You Are My Rare Passion Chapter 1687: Beat the dog

She looks back subconsciously.

Gu Junzhu’s cell phone rang.

Although Gu Junzhu came along, he was not interested in Beitang Tingxue’s farce-like revenge.

So he stood by the door and didn’t go in.

Beitang listened to the snow to stimulate Yue Zhi, Wu Runjia, and Yue Qingqing. He stood at the door and chatted with Ye Xingbei in a low voice.

He found that for him now, as long as he can stand with Ye Xingbei, the two can chat and laugh intimately, no matter what the situation, time can pass quickly, and it is not boring at all.

As he and Ye Xingbei were chatting, his phone rang.

He connected the phone to his ear, and after a few seconds, said casually, “Well, let him in.”

All eyes in the room fell on his face.

Wei Hanting and Ye Xingbei are paying attention.

Beitang is curious to hear the snow.

Yue Qingqing is at a loss.

Wu Jiarun is nervous.

Yue Zhi is fearful.

Yue Zhi is the one who knows Gu Lao the best among the three of them.

Those who desire to use power to oppress others are most afraid of power.

A small deputy financial secretary is not even qualified to speak in front of Mr. Gu.

He didn’t know that the captain of Beitang Benlei turned out to be Old Gu’s son.

Beitang Benlei never talked to him.

If he knew that Beitang Benlei’s captain was actually Gu Lao’s son, he wouldn’t dare to rely on a mere deputy financial secretary to kill him, so he would frame Beitang Tingxue and try to **** Yue Mingfeng’s inheritance.

He will be as careful as before, be a man with his tail tucked in his head, hide his relationship with Wu Jiarun, and let no one know.

But now…

He looked at Gu Junzhu fearfully, his hands on his side trembled slightly, and the cold sweat soaked all the clothes on his back.

Soon, the door was knocked gently.

The door to the ward was actually open, but the visitor still stood outside and knocked on the door a few times.

Gu Junzhu said casually: “Come in.”

Gu Chi walked in and bowed to him and Ye Xingbei: “Young Master, Young Madam, someone has arrived.”

Gu Junzhu said: “Let him come in.”

Gu Chi bowed his head and made a gesture of invitation sideways: “Deputy Director Wu, please.”

A man with gray temples and a pot belly walked into the ward.

After his eyes fell on Gu Junzhu’s face, he immediately lowered his head deeply, nodded and bowed: “Gu Shaohao, may I ask Gu Shao what instructions?”

When Wu Jiarun saw the person, his face changed greatly, and he cried out: “Uncle?”

Wu Qisen tilted his head and glanced at her, his expression horrified.

Yue Qingqing sat up straight and called at him aggrieved: “Uncle! You…”

She only said four words, she could clearly see Wu Qisen’s kneeling posture towards Gu Junzhu, and the panic and fear on Wu Qisen’s face, and the rest of the words were hoarse in her throat.

Since Wu Qisen was promoted to Deputy Financial Secretary, she could feel her mother’s spirits rejuvenated and raised her eyebrows.

The classmates and friends who were familiar with her were also a lot more polite to her after learning that her uncle was promoted to the deputy director of the financial secretary.

She knows that the Deputy Financial Secretary is a very big official.

She knows that a person can be a chicken and a dog.

The status of their Wu family’s family has risen because of Wu Qisen’s high rise.

Seeing Wu Qisen walk into the ward, her first reaction was to complain to Wu Qisen about her grievances and let Wu Qisen decide for her.

But what she saw was that Wu Qisen, who had always been aloof and liked to play officialdom, bent down deeply at the young and handsome man, bowing to his knees with a face full of flattery.

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