Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 625: Sword Wind

【CleanHit! ]

【CleanHit! ]

【CleanHit! ]

Three lines of handwriting representing [Excellent Attack] clearly appeared above the ring,

On the LCD screen, the prompt [Affectionate Swordsman Gets Three Points] also appeared.

In Li Ang’s perception, the wind in the ring is not just the wind, but also a large amount of invisible energy that is as thin as a cicada’s wings.

These invisible wind knives revolve around the one-armed giant of the Voodoo Black Witch Order, gradually closing the distance,

Wrapped in the whistling wind, he cut toward the vital point, tearing a gap in the one-armed giant.

“Brother Xiaodao must have used some kind of skill to make himself invisible in the wind,

Or the whole person is elementalized, and while immune to physical damage, it can also attack the enemy. “

Li Ang thought silently: “However, the energy fluctuations on the opponent’s body are not weak, not worse than Brother Xiaodao.

After being stabbed so many times, the blood on my body is like I don’t want money, and there is nothing wrong.

Wait, that’s…”

Ogun Mura, the one-armed giant, stood there in a daze, with black and red blood pools under his feet, and wounds all over his body, and he seemed to feel no pain at all.

Sneering laughter came from the Voodoo Black Witch in the corner of the hall,

Li Ang looked back and found that the dark-skinned wizards were just watching with a mocking arc.

“What’s the matter! Did Ogun Mulla give up?”

Spellwagen, commentator number one, stared at him and roared in disbelief: “Why is he just standing?”

“Look at the wind!”

The second commentator Abdel exclaimed: “The wind around Ogun Mulla also receded,

You must know that all the movements of the players in the ring are systematically observed,

As a referee system, since the passionate swordsman was not sentenced to leave the ring,

It means that he is still in the ring, and this gust of wind is his means of attack.

Could it be that he was aware of the anomaly? “

Before he finished speaking, something happened in the ring—

The black and red blood pool at Ogun Mulla’s feet was rippling by the wind, but it didn’t turn into blood droplets and flew up,

It gradually condenses,

Like black and red coral, it is solid,

Grow up, extend upward.

Ding Ding Ding Ding-

The outermost crystalline blood coral was cut off by the invisible wind knife like a leek,

Wrapped by the wind, they revolved around the ring together, disintegrated and split in mid-air, turned into thousands of powders, and evenly dispersed in the gust of wind.

For a time, the entire ring was obscured by the crystal clear dark red sand, which was really beautiful.

There was a commotion in the auditorium, and the camera team of the Watchmen Association under the ring was sweating profusely,

The two commentators were stunned for less than half a second, and immediately began to explain professionally.

“Ogun Mulla seems to have survived the first wave of damage, spilling his blood through the wound,

And then solidify the blood covered in the ring, and use blood powder to blend into the wind blown by the passionate swordsman! “

The No. 1 commentator Spit Wagen said solemnly: “You must know that the members of the Voodoo Black Witch Union are generally good at using blood-related witchcraft.

This should be his strategy. “

“That’s right.”

The second commentator Abdel agreed: “If you can’t see the trace of your opponent,

Then give priority to pulling the opponent back to the same level as yourself. “

Boom boom boom!

There were loud noises in the blood-colored sandstorm, and it seemed that something heavy was hitting the arena floor.

Li Ang’s eyes narrowed slightly in the faucet mask, and outside audiences are prohibited from using magic power to detect in the ring,

With his eyesight, he could only vaguely see the one-armed giant rampaging on the arena, smashing the meteor hammer attached to his hand and crushing the masonry ground.


Finally, the spikes of the meteor hammer hit an object in the sand,

The gust of wind on the arena suddenly weakened, and a thin figure flew out, hitting the ground of the arena with a bang, ploughing out a long trajectory.

“CriticalHit! Down!”

Spitwagen exclaimed excitedly: “Ogun Mulla of the Voodoo Black Witch Coven has just achieved a perfect attack and successfully knocked down the opponent’s Passionate Swordsman to the ground!

It is now clear that he has seven points in the sky above the ring, and as long as he scores three more points, he will win the game. “

The Wanli Fengdao that fell to the ground looked a little embarrassed,

One side of his sunglasses was broken, his hair was covered in sand and dust, and there was blood on the side of his mouth, and even the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand was trembling and whining slightly.

“The one-armed giant should sprinkle his blood evenly in Brother Xiaodao’s wind, and lock the specific position of Brother Xiaodao according to the energy fluctuation and distribution of the blood powder.”

Li Ang thought silently: “That’s a good idea. In addition to being good at voodoo magic, the Voodoo Black Witch Troupe is also good at making puppets out of living creatures or corpses.

The corpse puppet is extremely resistant to attack, and can only be completely destroyed by smashing the head and burning the corpse.

The first wave of Wanlifengdao attack did not cut off the opponent’s head,

Nowadays, with swordsmanship alone, it may be difficult to directly defeat such a tough opponent. “


The one-armed giant Ogun Mulla didn’t give Wanli a chance to breathe,

Amid the cries of the two commentators, the heavy body charged towards the Wanli Sealing Sabre like a tank, and the meteor hammer in his hand turned rapidly, tearing the air and smashing it down.

It was too late, but Wanli Fengdao, who was still lying on the ground, had a cold light in his eyes. He held the Dragon Sword in his right hand and turned the hilt violently, so that the tip of the sword was aimed at the edge of the pothole on the ground of the arena, and he stabbed it hard. .

The blade is covered with rounded green sword energy, and does not penetrate the stone wall,

Instead, the body of the sword was bent, and the entire long sword was almost bent into a semicircle.

This long sword named [Zhanlong] accompanied Wanli Fengdao through the ups and downs,

Injecting sword energy with different properties can make it have different properties.


As the sword qi turns into a deep red blood color,

The Dragon Slaying Sword trembled at a high frequency,

The curved blade snapped back and straightened,

Provide thrust,

Through the Wanlifengdao back out of the pothole, the body narrowly avoided the falling meteor hammer.


The gravel splashed like shrapnel, and the entire ring seemed to tremble.

The toes of the man in the beach pants are on the ground covered with gravel and blood coral,

Wan Li Feng Dao flew in mid-air, shattering the eyes under the sunglasses, and looking at the one-armed giant who was slow to turn back,

Through the man’s torn sackcloth mask,

Looking into the pale and turbid eyes, I saw my own figure in the pupil.

The long sword in his hand, inexplicably ignited the orange sword aura,

Wanli Fengdao stabs a long sword diagonally downwards by the downward momentum.

The blade, lightly pierced into the eye socket of the one-armed giant, without a trace of dust.


Half the blade pierced through the sackcloth hood,

Black and red blood dripped down half of the tip of the sword and mixed with the gravel.

The one-armed giant trembled all over, and his feet were The huge body seemed to be in slow motion, and it slowly knelt to the ground, raising a little wind and sand.

“Hoo, ho…”

Wanli Fengdao’s chest heaved violently,

He helped his half-shattered sunglasses and looked at the giant kneeling on the ground still about as tall as him,

Greeting the hilt of the sword expressionlessly, he slowly drew the Dragon Slaying Sword from the opponent’s eye socket.

【! ]

A huge handwriting appeared after the sky above the ring,

Only the audience below the ring, together with the two commentators on the commentary stand, are still immersed in that calm sword,

Until Wanli Fengdao used the opponent’s shoulder to wipe off the blood on the blade and walked down the ring silently,

The hall was filled with cheers and screams big enough to lift the roof.

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