Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 738: The Rat King


The hallway floor, trembling with high frequency,

The dust and ash on the walls fell, like smoke and mist, and under the flickering lights on both sides of the wall, a fine silk-like light curtain was woven.

The rustling sound of rustling sounded at the end of the stairwell, as if a large number of rodents were crawling and rushing.

“Here it is.”

Bai Hao’s face is expressionless, his body is deep like a sea of ​​thought power slowly tossing and turning, as thick and huge as cumulonimbus clouds, bred with thunderstorms.

The spirit vision guards placed at both ends of the corridor uttered a sharp chirping, changing from an invisible spirit state to a blood-red spherical fog-this indicates that the spirit vision guards detected a profound hostility and a very high-intensity energy response.

The epidemic doctor has a long staff, with green ripples centered on the feet and spreads around the ground,

Players washed by the ripples felt light, and the musculoskeletal delivered a relaxed and pleasant feedback.

【Increase Resistance】

【Life Support】


【Protection of good and evil】

In addition to the emergency medical treatment in the field, the epidemic doctor will also use several priest magic techniques – magic techniques do not necessarily need to be dedicated to a specific **** or gods, and borrow power from the gods,

With the help of the original energy contained in nature (that is, primitive shamans, druids),

Or use the sacred meaning of the oath to tap your own spiritual power (the stricter the oath rules, the more severe the punishment, and the more power you currently get. Similar to the big oath, the closed mantra, the ten commandments of the knight),

Can also perform divine spells.

The players who got the buff were refreshed, and the epidemic doctor’s face was a little pale,

His right hand holds the handle of the staff, maintaining the magical output,

The left hand reaches into the coat and takes out a bottle of dark green potion from the coat,

The fingernail of the thumb “popped” and pried off the cork,

Hold up the medicine bottle, ton ton ton ton, and drank the potion.

Medical skills generally consume a lot of spiritual power, sanity, physical strength, as well as mental power and concentration without numerical value,

If a medical professional player wants to persevere in a long-term high-intensity battle, he usually needs to drink dozens or even hundreds of potions with different effects.

Some of the potions sold in the system mall can take effect only by making a drinking action, without actually drinking it.

And other potions in the mall, as well as potions made by players in different guilds, all need to be drunk.

In addition, some mysterious potions also require the user to lift the medicine bottle and let the potion pass through the esophagus and enter the stomach – making it impossible for the player to inject the potion directly into the blood vessel through the catheter.

The superposition of various factors has resulted in auxiliary players (including but not limited to doctors) having a good appetite and a good amount of alcohol,

A potion, no matter what taste or composition, can be sipped in one gulp.

A pound and a half of liquor, beer can be poured freely,

Youth is dedicated to the small wine table, drunk life and dream death is to drink.

Some auxiliary players who did not significantly transform their bodies, even drinking too many potions for each script mission, are not easy to excrete during battles,

I specially prepared a pack of large-capacity adult diapers and put them in the pants…

As for whether the epidemic doctor wears…

This belongs to the mysterious and mysterious quantum observation problem.

With a wave of the epidemic doctor’s hand, the glass bottle and cork disappeared, and he burped violently,

Diffuse the hallway with the fragrant grassy smell,

The green ripples that enveloped the players became more intense.


The next second, the stairwell doors on both sides of the corridor on the twelfth floor were slammed open,

The darkness that blocked the light was like a huge shadow, like a flood, from both sides of the corridor, rushed in,

There is a constant screeching noise, as if the screams of countless beasts overlap.


The Rat King.

Wanli Fengdao took a deep breath, his scalp tingling.

The so-called rat king is not the king of rats, nor is it a specific monster,

It is a special phenomenon in which the tails of multiple mice are entangled together,

In the Middle Ages, large groups of rats were seen moving together,

Most of these mice are brown mice or black mice. Due to the low temperature in winter, the mice huddle together for warmth.

The hair on the tail fuses with food, feces, sebaceous gland secretions, sewage and other substances to form an adhesive,

Tie the mice’s tails tightly, the more they struggle, the tighter the tails entangle each other,

Finally tied into a very complicated knot, which made all the individuals in the group unable to break free,

It can only form a giant group of mice, moving in an irregular circle,

Looks twisted and weird, sickly disgusting,

Disgusting, there is no “king” temperament – even more terrifying is that the rat king does not end with the death of an individual,

The dead rat’s body is still firmly attached to the rat king group,

Slowly decayed, covered with maggots, but still following this huge and complex group, moving and crawling.

