Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 116: Bathroom

On the walkie-talkie channel, the epidemic doctor briefly talked about how he solved the supernatural incident in the school hospital by constantly experiencing the memories of death,

He also explained the effect of his title skill to his two companions.

It stands to reason that the player’s title ability should be kept secret,

Especially the title skill with healing effect, it is even more necessary to beware of teammates’ coveting.

But the current physical condition of the epidemic doctor is not optimistic, and it is very likely that he will become a “burden” for the temporary team in the next period of time.

In this case, the epidemic doctor needs to show his own value moderately to get more attention from his teammates,

Avoid being treated as an outcast, simply throw away.

Leaving aside the intrigue and intrigue between players, Li Ang and Black Trojan were refreshed when they heard the skill information of [Brilliant Hands Rejuvenation].

The emergency treatment ability is too important in the script mission, and it can save lives at critical moments.


The epidemic doctor coughed a few times and said to the walkie-talkie: “I am resting here for about five minutes at the school hospital. I will be at the door of the club activity building in five minutes.”

Li Ang replied, “Okay, I’ll go after I search the swimming pool.”

Black Trojan said: “I’m still in the Art Building, see you later.”

The communication channel hung up, Li Ang put the intercom back to his waist, and swept the dry swimming pool with the light of the flashlight.

Nothing unusual was found.

In fact, Li Ang doesn’t like swimming in the swimming pool, mainly because he is worried that there will be uremia patients who will poison the swimming pool.

At that time, if the body is highly poisonous and infected with uremia, it will be bad.

Proud of his wit, Li Ang walked out of the swimming pool and searched the staff lounge, storage room, and sauna behind the swimming pool.

Finally came to the bathroom door.


Before Li Ang stepped into the bathroom door, there was a clear sound of water behind the waterproof covering cloth in the men’s bathroom.

A faucet in the men’s bathroom was turned on.

Li Ang narrowed his eyes, stepped back half a step, stood outside the steps, and shouted at the tarpaulin in the men’s bathroom: “Hello, is there anyone?”

No one responded, only the sound of rushing water.

Suddenly, the lights in the men’s bathroom turned on, and a dense mist mixed with warmth came through from under the curtain.

The sound of the water, the lights, the warmth, it’s like an ordinary commercial bath.

Li Ang stood at the door and bent down, trying to see what was inside from the underside of the tarpaulin.

Unfortunately, the warm and humid fog blocked the line of sight and blocked the cat’s eye’s psionic detection function.

Chai Cuiqiao’s head came out of Li Ang’s neck, and said solemnly: “It seems to be very dangerous inside.”


Li Ang nodded and said in a deep voice, “If there are more than a dozen young people in the men’s bath who are ready to compare themselves with me, as a good man in China, I will never admit defeat.

You have to have confidence in me, Chai Chai. “

“Who’s name is Chai Chai! It sounds like a dog’s name!”

Chai Cuiqiao turned her head and looked at Li Ang with a sore face, “Don’t commit a second offense at this time…”

“That’s right.”

Li Ang nodded with a solemn expression on his face, “The people of Nishima have small rituals but no righteousness. It is very likely that they will take two tablets of male hormones before the comparison.

I should have notified the referee to conduct a urine test on them. “

“God what a urine test…”

Chai Cuiqiao’s expression was a little broken. She smacked her mouth, but she simply drilled back into Li Ang’s body to hide her breath.


I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the sound of the water in the men’s bath is a little louder,

The dense hot mist also poured through the waterproof covering cloth to the bathroom door.

Li Ang clicked his tongue, took out a full-coverage gas mask from his backpack and put it on himself. Holding a thick long steel rod in his hand, he walked straight into the thick fog.

In the fog, Li Ang couldn’t see his five fingers, Li Ang held the steel stick and used the stick as a guide for the blind, constantly sweeping left and right to detect the direction.

Of course, it’s okay to say he was smashing the bathroom with a steel rod.

After some inspection, he found that in front of the men’s bathroom was a public dressing room. The three walls of the dressing room were filled with wooden lockers for storing clothes, and there were four wooden benches in the center.

Li Ang directly smashed open the doors of the lockers with his fists. Most of the lockers were empty, and only seven of them contained clothes and sundries.

The fog was so thick that even though he was wearing the S.W.A.T. uniform, Li Ang faintly felt a damp heat that was eroding his tiny exposed skin through the cracks in the uniform.

The wet S.W.A.T. uniform became a lot heavier, but it still didn’t affect Li Ang’s actions.

Because he couldn’t see his fingers in the fog, he had to get close to him to see things clearly, so Li Ang put these clothes and sundries on the wooden benches in the center of the dressing room.

and checked it a He found that these clothes are the uniforms of Ibaraki Middle School, and according to the badges on the clothes, four of the seven boys are in the same class as the second year, two are the third year, and one is in the same class. high school.

“Could it be that these students gathered in the bath to play wrestling games. After being discovered, they were so ashamed that they committed suicide collectively?”

Unable to find any more clues from the clothes, Li Ang walked out of the locker room, swept the steel bar in front of his body, and entered the bathroom behind the locker room.

The fog in the bathroom was thicker than outside, and the lights on the ceiling were blurred into halos in the fog.

The sultry air is extremely humid, like being in water.

Fortunately, the gas mask Li Ang was wearing was specially bought by Tama Riadi for his own use.

The mirror surface of its eyes will not fog up at all in this dense fog, which is quite reliable.

Li Ang’s boots stepped on the wanton flowing water, making a clicking sound,

He bent down, and based on the direction of the water flow and the source of the sound of the water, he judged that a faucet on the left side of the bathroom was turned on.

Li Ang straightened up, leaned against the wall, and walked towards the left side of the bathroom with a stick.

Soon he found the leaking faucet, and after tightening the faucet, no more water came out.

A single faucet is certainly not likely to cause this level of fog.

Almost at the moment when Li Ang turned on the faucet, the faucet in the shower booth next door was inexplicably turned on, and a large amount of water poured out from the shower head aggressively, splashing all over the place.

“What do you mean?”

Li Ang muttered, and tested the water temperature a little, and found that the temperature was quite suitable, “Are you inviting me to take a bath?”

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