Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 627: surfing

After the last match, the one-armed giant, who was completely incapacitated, had been teleported from the ring by the system and was lying on the ground bleeding profusely.

The members of the black voodoo guild who rushed over from the audience surrounded him, ignited the herbs, released smoke, and sprayed mist into the wounded eye sockets, barely stopping the blood flow.

The Voodoo Black Wizards teleported out of the arena with Ogun Mulla without a word,

Before leaving, a few members of the Voodoo Black Witch Troupe turned their heads on purpose and cast a malicious look at Wanli Fengdao—the latter spread his hands indifferently.

Before killing, you must be prepared to be killed.

As the one-armed giant teleported into place, the pool of blood under him also disappeared.

This episode did not affect the continued operation of the arena, and both the staff and the audience were used to seeing the tragic scene.

Anyway, the medical level of secret associations is well developed. As long as they don’t die on the spot, most of them can be rescued.

Lee Ang is still looking at the Blackstone Razor from a distance,

As if aware of the gaze of others, the pale-skinned man of prey turned his head and looked at the huge dragon head wearing a white coat, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

In the past few days, [Blackstone Razor] has made a lot of reputation in the sky arena.

Whether this reputation is good or bad, at least most of the players who regularly hang out in the arena already know him, and some secret societies have offered him an olive branch.

In the opinion of Blackstone Razor, the killing game is a world where the fittest survive and the unfit are eliminated.

If you can live to the end and become the strongest, there will naturally be people who admire and worship,

The sins and evils that have been done along the way will be deliberately ignored, and even washed into “necessary things on the road to becoming the strongest”.

[Blackrock Razor] thinks so, and does it.

As for why he maliciously abuses the weak in the arena – he needs to relieve his mental pressure in this way, and at the same time, abusing the weak can also benefit him.

The setting of his title skill [Evil Executioner] is that the more people he abuses, the greater the bonus to his attributes.

Blackstone’s razor stared at the white coat faucet. The other party seemed to know his identity during the process of communicating with his companions, but he didn’t choose to retire?

Hehe, I hope…let’s play a little longer this time…

Blackstone Razor licked his lips, goosebumps rising from the back of his arm with shuddering excitement.

He handed a note with a personal introduction to the staff of the Watchmen Society.

The latter also didn’t want to deal with this scumbag. He took the note silently, turned around and walked to Li Ang. After verifying his identity, he took the personal introduction.

“Hey, do you really want to fight him?”

Wanli Fengdao couldn’t help but reminded softly, “You are indeed very strong in the dream of King Shengnan, but that’s using tricky methods such as absorbing the power of all living beings, right? It’s not allowed to interact with people in the arena.

This is the first floor,

There is only a slight benefit to winning, and no penalty for throwing. “

“Call first and then.”

Li Ang shrugged, kicked his feet on the ground, and jumped onto the ring.

Blackstone Razor smiled coldly, and the corners of the black robe fluttered, flying lightly onto the ring.

He looked at the dragon head in the white coat opposite, and said indifferently: “If you surrender at this time, maybe you will be saved. Do you understand what I mean?”


Li Ang nodded and said, “I see, do you mean ‘If you surrender at this time, maybe there is still salvation. Do you understand what I mean?'”

? ?

You know what I didn’t expect.

Blackstone’s razor opened his mouth and hesitated.

Li Ang said to himself: “I heard that you like to abuse vegetables in the arena, don’t you?

Obviously they can win easily, but they have to suppress their strength, pretend to be on par with the opponent’s Mengxin, deliberately let the opponent score, let the opponent see hope, and refuse to surrender and retire.

Use this to slowly torment your opponent. Broken hands and feet, smashed internal organs, the whole face is bloody.

In the end it’s an easy win. “

“So what?”

Blackstone Razor shook his head and said indifferently: “The weak deserve to be deceived, exploited, and abused. They should be glad that death will not appear in the arena of the arena. I am teaching them how to be in the killing field. Survive the game.”

Li Ang smiled noncommittally, “You are so flamboyant, aren’t you afraid that someone will come forward and teach you a lesson?”

“I remember the names and characteristics of most of the experts in large organizations.”

Blackstone Razor said indifferently: “If I meet a master, I will naturally retire. Besides, large organizations are not so busy, and they will not go to the arena where people will not die to preside over justice. I just use it rationally. It’s just a rule.”

After that, he didn’t want to talk to Li Ang anymore, raised his hand, and signaled to the commentator that he was ready for the game.

“Okay, you can see that the two players are ready. The first player is the [Blackstone Razor] that we are familiar with. He is from Brazil, South America. He is currently at level Lv17. He is a well-known bounty hunter. Assassination assassination , stealing intelligence, armed raids. No matter what kind of task, as long as the payment is in place, he can complete it for you to see.”

The narrator Spit Wagen said very quickly: “His player number is TH34***0980. Those who are interested in entrusting can apply for a friend through the player number.”

“And our No. 2 player…”

Commentator Abdel bit the bullet and finished reading Li Ang’s lengthy arena name, and quickly spoke about Li Ang’s personal introduction,

“Those who keep saying ‘one generation is not as good as one generation’ should look at you, just like me.

I look at you with envy,

The Unscaled Furnace store has accumulated two days’ worth of fortune,

All the unlicensed potions, body modification, and strange medical skills are like gifts specially prepared for you, you can enjoy them.

Freedom to undergo body modification,

Become infinitely powerful and energetic, without sleep, without fear of fatigue, able to complete all overtime tasks assigned by superiors,

Drinking the dew with food and drink, you can survive only by photosynthesis,

No salary from superiors,

Just think about how to give and burn better.

You have the rights I once dreamed of,

Right to choose.

Weak people are used to ridicule and negation,

And the strong at heart are never afraid of the seemingly terrifying body transformation.

The most beautiful scenery in the killing field game is the newcomer who has just entered the game,

Because of you, a symbol of hope. Because of you, the game of killing is no longer scary, but relaxed and peaceful.

Together with the manager of the Wushou Furnace, towards the distant and unknown sea of ​​stars! Go ahead! “

For some reason, the narrator, Abdel, was humiliated and embarrassed at first when he read this highly flawed personal introduction.

At the back, instead, I was gradually infected by the passionate emotions on the paper, and I was full of pride.

Li Ang, standing on the ring, nodded with satisfaction.

One of the main customer groups for the Wushou Furnace is the budding players who are new to the game.

This positive slogan should be acceptable to them.

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