain fpu.

What happens when a ranged player is approached by melee?

Cut, chop, pierce…

[criticalhit! ], the fpu didn’t even have time to recall the shield energy carried by all the clones,

It was cut into more than ten pieces, and the body fragments still wearing a suit fell along with dripping blood.

【! ]

The system prompts the sound throughout the entire Lion City, and in the next second, the fpu’s stump, broken arm, all clones, and the bullets that fell from the sky disappeared.


The white coat with the leading head overlooks the entire battlefield. The Prometheus employees and the giants of light lost the meaning of their fight and stopped one after another. The Lion City fell into a strange silence.

Lee Ang hears a system prompt that will be automatically transmitted after a minute,

Raising his arm, he straightened the slightly skewed faucet mask, nodded to Xing Hechou below, and stood in mid-air to take out the automated pet breeding box disguised as a coffin.

The remaining insect hive soldiers consciously landed down, shrank their bodies, and let Li Ang put them back into the breeding box,

When the one-minute time limit expired, Li Ang disappeared, and the computer screen controlled by the Special Affairs Bureau and Prometheus employees suddenly turned black, and the PUBG client was automatically closed.

When it is turned on again, it has changed back to the normal interface.


In the real world, in Whale Song’s base, Sunset Rongjin, wearing a red and white plaid shirt, let out a long breath, turned to look at the other three partners, and asked, “How is it? This game.”

Ge Rong Luoxing, wearing a blue and white plaid shirt, smacked his mouth and gave his own judgment, “The gap is too big.”

“Too big?”

The black Trojan wearing a black and white t-shirt raised his eyebrows and said, “I think it’s relatively balanced.

fpu has the advantage of the field, and after a period of development, he also successfully caused 4 attacks on Li Risheng.

If Li Risheng hadn’t used a certain method to lock the position of the fpu in the end, he would have been hit by the bullet rain from the sky first, and he would have been directly sentenced to lose. “


[Iron Ingot Can Win] in a navy blue shirt pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, raised his eyes, and said lightly: “First of all, [Mirror Field Corridor] can arrange such a favorable venue for fpu,

Prove that the killing game itself thinks his odds against Li Risheng are very slim.

Secondly, Li Risheng still only used a few item skills, such as biological weapons, long lance, flying, dissociation, coffin with suspected pocket space, etc.

Comparing with lv20 players of the same level, there must be more trump cards that have not been used, so there is room to spare.

On the other hand, fpu uses a large number of weapons and equipment provided by Prometheus, and uses all the means,

At the last stage of the battle, even the clone array became a little chaotic, and it was no longer as orderly as before – this is obviously because the consumption of spiritual power and sanity is too high,

Can’t keep up with high-intensity combat.

If you drag it out for another minute, the fpu will probably drain itself first. “


The black Trojan nodded, Iron Ingot Nengying continued to say indifferently: “Again, did you find that there are slight differences in the shape, size, flight method, and attack method of each biological weapon summoned by Li Risheng.

Judging from the response of fpu, it should not be a product produced by Prometheus Labs itself.

It doesn’t seem to be the work of the gen-sys biotechnology company, or the Alliance of Demon Scientists – the biological weapons produced by large-scale forces, with a high probability of following the optimal combat plan, reducing costs and improving production efficiency.

It is rare to design dozens or hundreds of special models for one type of biological weapon, and design weapons and adjust the flight attitude for each type individually.

Considering that Li Risheng is also the manager of the Unscalable Furnace, he has the means of biological modification.

These biological weapons may have been made by him. “


Black Trojan said in amazement: “Isn’t he a combat player?”

Tie Ding Neng Ying glanced at him and said lightly: “Narrow.

Can’t melee players use summon type skills?

Can’t logistics, support, and summoning players be good at melee combat?

Now the tenth ranked David from the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Division is still a medical player,

Does this affect him chopping melons and vegetables all the way, killing all opponents with a chain knife? “


Black Trojan rolled his eyes and thought for a while, and finally nodded.

The four programmers fell into silence collectively, imagining if it was themselves who entered the [realm cloister] instead of the fpu, would it be possible to survive under Li Risheng, or even defeat the latter.

The four of them have successfully advanced to the second stage, and they have received further support from the whale song organization, and their strength has been improved in the long run.

In order to exercise the actual combat ability, and also to avoid being sniped by identity disclosure,

The superiors of Whale Song provided them with the address of the stronghold and called them together in the real world – Whale Song’s power system does not have an advantage in the arena battle. Except for the Jin Ge iron horse group, there are only other Several teams advanced to the second stage,

As a result, the status of Jin Ge Tie Ma and others in the organization has been further improved.

“I always feel like I can’t beat it.”

Ge Rong Luoxing scratched his hair and said in anguish: “Judging from the video of this match, Li Risheng’s physical strength is not at the same level as an ordinary lv20 player.

My movements may be as slow as a turtle in his eyes,

Unless the distance is more than a thousand meters, I may not even have a chance to shoot. “


The black Trojan nodded with a heavy nod, “The clothes he is wearing have an exaggerated defense capability, and ordinary energy attacks will not even be recognized as a valid hit by the system.”

“I’m fine,”

The sunset melting gold with an ancient and handsome face said slowly: “If there is no interference from biological weapons, melee combat will probably have a winning rate of about 20%.

However, this is assuming he has no more cards.

It’s a real fight…

The win rate may be 10% or less. “

“It’s good to have 10%.”

Iron Ingot Won said lightly: “I estimate that Li Risheng’s current strength is still ranked 60th or even higher on the personal combat power rankings.

The help provided by the Wushou Furnace shop is no less than the support provided by the major forces to the contestants under their own names. “

“At least sixty…”

Ge Rong Luoxing took a deep glanced at the camera in front of the computer screen and asked, “Have we recorded the game? What should I do with this video?

Should it be sealed, or sold on the black market? “

“Archive it.”

Sunset Molten Gold stood up and said calmly: “In addition to us, the people from the Secret Service and Prometheus must have also recorded the video of this game.

However, they will not spread the video, but want to hide Li Risheng’s battle information and let Li Risheng help them fight other competitors.

We don’t need to risk being discovered by Li Risheng and the relationship between the two sides deteriorated to be this villain in order to sell the odds and ends of the battle records. “


The black Trojan nodded, clicked the mouse, saved the recording file, and unplugged the USB flash drive from the host computer.

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