The largest ever specimen of the “Rat King”, consisting of thirty-two rats dating back two centuries, is now preserved in the Altenburg Museum, Thuringia, Germany,

And now, at this moment, the rat king who appeared at the end of the corridor on the twelfth floor of the Dolphin Hotel,

How many mice are there?

The number of knives in the ten thousand miles can’t be counted.

Dark as ink, the huge shadows pouring out from both ends of the corridor are composed of countless distorted mice with pointed mouths and gills,

They fill the hallway space,

The tails are tightly entwined, regardless of each other,

Both eyes were red, two exposed upper incisors were covered with brown-yellow tartar,

The viscous saliva dripping down from the mouth exudes an unspeakable stench.

The mouse at the bottom, struggling to move its short limbs, bears the same kind of hardship above, and moves forward,

But they are still too slow,

The bloodthirsty impulse has dominated all the rats in the rat king group,

The rat entrenched above, mercilessly trampling on the body of the same kind below, screaming and sprinting forward,

Until myself, I was also overwhelmed by the subsequent swarms of mice.


The Black Holy Son shouted, and raised the dark-gold tome in his left hand,

The classics automatically turn to a certain page without wind,

The Black Son speaks extremely fast, reciting his mysterious incantations.

Without his reminder, Wanli Fengdao and Yu Yi, who were sitting behind the machine gun, had already pulled the trigger.

The muzzle burst into blue flames,

A consecrated standard caliber 7.62x51mm heavy bullet with an average of 1.19 game coins swirls and shoots out, turning into a metal chain that spreads death.


The dull and loud gunshot, so soft in the deafening screeching of the Rat King,

Wanli Fengdao felt the terrifying recoil of the machine gun shaking his shoulders, gritted his teeth, and let the bullets swept back and forth.

The frontmost group of rats rolled and fell out like wheat ears swept by a sickle,

Black blood is like a rose, blooming little by little,

The next second, it was engulfed by more shadows.

This group of rats is made of flesh and blood and negative energy,

The body is not so tough,

The fired heavy machine gun bullets can deal full damage, rubbing it to death, and hurting it if you touch it.

The rain of arrows shot by Liu Wulan,

Spider mines, pendulum traps, serrated scythes installed in hallways with mules,

Also easily strangles a large swarm of rats.

But there are too many.

There are just too many.

The two machine guns have been firing at full efficiency for three minutes, and the special effects bullets are about to bottom out, but they still haven’t killed the rat king,

Even the number of opponents doesn’t seem to have decreased by a single point.

The black saint continued to chant the incantation, causing a large number of purple half-solid tentacles to grow on the floor of the corridor, weaving into a net, and blocking the group of rats,

Li Risheng took out ten bags of material raw materials in his backpack and made a ten-meter-long metal mace. He stood in the diamond circle and rotated the body.

Let the spikes on the mace strangle the rats.

The plague doctor who drank several large bottles of potion also paused the output of divine magic. With a long staff in one hand, he took out bottles and jars from his coat and smashed them at the rats.

Release the poisonous mist, and the poison is poured out.

Thanks to the efforts of the players, the swarming rat king group is always limited to five meters outside the outer circle of the King Kong.

Materials are consumed, spiritual power is reduced, skills and equipment are cooled, and muscles begin to feel sore.

“It can’t go on like this.”

Black Saint Son swung a short snake-shaped blade, splitting the bodies of dozens of mice in the air, and black blood splattered, “The mission guide says that every time a life in any form is destroyed in the Dolphin Hotel, the Get 500 experience points and game currency,

We’ve killed so many rats and haven’t received any kills,

And after these mice died, their bodies would melt quickly.

They are not real life,

Like the stationery monster Yui had met before, it was a created puppet. “

“Alien strength changed.”

Li Ang waved his mace and swept away a large number of rats, and then pulled back the mace to see that the spikes on it had been corroded and melted by blood and negative energy, which was embarrassing and useful.

This corrosion effect is about to catch up with the black oily object on the scary old man,

Is the Rat King a pet of the latter? Or alien relatives?

