My House of Horrors Chapter 981: The intertwined past

Holding an umbrella, Chen Ge entered the city in the rain. He didn’t know if he was on a mission or if he wanted to help the woman, maybe both.

Go to the Hanjiang orphanage by car. Although the time for visiting has passed, Chen Ge knew the uncle who was the gatekeeper for various reasons, and he was also very familiar with the teacher of the orphanage who took care of Fan Yu.

After waiting outside the door for a few minutes, Chen Ge was taken into the orphanage by the teacher.

“Are you here to pick up Fan Yu? The child’s condition is much better now, and he doesn’t know what happened. He stopped shutting himself in the hut and began to try to communicate with others and draw pictures. It’s not so scary anymore, besides black and red, he also started to use other colors.” The teacher was very happy, and she kept complimenting Fan Yu.

Chen Ge didn’t know if Fan Yu’s change had anything to do with the painters at the psychic school. Maybe it was because his heart was opened, or maybe the painter sneaked out of the school after leaving the psychic school and met Fan Yu. .

Anything is possible, and the painter himself is an unpredictable existence.

“I came this time because of other things.” Chen Ge and the teacher entered the house together, he put away the umbrella and took out the photo from his backpack: “Can you take me to see the dean, I am very Important things to ask him.”

“The dean has already gone home. You can ask me. I don’t know anything about the welfare home.”

“What I want to know is what happened ten years ago. At that time, this orphanage was a private orphanage. You should still be in school, right?”

“Ten years ago?” The teacher thought for a while: “Why don’t you go and ask gatekeeping uncle. He is the longest employee we have been here, and he was the gatekeeper when it was a private orphanage. .”

“Okay.” Chen Ge invited gatekeeping uncle into the house, and he handed the photo to the old man: “Do you have an impression of this boy?”

“I don’t have a face, what do you want me to think?” gatekeeping uncle took the photo in front of him, and the wrinkles crowded together: “Who can remember what happened ten years ago?”

“Think about it carefully, was there a girl with a poor memory in the orphanage at that time? This boy should be the girl’s best friend.”

Hearing Chen Ge’s words, the wrinkles on gatekeeping uncle‘s face deepened. After thinking for a while, he suddenly patted Chen Ge’s arm: “It seems that there is such a girl! Let me see the photo again! “

gatekeeping uncle held the photo in both hands and looked at it repeatedly for a long time: “I still can’t remember this boy, but I have an impression of the girl you mentioned. She was abandoned by her parents when she was very young. It is said that she was abandoned because of her. Congenitally insufficiency of brain function, poor memory, lost in things, people are also very stupid.”

“Congenital insufficiency of brain function?” This is still a new term for Chen Ge, he is hearing it for the first time.

“I also heard that the girl is very handsome and well-behaved, but she is always forgetting things. Many children have been adopted, and she is the only one who has been staying in the orphanage.” gatekeeping uncle slowly recalled More things: “From the age of two or three until she was a teenager, she lived in an orphanage for more than ten years, probably because she missed the best time for treatment, and the girl became more and more ill.”

“At first, she could remember the names of friends and teachers around her. With the teacher’s training, she could not only take care of herself, but also help to do some things. Although this girl has a bad memory, she is very diligent and bullied. She never retorted, so the orphanage tacitly allowed her to stay and help.”

“But who knows that her situation has gotten worse and worse. She can’t even remember her face. She only retains the most basic life skills, and she can’t do anything more complicated.”

“She has grown age and can’t do anything to help her. She still needs others to take care of her. Gradually, everyone’s attitude towards her has changed.”

“The children in this private orphanage are not very big, so she stands out. Later, I don’t know what the leaders of the orphanage thought. Knowing that the girl has a bad memory, she asked her to watch the door with me.”

“The leader said that he wanted to find something for her to do, and he couldn’t make her a waste in the future, but I always felt that the leader’s true meaning was to give up her, and even hope she would get lost.” Speaking of which, gatekeeping uncle Sighed.

“I hope he gets lost? How do you see that the hospital has this intention?” If this is the case, then the nature has completely changed. Chen Ge feels that Fang Yu’s change may have started at that time.

“The hospital always arranges some missions for me to send far-away items. I run around and leave her alone to watch the door. Once when I came back, the girl was not at the door or in the house. I ran all over the place. Around the orphanage, I finally found her under a big tree in the back mountain.”

“I was very angry and asked her why she was running around and she said there was a kite flying very high.”

“I was really scared, but fortunately the kite finally hung on the tree and didn’t fly far.” Even after so many years, the uncle still sighs in retrospect that the girl left a deep impression on him. .

