Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 590: The Divine Comedy

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Your honor?

Players were puzzled,

But Fury doesn’t seem to want to explain much on this topic.

He put on his top hat again and smiled: “We’d better get on the road quickly, this is the junction of the underworld and the world, for a new spirit like you,

Staying here all the time will deplete the essence of one’s soul. “

After he finished speaking, before the mule refused, he raised his cane, slammed it on the ground, and tapped the ground three times with the tip of the cane.

The mule suddenly felt a whirlwind,

In the sight of other players, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, the mountains and forests melted and fell away like heated candles, and replaced by a vast plain.

The soil of the plains is black, soft and warm, but there is no vegetation on it, not even a single or two pebbles.

The surrounding light is weak, and when I look up, I can only see the gloomy sky, but no sun and stars.

On the far horizon, there is a cohesive mass of objects wriggling,

I listened carefully and could hear sighs, weeping, and utterly mournful wailing,

And screams, curses, and begs for mercy in every language in the world.

The never-ending sound echoes in the darkness of the day and night.

The mule that had just been teleported here was shrouded in this terrifying noise before it could examine its surroundings,

He only felt his heart beating violently, his eyes were bloodshot, and his ears were roaring. He involuntarily fell to his knees and covered his ears with his hands.

“His Sanity is dropping rapidly.”

The black Trojan hurriedly said, “He won’t last long! Smith! Smith! Can you hear me?!”

The mule could see the black Trojan floating in front of his eyes, but his body was completely out of control, and there was nothing he could do.

Different from dominant attributes such as strength and agility,

As a hidden attribute Sanity value, its calculation method is linked to the intelligence perception attribute,

At the same time, it is also affected by other factors, such as the player’s personal will, mental state, physical condition, etc.

For the mule that enters the role-playing state, the original player attribute points are sealed, but the sanity attribute does not decrease much,

At last, before running out of sanity, I waited for a turnaround.


The bald black man in a red suit fell from the void and landed in front of the mule,

Seeing the mule’s tragic condition, he scolded the mule and hurriedly used his stick to smash the ground again.

The pervasive noise is instantly reduced,

Most of the mule’s pain disappeared immediately,

Frey reaches out and pulls him off the ground.

“Kevin, how are you?”

Frey had a very sincere expression of guilt and repentance on his face, “I don’t know what happened just now, my spell failed for a while, and I teleported you over, but I stayed where I was,

I’m so sorry. “

His apology was very sincere. The mule stood on the spot with his hands on his knees. After a while, he barely stood up straight, panting heavily,

The left hand gestured behind him, signaling his teammates to provide intelligence help.

Players summoned by props are restricted by the power of the system and cannot leave a certain range around the employer,

They who were sent here together were also attacked by the distant magic sound,

Fortunately, several people have many means,

The necklace in front of the forest cat’s neck shines,

The eyeball of the black Trojan horse rolls around,

The witch snapped her fingers and created a transparent bubble that enveloped herself and blocked the magic sound that could drain her Sanity.

Li Ang put on the earplugs without hesitation, took out the spirit banner disguised as an umbrella calmly, and put Miss Chai into the backpack.

“That was a teleport just now,”

The forest cat took pictures frantically around, and calmly analyzed: “The task of the first stage is to climb to the ridge. Now that you have been teleported to another world, the task of the first stage must have been completed,

What is the current phase two mission? “

“Am I going to follow the messenger of the underworld and travel to **** in the underworld? Like Dante in “The Divine Comedy”?”

The mule pretended not to see the forest cat, swallowed reluctantly, and said to Fury, “What was that voice?”

“The second-stage mission is to travel to the underworld…”

The forest cat nodded, “Dante in the Divine Comedy went to **** and then to heaven,

This mission, or continue to travel to heaven after traveling through Hades,

Or enter other plots after traveling through the,

It is also possible, of course, to end directly after Hades. “

The black Trojan shook his head and said, “It can no longer be based on the “Divine Comedy”. Even the ancient Roman poet Virgil has become a bald black man full of Majafak.

Even if there is content in “The Divine Comedy”, the degree of magical change will be quite large. “

He pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Fury, did not dare to open the function of [Code Insight], and analyzed: “He doesn’t seem to be able to see us,

We are free to move…”

The witch silently took out a circular sweeping robot from her backpack,

Jump on the robot vacuum and fly into the sky until you get to the limit of separation from the mule.

She is affiliated with the covert organization Syndicate,

It is the creator of the syndicate, one of the disciples of the mysterious being known as the Professor,

And the robot under her feet, named [Dailin Sweeping Robot], was a gift from the professor to her for admission.

It can be thrown out like blood droplets, absorb each other’s attributes, and convert them to the user,

It can also be used as a vehicle for manned high-speed flight.

The times are developing, the world is progressing,

It is normal for witches who used to fly with brooms to use floor sweeping robots as vehicles.

The young witch standing on the sweeping robot soared into the sky, took out a telescope made of thick green leaves and water droplets, and looked into the distance,

A round metal ball appeared quietly behind the body, falling down,

Until close to the limit distance of separation from the mule, it will not float and stagnate,

In some way, gather information on this plane for witches.

“You mean that?”

Fury pointed towards the ground plane with the tip of his cane, “That’s our 5G base station.”

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