Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 293: The Mirage

“As you already know, in history, in addition to several large-scale killing games, there have been countless small killing games of unknown number.”

Due to the existence of the protective sword of light, the injury on Jijiu will not worsen, so it sounds like there is no ups and downs in the voice,

“Killing the game will not only select the outstanding talents among humans and make them players, but also spawn various non-human players.

The difference in race makes the moral values ​​of non-human players greatly different from that of human beings,

Most non-human players don’t mind using some simple and crude methods to quickly increase their strength.

For example, preying on human civilians;

Unlimitedly absorb the spiritual energy of the land, until a desert is completely transformed into a barren desert;

Dig rivers and ditches, dig down mountains, reshape the terrain, modify the direction of the spiritual current, and create a cave with abundant spiritual energy for oneself;

Bewitching and deceiving human beings, and using human as materials to hold various rituals on a large scale;

These methods are absolutely unacceptable to human players,

But there’s nothing wrong with non-human players. “

Jijiu said faintly: “Non-human players and their descendants, as well as those ignorant beasts who gained powerful power due to the mutation of the killing game,

All are called by humans, demons. “

He silently glanced at the resentful demon who had fallen into a faint, and continued to say to Li Ang and others,

“In the era when the killing games entered a low point and the number of players was greatly reduced, demons were rampant and ravaged the world.

The Abnormality Society or some other alchemists, in a certain way,

In Yin City, which was still a swamp and tidal flat at the time, a huge formation was set up to seal those demons.

This formation is also known as the Devil’s Den. “


Ashes took out a metal ball from the backpack column at an angle that no one could see, and quietly pinched it in the palm of his hand,

At the same time, he asked aloud, “Seal? Why not just strangle the demon?”

Jijiu replied helplessly: “Because the Abnormality Society in its heyday is far superior to ordinary demons.

They are scattered around the world, and they are much stronger than the wandering monsters.

The primary work of the Abnormality Society is to compile classics, map and survey demons and beasts, and record mission records, hoping to bypass the killing games and inherit the extraordinary power when the aura is exhausted.

In other words, in the view of the Abnormality Society at that time, the analysis of the source of demon power was more important than strangling demons.

Moreover, some powerful monsters have extremely special life forms, and even with the power of the Abnormality Institute, it is not enough to kill them completely, and they can only be sealed.

The Abnormality Society has set up a stronghold on the edge of the prisoner’s den in Yin City.

Just like the guinea pigs in today’s laboratory, ruthlessly arbitrarily took monsters from the prison den,

Anatomy, experiment, study, analysis, argument.

Turn the first or second generation demons into medicines, weapons,

Artificial breeding to cultivate monster species suitable for training as mounts, pets, or food.

However, due to the reproduction speed of some special types of demons far beyond human imagination, even in the prison of demons, new demons can continue to be produced,

In addition, the human walk of the Abnormality Society has continuously captured demons with research value or powerful enough to be difficult to destroy from various places.

The number of demons in the prisoner’s den continues to increase,

It is conservatively estimated that during the Qin and Han Dynasties, when the prisoners’ den was at its worst, there were at least tens of thousands of monsters in the fog. “

“” Ashes pursed her lips and said nothing.

Jijiu seemed to see what he was thinking, and said: “You are thinking, with the foresight of the Abnormality Society, would not put so many monsters in the prison?

Once the killing game enters the trough, the aura shrinks and the supernatural element declines,

The Abnormal Society, which has lost its strength advantage, will not be able to guarantee the safety of the prisoner’s den. In the event of an accident in the Prisoner’s Den, tens of thousands of demons will escape from it.”

Jijiu paused and said slowly: “In order to prevent that bad situation from happening, the Abnormality Society also has various preventive measures.

Once they realize that the spiritual energy is about to decline, they will selectively remove the monsters in the prison and kill some monsters with high threat or little research value.

It’s like in a biological laboratory, the mice that are infected with dangerous diseases will be eliminated. “


Several players did not speak after listening,

The competition between races, cold, cruel, tragic, ruthless,

If what the sacrificial wine said is true, then as later generations of human beings who have enjoyed the benefits of sealing demons from the Abnormality Society, they are naturally not qualified to criticize the Abnormality Society.

“In addition to regular clearance, the Abnormality Society of the past dynasties will also take the initiative to strengthen the seal of the prisoner’s den.

The structure of the prisoner’s den is similar to an upside-down tower, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.

The upper space is more spacious, with a large number of sealed demons,

The lower space is even narrower, and the demons of Kazeyage are few in number but more ancient and powerful.

With the passage of time, the number of layers of the prisoner’s den continued to increase, and the overall strength of the seal became higher and higher. “

Ashes was silent for a moment,

The metal ball in his hand is a special item called [Taste of Lies]. It can accurately and accurately detect polygraphs, and its level is quite high, which can eliminate many related skills such as verbal deception.

This prop has never been reported wrong, which means that the content of the sacrificial wine did not lie or deceive.

Ashes asked: “So, what’s the matter with these mists? Is it also the formation structure that comes with the Demon’s Den itself?”

“ is not.”

Jijiu shook his head slowly, “In order to ensure that the prisoner’s den can be foolproof during the period of spiritual decline, the Abnormality Society has specially set up the last and most critical insurance.

They, bewitched the last dragon in the world,

A mirage. “

Several players present have read a lot of ancient books on monsters,

It is known that according to the records of the monsters, the Mirage is a close relative of the dragon. It looks like a dragon, with forked antlers on its head, red mane on its back, and dark earth-colored scales on its body.

The Mirage can spray mist, creating an extremely realistic hallucination to lure swallows into its mouth.

“Although I don’t know the exact age at that time, it can be inferred from the few words on the broken bamboo slips that the mirage is the only real dragon left in the world.

The Abnormal Society proposed some kind of deal to Mirage, allowing him to voluntarily stay in the Demon’s Den.

The powerful strength of an adult mirage is enough to suppress the powerful monsters in the tower,

Moreover, the mist exhaled by the Mirage Dragon can cooperate with the formation structure of the prisoner’s den to create an illusion-filled fog environment inside and outside the tower.

In these years when the Abnormality Society was gradually declining, the mirage, who kept its promise, kept breathing mist to maintain the fog, causing all kinds of demons in the tower to fall into hallucinations and burn them into slag. “

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