You Are My Rare Passion Chapter 3771: Mighty

“I’m doing this for your own good!” Zhao Xiqing said with a selfless appearance, “Our company has professional stylists, you can only expose all the strengths and weaknesses of your body by wearing less clothes. Come out, our company’s stylist can help you formulate a scientific training plan!”

Cheng Fengsu taunted her lips and threw the straps on the ground, “Are you fooling me as a three-year-old child? Don’t waste your time! Who instructed you to kidnap me? Who is the master behind the scenes? Honestly, I’ll make you suffer less!”

“What nonsense? We are a serious company!” Zhao Xiqing’s face suddenly turned gloomy: “By the way, let her sign the contract first!”

He looks at his men.

His subordinates immediately took a stack of paper from the coffee table, walked to Cheng Fengsu, put the pen in Cheng Fengsu, turned the contract to the last one, and pointed to the lower right corner of the contract: “Sign your name here. !”

Cheng Fengsu raised her hand and threw the pen on his face, “I won’t sign, you are not a star-making company, you are a den of thieves, let me out, or I will sue you for kidnapping!”

She could have kicked the person in front of her with her feet raised, but she suspects there are cameras in the room.

In this way, when she changes clothes, these beasts can take pictures of her body to blackmail her.

She’s direct, and is easily judged to be overly defensive.

There is no other way, but to pretend first and let them do it first.

Zhao Xiqing was afraid of having too many dreams at night and didn’t want to waste time, so he winked at his subordinates: “Hurry up, cooperate with Teacher Cheng, and take the hard photos!”

Then, he said to Cheng Fengsu: “Mr. Cheng, if you want to play big names, you have to wait until you become popular! You haven’t debuted yet, what big names are you playing? Hurry up and take pictures with us, waiting for you. After the filming is over, there are other newcomers waiting behind us, time is money, don’t waste everyone’s time.”

Zhao Xiqing’s subordinates were hinted that all four men surrounded Cheng Fengsu and stretched out their hands to pull Cheng Fengsu’s clothes.

Cheng Fengsu kicked out, and one of the men suddenly screamed, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

Zhao Xiqing was stunned for a moment, and threw himself on Cheng Fengsu in exasperation: “Hurry up, what are you still doing?”

Such a stunning beauty, if subdued and let him have a good taste of her, he would wake up laughing from his dreams!

Cheng Fengsu smiled faintly, raised her hands and kicked her legs, and rushed left and right. In just a few rounds, she kicked all five people, including Zhao Xiqing, to the ground.

Zhao Xiqing lay on the ground, clutching his stomach, rolling back and forth and wailing.

His face was pale, and his stomach hurt as if his intestines had been broken into pieces.

He’s pretty sure he’s got a broken rib, and more than one.

He didn’t expect that a girl who looked so delicate had such a terrifying fighting power. He didn’t even see Cheng Fengsu’s movements clearly, he only felt like a gust of wind was passing before him, and he was knocked to the ground.

Cheng Fengsu squatted down beside him with a smile, and her high heels “inadvertently” stepped on his fingers.

Zhao Xiqing suddenly let out a scream like killing a pig.

Cheng Fengsu’s smile remained unchanged, and her voice was sweet and sloppy as always: “Mr. Zhao, can you answer my question now? Who asked you to kidnap me? I really want to know who I offended.”

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