Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 531: Forgetfulness

Senior, can you stop panting when you speak! ? !

It’s scary! !

Gongyang Han only felt that his heartbeat was ups and downs like a roller coaster. He subconsciously pressed his hand on his chest, and forced a pleasing smile on his pale face.

“Senior, since you are on good terms with my White Lotus Sect, and you are a disciple of White Lotus, you naturally want to save you from the predicament…”

“What’s good?”

Miss Chai’s voice suddenly turned cold, “All of this is his conspiracy!

He lied to me that the younger sister was unfaithful,

But in fact, from the beginning to the end, there is no little junior sister!

My so-called never-before-seen wife,

In fact, he has always been pretending to use the Curse Spring Township, which can transform a man into a woman, for his younger brother!

The reason is to wait for the day when I fly to the calamity,

Tell me the truth,

This will destroy my Dao heart and destroy my Dao ambition,

Let me fail the calamity, from then on, I will never end, forever sinking,

Only relying on the armor transformed by the autopsy, in this dark underground palace, I can spend eternal loneliness…”

Ms. Chai violently held the hilt of the sword and shoved the tip of the paper Frostmourne sword to the ground.

The pyramid exploded a huge crack in an instant,

The broken bricks splashed, and the stones the size of the grinding table flew out and smashed on the beams and columns, causing the entire underground palace to vibrate violently.

“You said…”

Ms. Chai opened her blue eyes, raised Frostmourne, pointed the tip of her sword diagonally at Gongyang Han, and said: “I hate him so much,

And now a group of white lotus disciples from the same clan as him have broken into my mausoleum,

Should I keep them forever…”

As Miss Chai said the last word, the special effect worm hidden in the dome immediately turned on the switch,

Let the ceiling bricks slide, dropping a huge pile of shadows.


The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground resounded throughout the underground palace. With the erratic candlelight, everyone could clearly see the true appearance of the shadow.

It was a group of deformed monsters in frost armor,

They are generally humanoid, but with withered skin, skinny and skeleton-like,

Some parts of the body surface are covered with a layer of white fluff-shaped mycelium – just like the corpse of the worms that Gong Yanghan and others saw in the tunnel.

And in the midst of the resolute and silent skeleton soldiers,

There is a pile of giant monsters that look like war machines,

Among these monsters, there are Warcraft 3 meat grinders that look like chariots and serrated blades,

There are also tall, burly, giant-like tyrants, covered with deformed tumors, and one arm that has become like a beast’s claw.

There is also the old movie Starship Troopers villain Zerg who is three meters tall and looks like an orange spider,

And an indescribable group of dead space-style monsters.

These terrifying beings from different literary and artistic works stood up silently, their eyes without any temperature, focused on the two gangs of intruders.

Actually, Li Ang doesn’t have that much time and energy at all, nor can he restore 100% of the different monsters in literary works,

Presence of these beings,

Whether it is a tyrant or a giant insect, it is a paper tiger with a silver gun and a stick.

Forget about the monks,

Even a group of farmers with pitchforks can easily pierce their shells.

The only killing ability is the layer of mycelium covering their body surface.

Of course, Gongyang Han and Yu Qingqiu don’t know this,

The worms lurking in the stone walls work very hard to create special effects,

Release dry ice mist,

Voice for these shellless, voiceless monsters,




The low voice of the monster army echoed in the dungeon,

The faces of the two factions of human beings are all covered with peas of sweat, for fear that the next second, the mighty and majestic Scourge Legion will swarm up and drown them completely.


Gongyanghan said hard and said: “I deeply apologize for your actions for the ancestors of the White Lotus Sect. Even death will not be enough to offset your grievances,

However, senior, you are trapped in the underground palace, enduring loneliness and cannot be liberated,

It’s better to let me help you out, and see if there is a way to lift the shackles of the underground palace and save you from trouble. “


Ms. Chai said savagely: “He caused me to go to such a field, even if my soul is scattered, I will never be reincarnated, and I will not accept the charity of the White Lotus Sect to me!

Unless, you can bring me his coffin, let me cast spells here, find his soul that has been thrown into reincarnation, find out his reincarnation and torture him thousands of times,

Stop my anger! “

Miss Chai roared loudly, and the Scourge Legion below the pyramid was also infected by it, roaring up to the sky.


Suddenly, Miss Chai seemed to remember something, she stopped raising her sword and letting go of the sound and light effects, “I think I killed him and crushed his soul before the autopsy,

Oh, that’s fine. “

The freezing air all over the underground palace suddenly dissipated,

Ms. Chai’s frost-covered helmet drooped down her neck, as if she was caught in a deep memory and couldn’t extricate herself.

The temperature in the underground palace rose slightly, the frost covering the ground slowly subsided, and everyone’s hands and feet were no longer as completely frozen as before.

But still no one dared to move,

The change of mood alone can affect the surrounding The ancient demon hidden in this armor may have been so powerful that it is unbelievable to the level of unity between heaven and man,

These remnants of defeated soldiers can’t afford to provoke them at all,

Not to mention that the devil’s mental state is not very stable,

Don’t do anything wrong or say something wrong,

Cause their death for them.


Ms. Chai maintained a quiet posture of holding a sword, standing quietly in the same place, like an eternal sculpture, silent.

I stood there for five minutes,

Yu Qingqiu, Gong Yang Han and the others stared at the Scourge with big eyes, but no one moved.

“What am I going to say…”

Miss Chai muttered to herself, scratching her helmet with her steel armored fingers, making a creaking sound, “I’ve been trapped for too long, and I feel like my sanity is a little lost…”

She looked down at Gong Yanghan and the others, and suddenly burst into anger, “Who are you?!

Why appear in my dungeon!

Say, are you assassins!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

I was imprisoned for 10,000 years and expelled from my hometown. Now, you dare to break into my mausoleum, you are asking for your own death! “


Everyone, including Gongyang Han, felt the sweetness in their throats, and an uncomfortable feeling called egg pain chrysanthemum swept through the whole body,

The hardest thing in the world is probably falling into the hands of an Alzheimer’s demon with a delirious mind and a confused memory…

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