Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 617: Business

Li Ang, who emerged from the void, landed lightly on the masonry floor of the square,

Compared with the previous days, the game square has undergone some changes,

There is a garden with a fountain sculpture in front of the mall,

There are street lights, street signs, lawns, flower beds, and even many insects that are naturally active in the flower beds.

Looks less icy and stiff.

That’s pretty amazing, according to a group on the forum called “Watchmen”,

Functions such as fountains, statues, lawns, etc., have all appeared slowly in the past few days, without player intervention, and should be the system’s own handwriting.

Some people believe that this is an environment automatically generated by the system according to the characteristics of mainstream players in the square to adapt to the living habits of mainstream players——

The current mainstream players are humans, and the environment should naturally follow human aesthetics.

But this raises a new question – where are those animal-type players in the plaza? Are they disguising themselves as humans and infiltrating the crowd? Or do they have another plaza dedicated to animal players?

The discussion on this topic has never been lost on the forum. Unfortunately, some people in the know are reluctant to speak.

Large organizations have also been equivocal in their response to this question, appearing reluctant to reveal more information.

Li Ang shook the white coat he was wearing on the outermost side, looked around for a while, then walked towards the opposite side of the mall,

I also saw a player wearing a yellow circular smiley badge on the road, shooting the bustling street scene with a professional camera.

The yellow smiley badge is the symbol of the “Watchmen” secret society,

They call themselves “Recorders, Observers, Watchers”,

Is his daily behavior…is to film and record everything related to the killing game,

From the black market trading scene on the outskirts of Southeast Asia,

Luxury luxury cars to the newly emerging Brazilian Chibukai in South America,

From the dying image of a bounty hunter beaten to death by his enemies,

The extravagant scene where the young players who have been poor for a long time and become rich spend a lot of money in nightclubs.

The Watchmen always manage to get all kinds of photos, with a bland and precise description, to post on the website.

In their own words, “We are observing and recording real history.”

And in the eyes of other players… these people should be really idle and not afraid of death.

Lee Ang did a lot of camouflage, so he wasn’t too afraid to face the camera, and if the watchers shot too hard, they would be shot into the wall by the square guard NPC.

He walked all the way through the most prosperous square street,

First go to the office buildings of official agencies such as the Special Affairs Bureau, the Global Occult Coalition, and the Special Accident Division of the FBI. The first few floors of the official agency building are open to players, and players who are interested in cooperation are very welcome. query information.

As Li Ang expected before, the official organization does have several mature, stable and safe body modification techniques.

Enough to catalyze ordinary people into top warriors close to the limits of the human body in a very short period of time,

For low-level players, there are also several efficient mods.

It’s just that the official institutions seem to be hiding their secrets, and the price of these reconstructive surgeries is not cheap,

If ordinary players want to make changes, they have to sign a lot of complicated agreements with official agencies, agree to contact the official in the real world, and register player information.

If you want to gain extraordinary power comfortably and easily, you naturally have to pay a certain price, which is fair.

Lee Ang checked the reconstructive surgery service of the official institution,

Turn around and go to the branch of the civic organization in the square.

It is said that it is a non-governmental organization, but in fact, all of them are multinational groups of the Big Mac level.

The game of killing is too big, even a multinational group can’t eat it in one bite,

In order to compete and protect themselves, even multinational groups in different fields have started to huddle together for warmth.

A consortium is a monopoly formed by the fusion of huge banks and huge enterprises controlled by a very small number of financial oligarchs.

The chaebol is a monopoly group formed by combining the same family and close relatives under the control of the same financial oligarch.

A group organization united by killing games and symbolizing the huge old forces,

With the vast wealth and resources of the past, a large number of players were controlled at the beginning of the game and the situation was stabilized.

The top layer has the characteristics of both a consortium and a chaebol at the same time – there are also many young family heirs with player status in the top layer,

It is difficult to define them precisely to determine whether they are new or old.

In short, these groups are organized and united in the dark, relying on past relationships to facilitate each other,

On the surface, they have joined forces to launch one or more new companies as representatives of the group’s organizational interests.

