Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 438: 3 corners

Latest URL: Japanese Weird Talk…

Mentioning this, everyone’s heart sank.

Players of the killing game generally believe that,

Only in terms of weird stories, or horror literature and art works,

East Asia is far more terrifying than other regions.

A horror literary and artistic work in Europe and America, whether the protagonist is a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, a piranha, a deformed doll, a chainsaw massacre,

At least they are still physical and able to make contact on a physical level,

That is to say, even if the player does not find the pattern, he can still fight back.

The protagonist of East Asian strange talk is often a spirit body who has been unfairly treated and has strong resentment and hatred,

A lot of times I can’t see it, I can’t touch it, I can’t touch it,

Even if the player wears heavy body armor, holds a Gatling gun, and is armed to the teeth, he can still be instantly killed at any time.

Also with the spirit body as the protagonist, there are subtle differences between Chinese horror literature and art works and Japanese horror literature and art works.

In Chinese horror, the world of spirit bodies is also orderly, pay attention to the cycle of causality, retribution is unhappy, there are yin divisions and underworlds, and ox head and horse face.

The targets of revenge by ghosts and ghosts are mostly ignorant people who have committed evil deeds or trespassed into the realm of the spirit body without authorization.

The existence of the spirit body is a warning and warning to the living,

Emphasis that people are doing it and God is watching.

The Japanese horror is often irrational,

The ghost has no self-consciousness and will only retaliate against all living beings indiscriminately. It cannot be resolved with “love” or “forgiveness”,

The methods they use are also more bizarre and changeable, completely unreasonable,

It’s not so much an astral body, it’s an “irrational anomaly”.

The reason is that the nuances of the horror culture in the two places may originate from different folk cultures. The Japanese culture pays more attention to the pain and despair of individuals, which is further magnified by the high pressure status of modern society.

The vast majority of players would rather fight the aliens for hundreds of rounds than sit in Gaya’s hut.

“…Looks like the worst draw.”

Wanli Fengdao was silent for a while, then said with emotion.

Xing Hechou nodded silently and said, “If you encounter an abnormal situation later, please don’t hesitate to teleport away.”

Wanli Fengdao asked, “What about you?”

“If I can keep my consciousness awake, I can still use the last resort to save my life.”

Xing Hechou said: “Of course, if it is really impossible, I can only withdraw.”

“Ha, that’s fine.”

Wanli Fengdao nodded, just about to ask more carefully,

I heard the sound of the wheels running over the stone pavement. After a closer look, I found that the surrounding trees had become sparse and low.

The sky also changed from dark to light, and turned into an evening scene of sunset.

Li Ang frowned and looked out the window, “This is…”

Smooth cobbled cobblestone paths, dewy grass, roadside benches for pedestrians to rest, flower beds, fountains, statues, cherry blossoms, rhododendrons, peonies, shrine buildings, and roadside signs written in Japanese Card.

Outside the window is no longer a dense and prosperous virgin forest, but a Japanese-style civic park,

“This counts as crossing the area.”

Xing Hechou looked back and could see the deep and dense forest with thunderstorms, and the sense of separation between the two areas was very obvious.

He turned his head and took a deep breath, “Let’s go a little further.”


Wanli Fengdao nodded and drove the vehicle silently in the empty park,

The wheel rolls with the broken yellow leaves in between, leaving two straight trails of sludge on the ground.

“Why can’t I see people.”

Li Ang squatted in the back of the car, pulled the window with both hands, and looked out, “Could it be that the residents of this Ridao city knew we were coming and hurriedly made a banner ‘Warmly welcome players to visit Ridao’?”

“Why do I think you seem to have a subtle pause in this sentence?”

Wanli Fengdao squinted at the rearview mirror, and complained: “There may be only weird stories in this city and no living people. Be careful what you say is recorded by something, chasing you, and asking you to count.” /

“Ha, that would be great.”

Li Ang said with a smile: “I have seen it in many Japanese literary works,

When encountering a non-human existence, you can pick up the camera and aim at him for an interview,

Ask him how old he is, where he is from, what his current occupation is, and his future prospects for joining the industry,

You can pass without taking damage. “

“What kind of interview is that? It’s obviously a self-introduction, okay?!”

Wanli Fengdao groaned feebly and turned a corner along the road.

Liu Wulan was indifferent to the conversation between the two, glanced out the window, and said softly: “I didn’t hear birds, insects, the engine whistle of the vehicle,

Or other types of city noise.

This is an empty city. “

“The drone is still unusable.”

Xing Hechou, sitting in the co-pilot seat, packed the drone’s box, turned to look at Li Ang and said, “Brother Li, can your bees still be used?”


Li Ang took out another beehive, pushed the door of the rear compartment slightly open a gap, and let hundreds of soldier bees adapted to the urban environment fly along the gap, overtake the vehicle, and climb above the city , flying in different directions.

Soon, the soldier bees who were condescendingly overlooking the city sent back enough information by shaking their wings and emitting pheromones,

The messy information was retranslated by the queen bee and finally passed on to Li Ang,

Enables him to quickly draw rough bird’s-eye views of the city using pen and paper.

“The urban area is about 200km2, and the forest coverage rate is very high. There are low hillsides in the north and south of the urban area, a plain run through by a river in the middle, and a large area of ​​ancient mountain cities, ancient shrines and temples in the east.

We are now at the southernmost tip of the city.

The fringes of the city are pitch black, and there is no road to other places. “

Li Ang handed the sketch he just drew to his companions to circulate and rubbed his temples quietly.

The intelligence quotient of the soldier bees is still a little lower, so they can only collect fragmented information through the simple sensory organs, and then the queen bee will integrate and summarize it and translate it to Li Ang.

Understanding the information of the bee colony is like eavesdropping on the faint piano sound from a residential building far away in a hot construction site and transcribing it in the form of a musical score,

Extremely difficult, very torturous, and consumes a considerable amount of sanity each time it is used.

Xing Hechou took over the bird’s-eye view and read it carefully, praising Li Ang’s superb painting skills,

Then stared at the pocket watch again, and told Wanli Fengdao not to rush into the city, but to drive along the inner road of the park in a circle, front and back, left and right,

Through triangulation, combined with the pointer of the pocket watch, the location of the passage leading to the next dream of King Shengnan was found.

In a residential area just east of the city center.

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