Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 660: Kirby (Quad K)

“What the **** is this…”

In the high altitude of the **** track, a special reporter, Shoting Maruben, who is driving a hoverbike, glides past. The camera mounted on the back of the motorcycle automatically rotates and focuses, aiming at the road below.

The originally vast and flat desert has no sign of its existence,

Brightly colored plants grow everywhere.

The fluffy lichen moss covers the sand and gravel in large areas, blending with the fluffy mycelium,

The green fern is relatively low, and its triangular leaves sway in the wind,

The most obvious differences in the size of the fungi range from saprophytic slime molds of a few centimeters to giant mushrooms as tall as trees.

There is a strong rancid smell in the air, and there is still a bit of strong stinky sweetness.

It seems that this is no longer a normal world,

It’s a wriggling, unfamiliar, unknown surface of a living planet.

Shemei Maruwen pulled up the airbike in time to avoid the dense fog that rose with the air flow below – it was not pure fog,

The intelligent AI mounted on the motorcycle head has warned that the essence of white mist is actually small droplets with a large number of infected spores. Once inhaled,

Like those unlucky riders, they will be parasitic and cough up fungal powder between their breaths.

Thinking of this, Sheming Wanwen couldn’t help but sigh,

Everything on the track was made by those NPCs from GTA5 games,

They first destroyed the chariots of the fighter team, and then sprayed countless spores, turning the track into an exotic mushroom that stretched for an unknown number of kilometers,

Riders at the rear didn’t know what to say at first,

Attempting to traverse a foreign land, the end result is parasitism of all members,

The metal chariot was eroded into slag,

The rider who was coughing up spores had to abandon the car, abstained and waited for the rescue of the medical team.

Those dear friends who do not believe in evil and do not surrender,

In the end, brightly colored mushrooms grew on the surface of the face, torso and even eyelids,

Experts from the medical team believe that if they delay for a while, they can be thrown directly into a hot pot and made into a pot of delicious mushroom soup.

No matter what other people think, if a certain magician named “Mistuyu” is here, she will be very happy–Shemeimaruwen thinks so.

In short, this kind of behavior is still not a foul, the track itself has not been greatly damaged, and the spores that are scattered everywhere have been identified and are also within the driver’s personal ability.

After the complaints were unsuccessful, in order to continue to participate in the race, the following drivers had to choose to temporarily put aside their quarrels and work together to catch up with the dominant competitors in front.

Dr. Gordon Freeman, along with Nick Ramos and several other builders, used scrap materials to build a sterilizing, spore-isolating body frame,

And each rider is equipped with a respirator and isolation suit.

Afterwards, the remaining dozen or so chariots formed a phalanx and rushed into the Spore Exotic.

“These spores are very special.”

Gordon Freeman’s indifferent voice, through the in-vehicle radio, rang on other tanks, “Encountering an environment suitable for breeding, such as moist soil, flesh and skin, wood plants, etc.,

They will grow desperately, and after about a dozen division cycles, they will automatically die. “

“You mean they have a lifespan and die automatically?”

In another tank, the Master Chief in Quake armor said hoarsely. His tone was calm (a silent mute in the game), but his heart was up and down.

Spore Exotic, reminded him of the Flood Zerg he encountered in his game world a long time ago,

The two are very different in form, but the greedy nature of erosion, parasitism, infection, and spread is very similar.


Gordon Freeman said lightly: “This should be the limit set by the creator of the spores to prevent the spores from spreading endlessly.

And if it falls on the surface of the environment that has no nutrients and is not suitable for growth at all, such as metal, ice, etc.

Spores can also grow at a slower rate.

This should be the supernatural power remaining in the spore, acting as a nutrient, allowing the spore to continue to expand in an unsuitable environment. “

Gordon Freeman paused for a moment, then said slowly: “All of the above don’t seem like subtle magic,

It is more like a primitive divine creature, which is roughly releasing divine power according to biological instinct.

In this release method, the divine power will follow the essential properties,

Divine power with different attributes has different effects, such as healing wounds, eavesdropping on fine sounds from thousands of miles away, or traveling through space and reaching another world.

However, one thing remains the same,

That is, the total amount of divine power is limited.

The other party hasn’t really become a god, at best it’s just a divine creature, and the divine power that he can hold in his body is limited,

To create and maintain such a large area of ​​exotic land is bound to be a huge consumption for him.

If I guess right, there’s nothing He can do as long as we get through here…

Be careful, there is a sturdy mushroom forest ahead, probably set by the other party to slow us down. “

“I’ll do it.”

