Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 131: Sacrifice

In the early morning, Wei Linglan, who had regained control of her body, did not call for help immediately, but first quietly found a sock, put it on her ankle with iron fingerprints, and then lay back calmly. Sleeping in bed.

She calmly waited for Tian Yourong and Song Zhen to wake up, listening to them find the body outside the bedroom door through the strong smell of blood.

Tian Yourong and Song Zhen were terrified, and Wei Linglan also pretended to wake up, pretending to be woken up, and after seeing the body, she acted like an ordinary person should be terrified.

Compared to the “thing” that let her go last night, Wei Linglan is more vigilant about the secrets hidden in this village and another player whose existence is uncertain.

Disguising, hiding, lurking, and probing are always the player’s best means of life-saving—especially in the real world.

Wei Linglan panicked and ran out of the house with Tian Yourong and his wife, screaming for help.

The village chief Lu Gui came over after hearing the news, and when he learned that Lu He died, his face sank, leaning on a wooden crutch, he rushed into the house with a few young men.

Most of the villagers and passengers of Dusheng Village surrounded Lu He’s house on three floors and three floors, holding umbrellas, looking at the house with curiosity and fear.

Lu He is about the same age as the village chief. His wife has long since passed away, and his children are all out of town.

The rain of the torrential rain has weakened a bit, but the communication with the outside world has not been restored, and Lu He’s relatives cannot be contacted.

The village chief Lu Gui then asked a few young men to get an iron stretcher, put Lu He’s body on the stretcher, covered it with a white cloth, and sent it to the idle assembly hall in the village, where he temporarily met Shi Derong. corpses put together.

Two people died in a row, and Lu He’s death was so tragic and terrifying, it is absolutely impossible to prevaricate the past with “suicide” or “accident”…

The village chief Lu Gui wanted to leave, but was surrounded by a crowd of intense emotions. The inquiries made him have to wave his hands and let everyone speak one by one.

The driver Tian Yourong squeezed in front of Lu Gui, leaning on his height and body. His face was gloomy and his attitude was rather unkind.

He and his wife were separated by a thin wooden door from where Lu He died. When he woke up this morning, he was the first to find the body.

Lu He’s death was extremely tragic. Half of his head was smashed to pieces. Even with the help of tools, it is impossible for ordinary people to do it without making any sound.

For the innocent passengers involved in the incident, it doesn’t matter what “thing” killed Lu He, the most important thing is to leave Dusheng Village as soon as possible.

The gloomy Tian Yourong didn’t waste time asking the village chief what was going on, and said to Lu Gui bluntly: “Village chief, the rain is a little lighter today,

I would like to borrow some tools from your village to dig up the blocked roads and rent a car to go to the county town for help. “

Although Tian Yourong was pleading, her tone was strong, and the passengers standing behind her also expressed their attitude in silence.

The village chief Lu Gui’s face darkened as he glanced around the crowd.

It wasn’t just the passengers who had the idea of ​​”leaving Dusheng Village”, many villagers bowed their heads under the threat of his gaze.

If the road is dug up, these villagers will probably follow the passengers and escape from Dusheng Village together…

After all, all but a few have a share.

Indifference and cruelty flashed across Lu Gui’s eyes.

If you want to die, you have to die together.

He smiled, nodded kindly, and said to Tian Yourong, “Of course, you can go back and wait for a while, I’ll mobilize the masses, bring the tools, and I’ll dig the passage with you later.

After all, there has been a murder here, so it’s better to report it early. “

Tian Yourong nodded and smiled: “Then we will wait at the entrance of the village first.”

The driver played a trick. Instead of letting the passengers go to their respective houses to shelter from the rain to wait for news, they gathered together to stay at the entrance of the village to prevent the villagers of Dusheng Village, including Lu Gui, from plotting evil.

Everyone stays at the entrance of the village together, can exchange information, listen to the opinions of the masses, and run faster even if they run away.


Village head Lu Gui nodded and watched Tian Yourong lead a group of frightened passengers to the entrance of the village.

“Dad.” Lu Maocai quietly leaned over and pointed to Tian Yourong and the others, his eyes flickering, “Should we…”

“Don’t act rashly.”

Lu Gui shook his head and said calmly, “Go door to door and knock on the door, and give them the tools.”

“Then didn’t they just run away?” Lu Maocai gritted his teeth, “That Specter is getting more and more arrogant, so he can’t use his own people to cut him, right?”

“Can’t run.”

Lu Gui smiled coldly, looked at the backs of those passengers, and said faintly, “They can’t run…”

While he stared at the foreign passengers, Li Ang was also watching him through the reflection of the phone screen.

Yesterday, Lu Gui’s legs were still very flexible, but today he was inexplicably leaning on crutches.

Although the spiritual sense function of the cat’s eye cannot be used, Li Ang has a vague intuition that the seemingly brand-new wooden staff in Lu Gui’s hand is full of decay and decay…

Li Ang didn’t go out last night, but wanted to continue to search for the tomb of village teacher Meng Qixi on the other side of the ravine during the day.

If he has time, he also wants to inspect the bodies of Shi Derong and Lu He in the Great Hall.

But now these passengers are in a hurry to dig through the mountain road to leave, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

The big deal is that he will sneak back to Dusheng Village to hide. Without these witnesses, he can let go of his hands and feet and take some more radical measures.

Li Ang followed a group of passengers to the head of the village,

On the other side of the village, Lu Gui asked his younger son to take people to collect tools such as shovels, bamboo baskets, etc., while he was alone, leaning on crutches and returned to the three-storey villa and went up to the top floor attic.

The attic is in the shape of a low pyramid with a glass window on each side, and the wooden floor is painted with white paint, many ghost symbols and nested pattern symbols.

If Li Ang were here, he would definitely be able to distinguish these characters and patterns, which were very similar to the talismans he had seen in the Longheng shopping mall.

In the center of these patterns, there is a man-made altar that occupies more than half of the attic area.

This circular altar is completely made up of dead branches, bones, water plants, rice, carrion and other debris. It is intricate and disorganized.

At the same time, it is disgusting, but it also has a strange beauty that is ancient and distant, and can even be said to be strangely magnificent.

Lu Gui stepped on the dead branches and bones, entered the center of the altar, and tapped the ground lightly with his long staff.

The air in front of him caused layers of ripples, and the light blue light condensed into dots, connecting the dots into lines, weaving a projection of the topography of Dusheng Village.

Standing in the center of the altar, Lu Gui looked at the projection, waved his palm forward, and said faintly, “The wind and the rain are dark.”

The simple four words almost took away all the strength of Lu Gui,

He was pale and had to lean on a long wooden staff to keep him from falling to the ground.


The strong wind, which had already stopped, swelled again, and the torrential rain poured down more densely than before, leaving only a thick rain curtain that could not be opened and seen through.

At the head of the village, the passengers and villagers who had already obtained the tools could not dig a mountain road in such rainy weather. Everyone had to go back to their respective homes, trapped in the layers of rain.

In the attic, Lu Gui reluctantly stood up, looked at the dimmed projection, and said to himself, “According to the ancient book,

Digging a canal to submerge the farmland and restoring the ancient feng shui terrain to Dusheng Village really enhanced the mana of the altar.

However, sacrifices, more sacrifices, are needed to repel it…”

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