Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 225: Appearance

What the **** is a Chaowei blue cat?

The four players present obviously had no childhood, their faces were confused, and they could fully understand Li Ang’s meme.

“You are also a player.”

The handsome young man in a red suit glanced at the monsters that were densely surrounding the edge of the woodland, and said coldly, “There’s a lot of noise.”

“Generally average.”

Li Ang shook his head and smiled: “Why, didn’t you meet them when you came?”


The young man in the suit was about to speak, but suddenly thought of something, frowned and said, “Since it’s a cooperative mission, show us your player ID first.”

Cooperative tasks in the scripted world require a certain degree of cooperation from players to complete them.

Displaying the player ID can not only improve understanding (judging their strengths from teammates’ titles), increase trust, and

It can also prevent the situation of “scenario task boss impersonating teammates”, which is the basis for players to cooperate.

“Thank you for the invitation, but you will show first.”

Li Ang was unmoved and said, “There are too many people in the circle, so I have to remain anonymous.”


The young man in the suit grinned, glanced at several other teammates, and revealed his player information,

【Rage Attack·Evil No Thoughts】【Lv11】

I’m also a level 11 player, but I don’t know the specific effect of the Angry Attack title skill.

The remaining three were silent for a moment, and each of them revealed their own player names.

The player information of that Miss Europa is

【Storm Petrel·Forest Cat】【Lv10】

A petrel in a storm? Does the forest cat mean the Norwegian forest cat or the Siberian forest cat?

The message of the young man wearing a cloth and a top hat is

【Dapeng Slashing Wings·East Maple Break】【Lv10】

Dongfeng Po is ok. And Dapeng Slashing Wings… It feels like a slash-type active attack skill.

As for the mason who had been matched before, this time he revealed his player information, ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

【Mystery Links · Mason】【Lv11】

Including Li Ang’s own words, there are three Lv11 players and two Lv10 players among the five people present…

Don’t look at the difference between Lv11 and LV10,

As the level increases, the need for experience points across the series also increases,

The gap of one level symbolizes more script tasks, higher clearance evaluation, and more abundant and higher-quality equipment and props.

However, the fact that these two Lv10s can line up with them is enough to prove that they are not parallel imports, at least their personal abilities are not a problem.

Li Ang revealed his ID. Since he didn’t reveal the player’s information to the mason last time in the world of distortion, this time he simply pretended to not know the other party at all to avoid the occurrence of revenge.

“There is still some time before the one-hour task time limit.”

The mason broke the silence and said to Li Ang: “You just arrived, we have been talking about what happened to each other after the teleportation.

The location I teleported to was a beach. According to the compass, it was probably in the northeast of this manor, and the ocean currents flowed from southeast to northwest. “

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “island or peninsula land?”

“Based on seaside plant species and biodiversity, I think it’s more likely to be a medium-to-large island.”

The mason shook his head and said, “As for the specific geographic location,

Due to the thick fog near the beach and the sea, it is difficult to see, and electronic devices such as GPS and mobile phones have all failed, and the latitude and longitude cannot be determined.

After observing for a while, I headed towards the bright manor in the southwest. I heard various noises along the way, so I immediately hid my figure, hid, and sneaked to this clearing. “

Li Ang thought for a while, then asked, “Um….Is there any garbage on the beach?”

“No, the beach is very clean, with only some dead wood branches falling on the beach.”

The mason shook his head, he naturally understood what Li Ang wanted to ask—

Due to the action of ocean currents, various human garbage creations will always float on the beach. The specific age and approximate location of the script world can be judged by the amount and type of garbage.

“I was the second to arrive.”

The forest cat said: “The location I teleported is near the ridge, and I can directly see the view of the manor,

In order to avoid the enemy in the hidden prompt of the mission, I spent a little effort and slowly approached. “

Dong Fengpo and Evil Wu Nian were both teleported to a nearby river, and they were the third and fourth manor respectively,

On the way over, they found each other, but some monsters hiding in the underground tunnels also found them and started to pursue them.

The two of them spent a lot of time, but finally fell into a heavy siege. Fortunately, with the help of the forest cat and the mason, they successfully left the woodland and arrived at the manor. At the same time, they also found that the monster refused to leave the forest.

After the four gathered, they did not rush into the manor, but waited at the flower bed in front of the manor to see if there were any teammates coming.

“None of the players have found any traces of human life in this place, or it is too remote and too far away from the human settlements on the island,

Or, there is simply no one to settle here. “

Li Ang frowned and said, “Combining with these monsters full of pits and valleys, I think the second possibility is higher.”

“Not necessarily.”

Dong Fengpo indifferently took a breath, the half-burned cigarette showed no sign of shortening, “If there is no one on the island, who built this ancient manor?

I think there were people living on the island, but after the accident, humans evacuated the island.

And that accident was related to monsters in the woodland. “

I have to say, Dong Fengpo, with gray hair and a red suit, is quite handsome,

Especially the arrogance sketched by the corner of the mouth of the cigarette, it is enough to fascinate a group of young ladies in the real world, making them madly swipe “Woooooo this is too handsome⑧, what is this? Treasure Boy Duck?! Love, love”

This is not to say that Dongfeng Po’s charm attribute has been added a According to the annotation of the killing game, the biggest role of the charm attribute is to make the player look more “pleasant” in the eyes of other beings, persuading the player others are more likely,

Instead of directly improving the appearance – if you directly beautify your face, the official will be able to catch it as soon as you check it, but it is not good.

There is a test post on the forum about the effect of the charm attribute, which discusses the effective form and development potential of the charm attribute in detail.

Some players can increase the charm attribute. At Lv10, they will increase the charm to 15 points, throw a wink, cooperate with the charm skill, directly counter the script boss, and start the game

Reuse the corresponding equipment and props to make the Boss willing to become his own familiar,

Every time you fight, you throw out a bunch of familiars and fight for yourself.

However, this “Charm Summoning Flow” approach is quite wild, and the requirements are very high – the Lone Wolf player has not had time to tap the charm ability, and died on the spot in the early stage due to his lack of combat effectiveness.

In other words, only players with a high enough appearance in the real world (7 or 8 points in their natural appearance) can play Charm Stream with the support of a large organization.


Thinking of it this way, those boys and girls in the talent show, each with a little fresh meat than the enchanting and charming boys, are all good charmers.

However, the charm flow is also not good, that is, the script boss is not necessarily a woman, not necessarily a man, and sometimes not even a human…

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