And the services provided by these new companies… are indeed cheaper and more cost-effective than official institutions,

Just in terms of the rigor of the contract, they are not inferior – they will promise that as soon as you join the company, they will immediately arrange a series of tailor-made augmentation surgeries for you, and you will be reborn in minutes,

Similarly, you will be tied to the company’s chariot, and you will not be able to get out of the car,

Maybe as a **** until his death, he didn’t know what group organizations were behind the company.

Li Ang strolled around the company branches opened by non-governmental organizations,

I have to say that these groups are really willing to spend their money,

The little sisters and brothers at the front desk are more gentle and professional than each other, and their looks are amazing. In the face of Li Ang’s repeated inquiries, they did not show any impatience.

I don’t know how they train staff,

Let Li Ang miss an opportunity to pretend that “the salesperson looked down on me, I turned around and smashed 10 million on the table”.

In addition to the commercial companies that the group organization has withdrawn from, there are also some small and medium-sized secret societies that are also selling body modification and strengthening services – including Whale Song and even Epiphany Organization.

Li Ang strolled around the commercial street and collected the required information,

Walking to the sales office, filtering information in my mind.

“Official organizations such as the Global Occult Alliance provide the most basic body modification. While improving physical fitness, it also allows muscles to have an instinctive memory for tactical movements. It can be said that the modification is equivalent to a freshly baked special forces.”

“The Whale Song organization is taking the mechanical ascension route of replacing the human body with a mechanical prosthesis. After the transformation, the physical fitness has skyrocketed, and it can even have night vision, super hearing and other additional abilities.

But if you accept the transformation of the Whale Song Organization, and you want to improve yourself later, you can only find the Whale Song Organization for prosthetic enhancement. Not worth the loss”

“Although the organization of the Monster Alliance is very funny, it is composed of a group of players with different bloodlines.

But they offer the most types of reconstructive surgeries. If you want the bloodline, you will be embraced for the first time, and if you want the blood of the werewolf, you will be bitten.

From an ordinary otaku weak chicken to an otaku weak chicken in the dark race in minutes. “

“Prometheus Laboratories, specializing in both biological and mechanical pathways,

Whether it is advanced mechanical exoskeletons, individual miniature missiles, high-frequency cutting swords, magnetic suspension high-speed skateboards,

Or super soldier serum, Lizardman bloodline gene potion,

As long as the player wants, they can buy it.

Safe and fast, reasonable price,

Listening to the lady at the front desk, it seems that there is more powerful technology…”

“As for the Epiphyllum, tsk, these people didn’t die, and they even opened a shop in the square. Continue to provide different types of Epiphyllum potions starting from C to Z. It is said that after using a potion, it can burn life as a The price, stimulates the physical limit.”

“In addition to Epiphyllum, there is a company called Temple of Life that is also offering similar products. This company seems to be behind some pharmaceutical giant?”

“I think about other secret societies…

The clock tower of Great Britain, which offers the implantation of magical circuits. The price-performance ratio is too low and the payback period is too long. Not effective immediately. “

“The Templars provide the stigmata branding service, which can release holy light to kill the dark race. But the premise is that the mind is pure and the will is firm. The latter is okay, the purity of the mind is enough to wipe out more than 90% of the Player.”

“The new secret society of the Demon Scientist Alliance is quite interesting. They make deals with demons, believe in science, and like to fiddle with giant red and black machines. They have a very evil aesthetics. However, the transformation services they provide are too The taste is too heavy, and normal people can’t accept it.”

“The Witch League? This organization is very The body modification fee is very low. If you join the league, you can even get it for free, and give away the lectures of senior witches. How can only girls enter…”

“Sword King Court… This new trade union sounds rather conspicuous. The members of the organization all use the sword as the code name, such as Juque, Zhanlu, Chunjun, Shengxie, Yuchang…but they seem to have only been established. It won’t be long, right? Most of the members are sword cultivators like Jianzong Qizong,

The current so-called transformation service is at best to help people open up the two veins of Ren and Du…”

Li Ang reviewed all the organizations, new or old, large or small, that currently provide body modification services, and finally determined one point-

The reconstructive surgery I provide is truly unique.

Opening a shop, with a black-hearted shop owner as a part-time job, has a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Li Ang no longer hesitated, walked into the sales office, and said to the young lady, “Hello, I want to buy a piece of land.”

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