Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 412: Spider

Maybe Li Ang did fulfill the request of the pale figure,

Maybe the other party thinks that Li Ang’s singing is too ugly,

The woman in the nun’s white dress slowly trembled from top to bottom.

“Crack, click, click.”

From her neck, there was an extremely loud bone rattling sound.

Her body was still sitting in the driver’s seat, but her head was turning.

With the slight sway of the hair,

Li Ang saw that there was a white hairpin under the black hair behind the opponent’s head?

Wait, no, that’s not a hairpin.

That’s the nose.

From the time the woman got into the car, her head was twisted 180 degrees,

Now, just turn your head back in the right direction.

Li Ang put his hands on the steering wheel, eyes wide open, watching the woman turn her head back.

Perhaps it was because the spine was originally distorted so badly that it was broken,

Even if the woman’s head is turned back to its original shape, it will droop around her neck,

The slender and pale neck is like an overly soft rubber tube, pulled at a strange angle by the weight of the head.

The woman, slowly raised her pale arms and pinched the back of her neck.


The crooked spine was easily snapped back by brute force, and the head finally stabilized.


From the depths of the opponent’s throat, there was an indistinct, slight exhalation sound, and a colder breath swept through the car.

Li Ang runs the ripple energy to resist the evil chill,

Miss Chai tensed her face, as if facing a big enemy, ready to rush out at any time, switch to the Qing’e armor form, and fight to the death with the opponent.


The figure of the woman, maintaining the posture of sitting in the car, paused for a long time before turning her head (the head turned 90 degrees towards Li Ang, and her body remained motionless),

In a faint voice, she said softly: “Thank you… ahead, please be careful.”

In order to wait for Li Ang to move, the woman’s figure seemed to dissolve on the seat, slowly sinking downward.

foot, leg, body, arm, shoulder, head,

gradually disappeared into the seat,

In the end, only a broken newspaper with most of the burnt left, and a small bunch of curly black long hair in the middle of the newspaper,

Lie quietly on the seat.

Li Ang hesitated for a moment, lowered the speed, and picked up the newspaper with the vice in the storage box of the passenger seat.

The content reported in the newspaper is a death case.

A car of nuns went to other churches to participate in activities. They were involved in a car accident on the road. Everyone was injured. Only the nun in the last row and the middle died due to a twisted head.

At that time, the nuns in the car were singing hymns happily.

Li Ang hesitated for a moment, then folded the newspaper with his hair and put it in his pocket.

Miss Chai frowned slightly, “This is, has the abnormality been solved again…”


Li Ang nodded, “The system just notified me that I got 200 experience points and 400 game coins. There is no clearance score bonus for this reward.”


Miss Chai’s eyes widened, “Is this complete? Then why didn’t the monster under the bed give a reward?”

“Frank’s anomalous **, the only person who died should be the kidnapper who was an ordinary person, right? So I didn’t give a reward.”

Li Ang also said somewhat uncertainly: “This time, it should be regarded as a way to appease the soul of the nun?

That’s why experience points and game coins are given.


I guess, in this world, if the method of fighting and killing is directly adopted, the reward may be a little more. “

“But by following the rules, you can avoid battles and reduce losses as much as possible, right?”

Miss Chai frowned and said, “If we say that this routine mission is going on, the more difficult it is to encounter anomalies, and the more rewarding it will be,

Then the practice of avoiding battles in the early stage is correct.

Maybe we’ll be here for a long time. “


Li Ang nodded,

In fact, players of this level are not as afraid of being hurt as they are in the new stage.

Especially for players with a physique point above 10, even if it is a serious injury from a broken bone, after a period of time, it can slowly heal itself by virtue of the body’s healing ability.

Not to mention all kinds of magical equipment items.

As for Li Ang…

Let’s put it this way, even if he cuts off all his hands and feet,

As long as he is given a little time, he can also use the biological master to re-grow limbs – and the new limbs are all healthy forms, not like the weakened version of the cute and cute in the movie version of “Deadpool”. Hands and short legs.

The instant healing ability that ordinary players lack,

Li Ang also has a bug-level item like [Holy Praise Spring Water] as a supplement.

In terms of battery life, Li Ang has never been afraid of anyone.


Miss Chai seemed to remember something and asked, “Does the car still have oil?”

Li Ang glanced at the dashboard, “It’s too much, since we drove, the fuel level hasn’t gone down.

It is estimated that this so-called dreamland of the King of the South does not follow the rules of the real world. “

“Tsk, that sounds like a lot of trouble.”

Miss Chai scratched her hair, “By the way, that nun said just now, let’s be careful of what’s ahead, what does it mean?”

“I don’t know, let’s go ahead. After all, there is only one way to go.”

Li Ang shook his head, “In this ghost place,

Nothing is the best thing. “


“Tell me,”

The sound of water-soaked shoes stomping on the wooden floor resounded outside the door.

“Tell me,”

My throat hurts, I want to, cough.

In the dark room, Liu Wulan was half-squatting, his face tensed, his longbow drawn to full string, and the arrow pointed at the wooden door from afar.

“Tell me,”

The sound of wet shoes stepping on the ground gradually drifted away, as if going up the stairs.

The voice, finally gone.

Liu Wulan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, she had been in this house for four hours,

I spent four hours with that weird and outrageous monster.

She saw it with her own eyes,

The house lured two players into it,

Let the headless monster with a strange face printed on its chest easily strangle it.

The two players who died were not In fact, Liu Wulan recognized at a glance that they were all high-quality equipment items——

Those things once appeared in an overseas player’s auction house, and were eventually bought by a medium-sized secret organization.

However, this is useless,

Those two players didn’t even have time to raise their thoughts and teleport out of their dreams,

He was cut off by a monster who kept saying “Tell me”.

Liu Wulan has endured for a long time and has been playing hide and seek with each other,

But she herself is not sure if she can survive in this weird house.


The dust in this room is choking,

Liu Wulan coughed silently, and bursts of itching came from his arms,

Gently stroked, it was a few small black spiders.


Liu Wulan held his breath, coughed loudly and silently, his brain was working sluggishly,

Where did these spiders come from? She didn’t feel a spider crawling up her trouser legs or falling from the ceiling.


Liu Wulan coughed for a while, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be a tiny soft foreign object like a cotton ball in his mouth.

She spit out the foreign object toward her palm.

Raising her palm, with the moonlight shining in from the window, she finally saw what the foreign object like a cotton ball was.


Countless tiny spiders quickly crawled out of her mouth.

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