Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 92: Goods

The apartment in this building is in the shape of a “匚” and has ten floors. The bottom five floors are rented out to residents, and the sixth and seventh floors are lived by Tamar Riadi’s men.

The eighth floor is an ice factory, the ninth floor is a warehouse, and the tenth floor is where Tamar Riady’s residence and safe house are located.

If most of the residents in this building are poisonous insects, then the threat posed by these so-called “civilians” must be considered.

Illegal guns are quite proliferating here. Even if these poisonous insects can’t take out automatic rifles, they can take out a few small pistols or homemade firearms.

“At present, our biggest advantage is that the enemy cannot use the monitoring system and can only communicate through a limited number of walkie-talkies.

As long as you don’t fight with large-scale enemies, and continue to engage in guerrilla warfare, which consumes the enemy’s living strength, you can always wear them to death. “

Li Ang sorted out his thoughts and walked slowly to the door with a gun in his hand,

First use the muzzle to move left and right to make sure that there are no enemies in the corridor, then walk out of the corridor and move forward against the wall.

A series of footsteps sounded from the stairs in the distance, presumably from gang members attracted by the gunshots just now.

Li Ang flipped his palm and took out the [Rui Tu Saber 300] from the backpack. Using the lockpicking tool, he quickly pried open a door near him.

Inside the house is a family of three, a man, a woman, and a child, standing at the end of the living room with each other in their arms, looking at the operator who slammed the door tremblingly.

Li Ang glanced at them coldly and waved his palm.

The family of three hurriedly ran into the side bedroom and locked the side bedroom door with a bang.

Li Ang closed the front door of the house and listened to a series of footsteps walking out of the stairs and running in the corridor.

He hid sideways on the concrete wall beside the door, holding a gun in his right hand and a grenade from his waist in his left hand,

When the footsteps passed the door, Li Ang shot diagonally at the wooden door, killing two people,

The enemy in the corridor shot in a panic, but all the bullets hit the cement wall, and there was no result except for the splash of cement debris.

“Here is-“

The leading yellow shirt man shouted loudly, but his throat was torn by a bullet. He could only stare, cover his throat helplessly and fall backwards.

The two companions tried to drag it away, but two bullets that flew out of nowhere landed precisely in their eye sockets.

Three dead, seven left.

Li Ang squatted down, letting the cement fragments fly above his head, calmly assessing the current situation.

Contrary to what most people think, there are too few things that can withstand rifle bullets in real life.

Furniture, home appliances, doors and windows, stairs, cars, trucks, trucks… all things that can be bulletproof in movies and TV shows will be easily penetrated by rifle bullets in the real world.

Only dense trees, steel or building materials can withstand rifle bullets.

Li Ang knew a little about architecture, and found out when he observed,

In this building, the walls adjacent to both sides of the corridor are load-bearing walls, with a thickness of about 300mm, which can easily withstand rifle bullets within 100 meters.

Moreover, the position Li Ang chose was just at the angle between the door and the master bedroom. Even if a bullet penetrated through the wooden door, it would not be able to form a ricochet, which would kill him.

In the corridor, the thin wooden door has been completely torn, gunshots roared, bullets flew, and gravel splashed.

Li Ang listened to the location of the seven rifles, quietly pulled out the grenade ring, hooked his palm, and threw it into the corridor.

Two seconds later, the sound of the explosion resounded through the corridor. Li Ang took out the [Swiss Tu Saber 300] and stretched out the door. The smooth steel surface of the general knife was used as a mirror to observe the scene in the corridor.

Blood flowed all over the corridor, and a pile of charred bodies were scattered.

Li Ang put out the pistol and shot each body. After confirming that there was no movement, he walked out of the corridor.

“The smell of barbecue.”

He stepped nonchalantly across the pile of corpses and up the stairs.


On the tenth floor of the apartment, in the safe house, the first reading owl in Malawi City, Tamar Ryadi, is sitting in a chair, slowly flipping through the newspaper.

The area of ​​the safe house is quite large, with homogeneous steel plates embedded in the ceiling, walls and floors,

The gate adopts the specifications of bank vaults and is made of 100mm steel. It is extremely thick and can stand even with machine gun fire.

In the house, the decoration is low-key and luxurious, with bookshelves, desks, computers, and weapon racks. There is a round table in the center of the living room, and various dishes are placed on the table.

At this time, the huge monitoring panels at the rear of the safe house all turned black, but the emergency gasoline generators still provided lighting for the safe house.

Tama Riadi, surrounded by a dozen loyal subordinates, sat behind the round table,

He is a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties, with a somewhat bald head, a dark complexion, a round face, kind eyebrows, and a gentle appearance. The upper body is a floral shirt and the lower body is loose slacks.

Tama Riady looks no different from the average middle-aged uncles who run the commissary on campus, but those who know him know that this is just his disguise.

His background was extremely poor, his father was a lame man who abused alcohol and domestic violence all day, and his mother was intellectually disabled. He has been boxing since he was a child, trying to use boxing to make a way for himself.

In fourteen years, Tama Riadi killed her mother’s daily abusive father by mistake,

After escaping to the city, he won the appreciation of a small boss for his bravery and ruthlessness,

In the gang organization in Malawi City, I climbed up step by step, and finally sat where I am today.

As the years passed, the aging Tamma Riyadi, like the other gang leaders, became religious,

But maybe he doesn’t even believe that he who has done all the bad things and done all the bad things can really go to heaven after death.

“Sorry, Santos.”

Tama Riadi put down the newspaper in her hand and said to the man in the suit in front of the table, “It’s really noisy downstairs.”

The young man named Santos Aquino smiled and said nothing.

Santos is the younger brother of rebel leader Cruz Aquino. Unlike his brother in the army, Santos studied abroad, majored in medicine, and has a license as a dentist.

After returning to China, Santos was responsible for helping his brother and liaising with major reading lords in the Philippines,

The “special medicines” in the Philippines were sent overseas through the secret ports controlled by the 喳喳, go downstairs to see how things are going. “Tama Riady waved his hand, and a short man standing behind him nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie, pushed open the door of the safe house, and walked downstairs.

The two bodyguards at the door closed the door again. Tama Riady glanced at the closed door and said to Santos with a smile: “These special operators are really annoying, but after three days, This city is ours.”


Santos shook his head, tugged at the tie of his suit, and said slowly, “Don’t confuse the primary and secondary relationship, Tamar.

If it weren’t for your arrogant assassination of the mayor of Malawi, which attracted official attention and threatened this batch of ‘cargo’, my brother would not have to rush out and engage in a head-to-head confrontation with the Philippine official army. “

The rebel forces represented by Santos and Tama Riadi, a big reading lord, are just ordinary partners in the eyes of Philippine officials.

But listening to what Santos means now, the two seem to maintain a relationship more than a partner,

In fact, the large-scale offensive launched by the rebels this time is not for the occupation of Marawi City, but for a certain batch of “goods” in the Tamar Riadi apartment building!

For this reason, even disregarding the possible encirclement and suppression that may come later, it is necessary to confront the Philippine official army head-on to keep this batch of things.

Hearing the accusation in Santos’ potential words, Tama Riady still kept smiling, but her eyes were slightly gloomy,

He glanced imperceptibly at the bedroom at the back of the safe house, where the neatly stacked stacks of alloy boxes were.

The side of all boxes are printed with the pattern of Epiphyllum.

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