Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 414: Programs

“Truth Hour?”

Li Ang blinked and asked, “It sounds a bit like the name of a reality show.”

“It’s a reality show.”

Nelson said with a smile: “In this game, I will ask you twenty-one questions, you need to answer right or wrong.

If you keep answering the twenty-one questions correctly, you will be able to walk out of the House of Honesty and take your reward from us.

If you answer one question incorrectly, then I will take up the responsibility entrusted to me by the House of Honesty and hunt you down. “


Li Ang asked: “What if you deliberately set up questions that are ridiculously difficult and impossible to answer correctly?

For example, let me solve the three-body problem precisely, or guess what you ate one night ten years ago. “

“I wouldn’t ask that kind of question.”

Nelson shook his head and said, “The questions I ask must be questions that you can answer. It’s just that these questions will be more difficult to answer, sharp enough to pierce the heart, piercing people’s pretense to adapt to society, exposing their original look.”

“Is that a privacy issue?”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “If there are no outsiders here, with the thick-skinned level of visitors from other worlds, I should be able to spend it easily, right?

But judging from your demeanor, it’s probably not the first time I’ve seen a visitor from another world like me,

May I ask, where did they go? “

“The reality show is set in this house, and there will be some special guests present.

Rest assured, these special guests are automatically selected by the House of Sincerity, and will not involve the real identity of the respondents in the real world, and will definitely protect the privacy of the respondents. “

Nelson’s long, narrow red eyes, which were printed on his chest, blinked, his **** mouth covered with fangs, and he let out a sharp laugh, “As for those otherworldly visitors before you,

The honest ones pass successfully,

The liars die,

As for the hypocrite who can’t look directly into their hearts…they stay in the house forever. “


Li Ang was silent for a while, then raised his head, looked at Nelson and asked, “What if the question asked is something that the answerer doesn’t know clearly?

For example, do you think you are a good person,

Such a broad, vague question. “

“Like I said, the House of Honesty doesn’t allow any lies. She can unearth the only answer that lies deep in one’s heart. All you have to do is answer yes or no.”

Nelson laughed: “So, are you going to take this game?”

Li Ang didn’t rush to answer. After standing there and thinking for a while, he nodded, “Yes.”

This reality show sounds quite interesting,

If Li Ang is the planner of the show, he can easily use twenty-one polygraph questions to destroy the psychological defense of ordinary people participating in this reality show.

“If your current husband is a pauper, would you still marry him?”

“Have you ever sincerely wanted to kill someone at some point?”

“Have you thought about putting your parents in a nursing home?”

“Have you ever had a physical or mental infidelity?”

“Do you despise one of your very close relatives and friends, thinking they are lazy?”

“If your partner had an incurable, costly disease, would you leave him?”

People are social creatures with countless masks. People need to use lies to maintain fragile and vulnerable social relationships.

And the truth is like a drop of water poured into boiling oil, a sword that stirs up spider silk,

Will expose lies, tear disguise, trample morality, and expose humanity.

Of course, ordinary people are prone to collapse,

What’s more, Li Ang, as a player, can also use the teleportation cheat book when necessary to directly choose to leave the mission and leave the scene.

No matter how powerful the House of Honesty is, it can’t beat the system that kills the game.

“Very good!”

Nelson waved his arms cheerfully, his spring knees trembled, and his Sawarang-like body swayed up and down, “Then let’s get started!”

When the last word is said,

Nelson jumped up suddenly, rotated 1260 degrees in mid-air, and hit the ground hard,

When he stood up again, he was already wearing a suit——

In order to reveal the face printed on the chest, the neckline of the suit was left open on both sides, and it was slit all the way to the waist.

Standing on the Y-shaped steps of the hall, Nelson stepped on the ground and a standing microphone appeared in his hand,

He held the microphone stand, like a talk show TV host, turned around pompously, and shouted: “Welcome to tonight’s “Truth Moment”!!!”


A dull sound came from the bottom of the villa, and the ground, walls, and ceiling were shaking frantically.

The wooden strip floor, like a wave, began to turn over, from rotten planks to a bright scarlet carpet.

The dusty dome split to the sides and was replaced by the roof of the studio hall covered with shining lights.

In just a few breaths, this dilapidated old villa was renovated into a large reality show studio.

The position where Li Ang was standing also raised an unpretentious wooden chair with a backrest. On the back of the wooden chair, the word “honesty” was written.

“That fable?”

Li Ang pouted, “Old carpenter, made a wooden chair, and made an honest chair; honest chair, to tell the truth, but unfortunately no one dared to try it; old carpenter, rewarded a lot of money, willing to wait for someone who is destined.”

“Yes, wrong!”

Standing on the podium in the center of the stage, Nelson swayed and exclaimed, “This wooden chair is the essence of our show.

Only by facing your heart can you take all the rewards.

So, are you ready? “

Nelson bows slightly and raises the microphone, which is pointed at the rows of seats at the rear of the ring studio.

The last sentence was not addressed to Li Ang, but to the “audience” of the show.

Zombies, trolls, ghosts, vampires…

Various grotesque monsters rose from under the seat,

Some monsters cannot be clearly identified even by Li Ang, who has read countless mysticism books.

“What a great show.”

Li Ang clicked his tongue, his spiritual sense was also limited I can’t tell whether those monsters are phantoms or real existence.

The monster audience was all seated, whispering to each other, waiting excitedly for the show to begin.

Ding Deng Deng!

The passionate sound came from somewhere, and several lights focused on the host Nelson.

He took care of his suit, took a deep breath, and shouted in a sullen voice: “The authentic and good wooden chair, the authentic and good show, welcome to the leading brand of wooden chairs, Sitting Shuang, which is named after you. Chair Truth Moment.

Send a text message to participate in the interaction. If the contestants can survive the 21 rounds of truth quiz, they will have the opportunity to receive a 100 yuan coupon sponsored by Polar Bear E-sports. Thank you for the strong support of Polar Bear E-sports for this program. When you watch a reality show, it’s time to tell the truth!

Now, let’s have a new challenger!

He is—”

The light turned sharply and focused on Li Ang who was beside the wooden chair. It seemed that he wanted him to introduce himself.

Li Ang grinned, “I am the Deputy Director of the Leading Group Office for Comprehensive Management of Schools and the surrounding Public Security Comprehensive Management of the National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Qizhou City, Nanshan Province.

You can call me, Brother Hu. “


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