“Master, when she was watching the door with you, did any boys come to accompany her? Maybe they were very enthusiastic about her?”

“No, she’s always been alone.”

“This is difficult.” Chen Ge looked at the photo in his hand, recalled the conversation just now, and tried to find clues that he had missed: “Master, you just said that Fang Yu lost the first time he saw a kite. , so she chased after her and ran around according to her character probably not, but why would she chase after seeing a kite? Does she like kites very much? Could this kite be some kind of signal?”

“Then you think too much.” The uncle was about to say something when his eyes suddenly widened: “Right! Kite! There was indeed a boy in the orphanage who had a good relationship with Fang Yu. It’s a chatter, and it seems that he also suffers from some kind of disease. He always likes to say the same thing over and over again. It’s fine the first time you hear it, but every day you listen to those things, everyone will get bored.”

“So that boy found Fang Yu?”

“Yes, Fang Yu’s memory is very poor. She will forget the things that the boy repeatedly said the next day, every time it’s like the first day.” Under Chen Ge’s prompt, the uncle finally remembered Some things in the past: “They should be friends, but their fates are different. Fang Yu’s illness is getting worse and worse, but the boy’s illness has grown with age and gradually normalized. But even if the boy is normal, he still likes to talk to him. Fang Yu is together, he is three years older than Fang Yu, whoever bullies Fang Yu, he will be the first to rush up.”

“But what does this have to do with kites? Where is that boy now?” Chen Ge felt that the ghost he was looking for was the boy.

“I forgot which year it was. The teacher took the children from the orphanage on a spring outing. Everyone flew kites next to a reservoir in the eastern suburbs. The boy and Fang Yu’s kites fell into the woods, and they went to look for them. Then the boy disappeared, and we only found Fang Yu who was unconscious.”

“Missing?” Chen Ge frowned, if the boy disappeared, his clues would be cut off.

“When Fang Yu woke up, we asked her and she said that she and the boy went into the woods to look for a kite, and saw a path leading to a house full of flowers, where there were many children laughing The kite fell on the fence of the house. When they went to get the kite, a group of children they didn’t know grabbed them and tried to drag them into the house. The boy pushed Fang Yu out at the last moment, and then he took the initiative to close it. the door.”

Uncle’s words may not sound to others, but Chen Ge is different. He has been to the hut full of flowers next to the Dongjiao Reservoir before!

At that time, he was in elementary school and had just moved from the eastern suburbs to the western suburbs for a year.

His parents had been strictly forbidding him to go to the eastern suburbs of Hanjiang, but that day was an outing organized by the school.

Also at the Dongjiao Reservoir, I also saw the house full of flowers and children’s laughter in the woods.

Chen Ge was able to escape the catastrophe that time, entirely because he carried a puppet he made with himself. In that puppet lived Director Luo’s daughter, who is now the guardian spirit of New Century Park.

“Should be the same place!”

Chen Ge didn’t expect Fang Yu and that boy to have been there too. Their past and his past had a point of intersection.

“The items drawn this time don’t seem to be that simple.” Chen Ge raised the backpack, but he was not impulsive: “You two, I need you to do me a favor.”

“Go ahead.” The teacher had a good impression of Chen Ge and felt that Chen Ge was a very caring person.

“Can you find the guy’s information? I have a date here, it may be his birthday.” Chen Ge flipped through the photo, and it said December 21 at the back of the photo.

“I’ll try my best, but don’t get your hopes up.”

“Excuse me.” After Chen Ge said goodbye to the teacher and gatekeeping uncle, he opened his umbrella and ran out of the orphanage with his backpack.

“It’s not too late to report the grudges in elementary school.”

He didn’t stop and took a taxi to the Dongjiao Reservoir.

“Every time I come to these remote places in the eastern suburbs, the weather is very bad, it’s raining or windy.”

The taxi took Chen Ge to the outside of the reservoir and quickly fled. He alone walked for a long time by the roadside with an umbrella.

My childhood memories are a little fuzzy, but fortunately not much has changed here.

The river flowed quietly, raindrops fell on his body, and the surroundings were pitch black. Because of his dark pupils, Chen Ge didn’t turn on the lights either, as if he was at one with the darkness.

“I remember entering this wood.”

Chen Ge doesn’t know what happened near the reservoir over the years. It has become more desolate than before. The original residents have all moved away, and the forest is also connected to the back mountain.

Press the switch of the repeater, open the comic book and call out the headless female ghost and the stench, and then Chen Ge entered the forest.

The rain falls on the leaves, and the sound of tick-tock sounds in my ears. It seems that there are two worlds in the jungle and outside.

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