Saber’s voice sounded in the PA system,

King Arthur and her lion costume avatars drilled out of the two isolation doors, each holding a sword of vowed victory, and once again released the magic light cannon.


Wherever the sword light went, the mushroom rainforest collapsed and disintegrated.


Sure enough, I can only get here…

Donkey Kong, with an unpeeled banana in his mouth, swerved the steering wheel and turned a corner.

The blue mushroom head Chinobio, who pulled the door and used materials to build traps outside the car, got up and returned to the passenger seat,

Shakes his head toward Donkey Kong.

The materials in Super Mario Maker have been exhausted and cannot affect Kratos further behind.


The sound of the engine in the rear is getting closer and closer, and the Chaos Chariot is chasing,

Donkey Kong turns the steering wheel desperately, allowing the vehicle to drift left and right, avoiding the sweeping chaotic double edge.

There are still fifty kilometers to the finish line, but Kratos on the Chaos Chariot can tear them to shreds in less than five seconds.


Donkey Kong took a deep breath, and the downy orangutan had a quiet and deep expression on his face.

He and Kinobio looked at each other, their eyes full of determination.

Go home,

Despite everything, I want to go back to my hometown.


Donkey Kong held the steering wheel with his left hand, turned around, looked at the back of the carriage, and hammered his chest with his right hand.

It’s all up to you.

As the car rolls through a bend again, the hot sun shines through the windows, illuminating the corner of the car, the last occupant.

A pink sphere with eyes and mouth, short hands and feet, and bright blush.

The protagonist of the “Kirby Star” series, a cute creature with a height of twenty centimeters, Kirby.

Kirby stood up slowly, looking at Donkey Kong and Kinobio who looked resolute,

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

It understands what sacrifices these two companions made,

It also understands what kind of mission it needs to undertake.

If this is what you want, then let’s get started.

Kirby opened his mouth slowly, and a nameless suction force came out of his body, and the scattered objects in the carriage flew sideways, and were finally caught by the strong wind and inhaled into Kirby’s body.

Donkey Kong’s hair flutters in the wind,

He slowly loosened his grip on the steering wheel, and bit by bit, unfastened his seat belt,

Close your eyes,

Slipped into a tearful Kirby’s mouth with Chinobio.

Kirby’s innate skill is to devour the enemy and possess the enemy’s special ability,

This might look cute and cute in a pixel game,

But in the real world, it looks so scary and evil.

Click it.

Kirby shuts his mouth, and the storm that ravaged the carriage stopped abruptly.

Tears rolled down her round cheeks,

It can feel the power of the two companions who belong to the same game character, flowing wildly in the body.


Blades of Chaos slashed at the unmanned chariot again, tearing the entire trunk door of the vehicle, and the gust of wind swept into the cabin, swept away tears from Kirby’s cheeks.

Kratos, who was standing on the roof of the car, seemed to realize something, withdrew the Chaos Dual Blades, frowned, and was extremely vigilant, and did not continue to attack.


Kirby turns around slowly, Donkey Kong’s brown fluff has grown on his cheeks,

The original clear and clear eyes no longer contain innocence and kindness, only hatred and murderous intent.

Ready for Kirby’s wrath?


“Are you catching up so soon…”

The sunset melted gold sitting on the passenger seat of the distortion chariot, looking at the dazzling light in the rearview mirror, the dazzling light in the distance, and muttered to himself.

The Leviathan at this time has devoured several vehicles,

Compared with before, it is very different,

The hull swelled several times, almost three or four times larger than a conventional main battle tank,

The color of the exterior of the body has also changed to bright red, green and black.

Honestly, the experience of sitting in the Leviathan was not bad,

After eating a few cars and getting rich in materials, Li Ang got the brainworm online with massage chairs, air conditioners, humidity regulators and other devices, bringing a good ride experience to several teammates,

It’s just that the mental pressure is still relatively high.

“Is only black tea OK?”

“Is there a need for melon seed beverage mineral water?”

“Put your feet up, thank you for your cooperation.”

In the back seat of the spacious car, a group of long-legged caterpillars with compound eyes and nerve cords behind their heads crawled around in the car,

They are the maintenance workers in the Leviathan, responsible for assisting the brainworm, repairing and debugging the chariot,

Sometimes I also take on the job of a flight attendant,

Sweep up the trash and gently ask the passengers what they need.

“Is only black tea OK? Is only black tea OK? Is only black tea OK?”

