Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 422: Bike

  The dust filled the air, the bees buzzed, landed and returned to their nests. Under the stimulation of the queen bee pheromone, they all fell into a state of suspended animation.

  Li Ang put the beehive in the backpack slot and looked behind the ruins.

After the house of sincerity collapsed, the three roads did not disappear. It could be seen that the van that Li Ang drove over was still parked under a street light not far away.

  More than that, in addition to the three T-shaped roads, a new road has emerged behind the villa,

  Identical concrete pavement, four lanes,

   is just a street lamp on both sides of the road, emitting a dim scarlet light like blood,

   From a distance, it looks like a straight road leading to the underworld.

  ”I came from the left side of the villa, and the other two dead players came from the right.”

  Liu Wulan frowned and looked at the unknown road, and said slowly: “It looks like I want to go down this road.”

   She thought about it, took out a boxy silver metal box shaped like a small washing machine from her backpack, and put it on the ground.

  The surface of the box is covered with gorgeous and gorgeous patterns. The overall look is a bit like the legendary Phoenix Phoenix.

  Li Ang exclaimed: “Saint Cloth?”


  Liu Wulan shook his head, for some reason, his tone seemed a little awkward, “Personal vehicle.”

  She reached out and pressed the top of the silver metal box,

  I saw that the four corners of the top of the box were all opened, and a bunch of misty steam poured out,

   Then, the gaps in the four corners emit gorgeous flashes,

  Through the gap, you can see various parts inside, with the sound of “Qiqi Kaka cool”, they are rapidly rotating, piecing together, and fitting,

   is like a Transformers transforming shape, crazy reorganization,

   The full-fledged future technology has a sense of sight and is so cool that it has no friends.

  Under Li Ang’s shocked gaze, the metal box covered with the phoenix pattern finally became

   a bicycle.

  Unpretentious rusted frame, staggered wheels, handlebars extending backwards, seat cushion with a hole in it, a small basket for storage at the front of the car,

  Yes, this is an old Phoenix bike from the last century,

   and the bike that Li Ang rides in the carport downstairs only differs in style.

   Even if you sell it at a flea market, it is estimated that you won’t make a lot of money.


  Li Ang was stunned for a while, then subconsciously complained, “This thing is your vehicle?”


  I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Liu Wulan’s face looked a little reddish under the streetlights, “This car is actually quite fast.”

  【Name: Old Phoenix Bicycle】

  【Type: Vehicle】

  【Quality: Excellent】

  【Special effect: Autopilot. In addition to stepping forward, the old Phoenix bicycle can also switch to automatic driving mode. A certain amount of psionic power is consumed in this mode. The more psionic points you put in, the faster your car will go. ]

  [Remarks: follow along all the way, and accompany you all your life, the old phoenix is ​​your eternal choice]

  [Remarks: The handlebar is tight, my uncle is going to speed up]

  This unpretentious bicycle, although it looks very grooved, is actually a very useful personal vehicle,

   As long as you invest 50 psionic points each time, you can travel at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour for about 40 minutes.

   If you invest more psionic value, you can even directly crush professional racing cars in a straight sprint.

   As long as the user’s neural reflexes are fast enough, they can drive this bicycle over the eaves and walls, perform various stunts, and traverse the hail of bullets.

  Actually, the professionals in the Secret Service also based on this bike,

   tailored a fighting style for Liu Wuzhan.

  That is, while riding a bicycle, turn on the automatic driving mode, and move forward at high speed,

   While using the special effect of Kakuro’s bow, it will fly a kite-style attack on the enemy in the distance,

  The enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy retreats and we advance,

   With the ultra-high mobility of the old Phoenix bike, it will always be invincible.

   It’s a bit ugly to fight like that,

   After all, riding a bicycle to fight or something is really a bit inconsistent with the character design of the iceberg beauty.

  ”I ride this.”

  Because of the iceberg face, which has always been expressionless, Liu Wulan’s face did not show any embarrassment except for a little red, “Do you want to sit?”

  Sheng Nanwang’s dreamland can’t use electronic equipment, this old Phoenix bicycle powered by psionic value is perfect for traveling.

  ”Don’t need it”

  Li Ang glanced at this unpretentious bicycle without a rear seat. It is impossible to sit on the crossbar or in the small basket at the front of the car, right?

   Although it is estimated that there will be some extraordinarily strange contrast, Miss Mengchai thinks about that picture and almost screams with laughter.

  Li Ang pointed to the van not far away, “I’d better drive that one.”

  Liu Wulan glanced at the ruins of the House of Honesty, which was full of gravel, dead wood, and tiles, “The road is blocked, can’t you drive?”

  ”It’s fine.”

  Li Ang shook his head, walked to the front of the van, looked at it for a while, then bowed down and stretched his hands to the bottom of the car,

   At the same time, he activated the ripple breathing technique, activated the imprint of the gods, slightly lifted some restrictions, lifted the whole van, and slowly stepped on the gravel and walked through the ruins.

   Then slowly put the vehicle on the road carefully.

  Liu Wulan looked at Li Ang’s violent way of transporting bicycles, and silently put away the old Phoenix bicycle.

  It’s better to take the other party’s car and ride a bicycle to blow the night breeze. After all, it’s still quite cold.


  In the gloomy forest, the torrential rain poured down, as if to drown the world.

  Sha, Sha.

   Wanli Fengdao fled wildly in the woods, the sound of rapid breathing overwhelmed the sound of wind passing by his ears.

   At this moment, he was still wearing that signature white shirt, yellow beach pants and flip-flops, with a long sword hanging from his waist, but a dark gray suit on top.

  This suit should be hand-sewn with high-grade material and fine workmanship. It looks very high-end, but its size does not match the shape of Wanlifeng knife.

   put it on him, it’s a bit like a monkey and a crown.

  Escape, hurry up.

  Wanli Fengdao was drenched in rain all over his body,

  The torrential rain of Beans hit his face and soaked his beard. The face that seemed to be overloaded for more than ten years and inexplicably revealed a greasy middle-aged wretchedness was full of tension.

   There is a stream in the distance ahead. At this moment, the torrential rain is pouring, and the water level of the creek is rising The roar of thunder in the sky can’t cover up the sound of the water.

  Wanli Fengdao didn’t dare to look back, he gritted his teeth, waved his arm, and shot a hook from under the sleeve of his suit.

The sharp spikes at the top of the   hook rope cut into the trunk of a towering tree ahead,

  As the rope automatically shrinks, the Wanlifeng blade swings forward, like Mount Tai, quietly swaying through a narrow stream in the forest.


   He landed lightly on the branch of a tree on the other side of the stream, and the scabbard tied to his waist lightly rubbed against the rough bark, stained.


  Heavy footsteps came from behind,

   In the shadows of the trees, there seems to be something, smashing the dense rain curtain, setting off fallen leaves everywhere, breaking all the branches blocking the front, and galloping to chase.


  Wanlifengdao lightly stepped on the branches with the soles of his feet, dodged behind the tree, restrained his figure, and concealed his breath.

   His face was as white as golden paper, his palms subconsciously clenched the hilt of the sword, and endless fear rose in his heart.


   smashed into the stream with heavy footsteps, raising a high splash, and in the next second, the figure had already jumped up and landed in the forest on the bank of the river where Wanli Fengdao was.

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