Li Ang’s hand flashed with electric light, and alchemy was activated instantly. He turned the mace into a slightly smaller knife, and stabbed the rat group to continue killing.” According to Judy Cecil before,

The Rat King will consist of at most twenty or thirty rats, bloodthirsty and cruel, and will actively pursue humans, but their IQ is not high, and they can be blocked by closing the door.

The current rat population has obviously increased countless times, or they have been completely unrestricted,

Either get the new power that the hotel offers.

Maybe it has something to do with us leaving our floor and gathering here.

One thing for sure is that staying on a dead floor will not prevent anomalous attacks. “

“What should we do then? We can’t be evacuated at this time, right? It’s still far from the safe time of the elevator. Once dispersed, the defense line will be broken down immediately.”

Wanli Fengdao put down the machine gun that had been fired with bullets, and rushed to the back of the diamond circle, pulled out the Dragon Sword, and released the sword energy with the impacting rat king wave,

Unfortunately, the ground wall of the Dolphin Hotel has its own special property of absorbing energy. The sword energy can only fly forward less than ten meters, and it will be weakened into a refreshing breeze.

The same is true for spells and divine arts.

“The energy attribute of the Rat King is very strange, and there is no way to recycle it with an array.”

Bai Hao, who was pressing the ground with both hands, raised his head and said calmly, “On my own, and counting the remaining medicine, I can last for another thirty minutes.”

The number of rat kings is almost endless. Eight players work together to block each other in the middle of the corridor as much as possible.

However, there are still a few lucky mice that pass through the layers of blockade every second, slamming into the arc-shaped translucent light curtain of the diamond ring, and being burned to slag,

At the same time, dense ripples like raindrops falling on the surface of a lake appear on the golden light curtain.

“The rat king is not a real life, it must have a central command system like a telencephalon.

Killing it kills the Rat King. “

In the mule’s horse head mask, there is a muffled voice buckled on the gas mask (the rat king is so stinky), “I have a skill,

According to a large piece of flesh and blood on the opponent’s body,

Locate each other’s exact location of all immediate family members in the world.

In the process of locking, you must devote yourself to it, and you must not be attacked or disturbed, and there must not be any hostile targets within a radius of 15 meters.

I’m here to find the Rat King Center, you protect me. “


Liu Wulan, who was standing next to her, did not ask why the mule said that he had a way at this time (it is estimated that the side effects and limitations of this skill are great, and it is not easy to say it out – no player hopes that they have one that can be found. teammates in his family account book),

He directly used an arrow equipped with a robotic arm to catch a live mouse from outside the diamond circle, put it in a glass bottle, handed it to the mule, and stood in front of the mule, pulled the bow and pulled the string, and released it. The burst arrows suppressed the swarming rat king for a distance.

Now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope,

No need to say more,

Other players have increased their output levels, released skills, enabled equipment, and suppressed the mice to death.

Do not let the fish that slip through the net approach the diamond circle.

One minute,

Two minutes,

The mace in Li Ang’s hand was corroded into a sword, and from the sword into a spear,

His swamp power is limited by the Dolphin Hotel, and the plant vines he spawned cannot exceed ten meters from his body,

Bioweapons spawned from vines are also not easy to use – whether it is to produce venom or explosive substances,

In essence, it needs to be deducted from Li Ang’s body mass,

The material materials of the Dolphin Hotel cannot be used, and the currently besieged environment also determines that he cannot get soil from the [Automated Pet Breeding Box].

Li Ang’s battle is a battle of quality and resources,

The Rat King in front of me is probably just a strange vanguard in the corridor of the Dolphin Hotel,

The terrifying old man, the old woman in red, and other highly threatening aliens have not yet appeared…

“Found it!”

The mule, holding the glass bottle in his left with his right index finger into the mouth of the bottle and pressing the live mouse, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction at the left end of the corridor,

“It’s in the ceiling ventilation duct!”


The wallpaper on the edge of the wall seems to shake,

The Cataclysm Setting Sun Mechanical Golem ripped off the invisibility cloak covering it, and raised its arms toward the left side of the corridor, with crimson energy beams in its hands.


The beam of light melted the dense rat king group, tearing a circular gap at the top of the rat king, and the air was filled with the fragrant barbecue aroma, slightly diluting the rotten stench.

Bai Hao’s sword hilt suddenly extended out of the beam stabbing sword, he kicked the ground, and the electric shot burst out.

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