The long-legged caterpillar climbed on the knees of the sunset’s molten gold, holding a drinking cup removed from other chariots in its short chest feet,

While making repeated high-pitched noises,

While spitting out a sticky saliva smelling of black tea from the fang-filled ring mouthpart, it filled the drink cup.

The IQ of the brain worm is currently only the level of a five-year-old human,

The maintenance worm it manages is certainly not as intelligent as that,

Ignoring the aggrieved expression on Sunset Rongjin’s face, he forcibly shoved the drink cup into his hand.


Sunset Rongjin really wants to throw the cup of caterpillar saliva out of the window, but considering that this may cause the caterpillars to harass again, let’s forget it…

The Twilight Knight is still driving the vehicle,

The performance of the new distortion chariot far exceeded his expectations. Not only was the speed far exceeding the top sports cars in the human world, but the driving feeling was also top-notch.

Slightly turn the steering wheel or adjust the gear, and all parts of the whole car will cooperate,

It can be said that people and vehicles are one.

But his mind was not on this,

Through the rearview mirror, he glanced at the sunset and the witch behind him,

The three of them did not talk in tacit understanding, but there was one thing in their eyes.

Their teammates, divine,

And the degree of development of divinity is not low.

No matter how you promote the power of human beings, there is always a difference between any gods. Even the lowest-level gods have a higher level of life essence than mortal races.

“Black Trojan has written several reports before about what he knows about Li Risheng.”

Sunset Rongjin thought silently: “I didn’t expect that Li Risheng was hiding deeper than the black Trojan knew,

Being a lone wolf player not only possesses divinity, but also has his own portable followers.

However, it seems that there is still a long way to go before igniting the divine fire and forging the kingdom of God? “

“If a divine creature wants to become a god, it is not enough to be divine,

You have to have your own temples, churches, books, etiquette, and a large number of believers. Only by accumulating divine power over the years can you ignite the divine fire. “

The witch thought in her heart: “In modern society, it is very difficult to breed the soil that can confer gods.

But if he is a member of a large organization, he may be able to go to Africa, South America and other backward and chaotic regions, circle a piece of land, and promote himself for a long time.

I heard that one of the seven seas in Brazil followed the route of believing in gods.

In addition, it seems that becoming a traffic idol can also collect divine power,

Fantou is a priest, a support website is a temple, a fan ranking is a worship, a fan’s Twitter message is a prayer, an idol’s concert is a god’s grace…

Damn, I remember that the fat man Bass seems to have mistakenly posted the “Modern Idol Religion Guide to Gods Revised Edition” written by himself in the chat group…”

The perch the witch was talking about was another disciple in the syndicate,

That man is a fat man, and is extremely bad at dealing with women, but in private he seems to be a sullen, **** salamander who likes to send anime emojis?

Witches and perch are completely unfamiliar,

I just heard that the latter, as one of the syndicate disciples, not only did not devote himself to the exercise of improving his ability,

Also indulged in the ordinary life of the past,

Wandering around anime forums and websites all day long,

And two-dimensional, stand-alone, mobile game QQ groups.

The article “Modern Idol Beliefs and Conferred Gods Guide-Revised Edition” was just a random chatter that the perch had nothing to do,

First posted on a game forum,

Then mistakenly redirected to the chat group where the Syndicate disciples belonged.

The content of that article is half-truth,

Looks like nonsense,

In fact, the process is completely in line with the basic logic of mysticism,

If there are really extraordinary people to actually operate, maybe they can really use their modern idol status to make a god.

After the incident, the perch, who posted extraordinary content on the mortal forum without authorization, was naturally scolded by the previous disciples, brothers and sisters,

However, I was personally rewarded and encouraged by the professor who heard the news, saying that his article was very feasible for practical operation,

The day will bring the perch a share of divinity and let him experiment.

Past memories flow through my mind,

The witch blinked,

Should, maybe, maybe, I could use the perch’s article to make a deal with this Li Risheng?

He should be interested in this new way of believing and conferring gods…

“What’s that?!”

The astonishment of the setting sun melting gold interrupted the witch’s thoughts,

She looked forward and gasped.


There was another explosion sound from the rear, and dozens of chariots, led by Saber, rushed out of the Spore Exotic.

“Finally out.”

Claude sighed and locked his gaze on the distortion chariot not far ahead, “This time, I won’t let you escape again!”

Before he finished speaking, Claude felt that the front was dark,

A huge, obscuring shadow blocks all sunlight and spills coolness on the ground.

It’s a super-giant mountain-like Kirby with furry orangutan arms.

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