Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 729: Mask


In a corner of a room, a scarlet figure was hunched over his back, leaning against a long-handled naginata, huddled in the darkness.


The scarlet figure mumbled, as if chewing something while muttering repeated words.


The saliva dripped from the corner of the mouth and dripped on the carpet,

The slender figure sitting on the sofa in the living room frowned in dissatisfaction and said nothing.

Chew, chew, suck.

The scarlet figure threw a leftover thigh bone on the ground at will. Judging from the skeletal structure of the thigh bone, it was the left leg of an adult human male.


The scarlet figure licked its skinny fingers, turning around slowly like a beast,

Bright eyes, staring straight at the figure sitting on the sofa in the living room, the eyes gradually covered with a layer of primitive appetite.

“Calm down.”

The figure, glanced at the door that was blocked by layers, turned his head and looked at the scarlet figure calmly, “It’s not yet time for you to appear.”


The rickety figure in the scarlet red dress seemed to have not heard the other party’s words, the throat kept twitching, and the palms full of deep wrinkles were rubbing the hilt of the naginata back and forth.

The slender figure frowned slightly, raised his left hand, and sandwiched a remote control panel between his fingers. There was only one button on the panel, “Calm.”

Saw the hunched figure of the button, gradually calmed down, holding the naginata in silence, like a deformed and ugly little statue.


The slender figure breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put the button down, with vigilance and caution hidden in his eyes, and slowly said: “Now, it’s not time for you to eat.”


There is something wrong with this mission.

In room 0610, the epidemic doctor is facing the mirror, holding a thin scalpel and shaving his cheeks.

The blade gently peeled off a flesh-colored film as thin as a cicada’s wings, revealing the pitted face below, covered with charred corrosion marks.


The epidemic doctor sighed lightly, took out the ointment from the backpack, and gently smeared it on the face,


A puff of smoke rose from the wound,

The strong pain made the corners of the doctor’s eyes twitch, and a little sweat oozes from his palms.

He was relieved to see those wounds begin to heal faster.

The rotting old creature with a bag that appeared in room 0608 last night should be the alien wandering in the corridors of the Dolphin Hotel,

The other party left a lot of psychological shadow on the epidemic doctor, so that the epidemic doctor moved out of 0608 tonight and lived in 0610 in the next room——

There are still a lot of dark ink marks left in the room 0608,

Those inks have long dried up, but the ghosts continue to emit a rancid smell.

God knows if that “thing” will come out of the ink trail tonight.

The epidemic doctor re-bandaged the wound, put the mirror in his backpack, and muttered to himself, “I don’t know what happened to Yuyi…”

The epidemic doctor actually knew Yui in the ninth section of the Japanese Island Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau,

After solving the script task of Ibaraki Middle School, the epidemic doctor followed his agreement with an earthbound spirit named “Hanako” in the script and went to Hijima to solve the other party’s last wish.

It was very smooth at the beginning, the epidemic doctor successfully fulfilled Hanako’s last wish,

But when he was about to leave Tokyo, he was discovered by the Hijima Anomaly Investigation Bureau.

The epidemic doctor originally thought that he would be detained and judged by the other party,

Or directly tied to the small dark room, killed, robbed the player’s qualifications,

He even prepared to hold on to the slightest hope and notify the Special Affairs Bureau through the friend communication, hoping that the Special Affairs Bureau could protect him,

(Before going to Ridao, the epidemic doctor went to the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau to register a bounty hunter license and obtained the contact information of the Special Affairs Bureau)

Unexpectedly, the Hishima Anomalous Affairs Investigation Bureau did not treat him well. After investigating the truth of the matter,

Symbolically let the epidemic doctor pay a fine of game currency, and then let him out,

And some noble families, Onmyoji families, and dignitaries came to make friends with him, invited him to a banquet, and treated him as a guest.

This is not a problem with the Japanese people,

The epidemic doctor is a bounty hunter who has signed a contract with the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau. Dealing with him without authorization may cause disputes.

And the epidemic doctor himself is a very rare medical professional player. His medical skills can also be used in the real world, and can treat various intractable diseases.

The old and frail wealthy naturally hoped to maintain a good relationship with the epidemic doctor and let him help cure the disease-even the wealthy, at that time, it was difficult for themselves and the members of their huge family to have a bottle of miniature life potion. .

This bizarre experience can be written in a book

“The city of rebirth, the supreme doctor, the fairy, the magician, the holy doctor, the school flower, the idol star, fell in love with me”

Long form.

The epidemic doctor accepted high-level courtesy, was treated as a guest, and accepted the protection of the Japanese Island Abnormal Affairs Investigation Bureau – that’s how he and Yui knew each other.

“Unfortunately… the hotel’s settings make it impossible for players to walk through the floors at will, otherwise the unique power system in Yu Yi’s heart, combined with my skills, will be very strong,

No fear of any player in this mission,

Even if it’s an ordinary script boss, her team and I have the confidence to win the duel. “

The epidemic doctor shook his head regretfully, and re-adhered the cleaned face mask to his face, and carefully used a scalpel to smooth out the folds at the adhesive.

He turned his head and glanced at the clock on the wall, “It’s 11:55…it’s curfew soon.

I hope nothing happens tonight…”


The sound of falling water droplets.

Clear, close to the ear.

The epidemic doctor was stunned, and a long wooden staff instantly appeared in the palm of his hand. A dark green halo rose under his feet, and he released spells alternately.

Watch out for possible attacks.


The sound of water drops sounded again,

My face is itchy.

The epidemic doctor subconsciously stretched out his left hand and wiped his cheek,

I didn’t expect that the facial skin rubbed by the fingers would fall off easily like dead skin, and hang on the fingers lightly,

Like the flattened, wrinkled dry dough black water dripping from the potholes on the face, more and more, accumulating on the carpet,

Corrodes the carpet to a creaking sound.

The epidemic doctor only felt that his whole body was soaked by a chill, and he hurriedly applied recovery buffs, healing spells, ointments, and bandages to himself.


The wound on the face continued to spew black liquid, and the blood volume became larger and larger, like a faucet opened to the largest, splashing recklessly,

Wherever I pass, the steam fills.

What’s the matter…

The epidemic doctor trembled and stumbled towards the door,

His fingers were stuck in the wound on his face. At this time, the black water had corroded and melted his flesh, leaving only bones.

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