Wizard Academy Chapter 192: Drinking

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When Yi Xing arrived at Bryce’s house, the full moon wine had already started, and the banquet was beyond Yi Xing’s imagination. 』Ω

Yi Xing stood at the door of Bryce’s house with black lines and looked at the academy teachers who were dancing wildly in the yard. The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably. The people who participated in Bryce’s Children’s Full Moon Wine were not only the teachers of the academy what.

Looking at other people looking at the drunken teacher in the yard with strange eyes, and then looking at Yi Xing, it is clear who are Yi Xing’s subordinates.

The academy has lost all face, Yi Xing lamented inwardly. Yi Xing really couldn’t understand how long he hadn’t gone, the banquet should have not started for a long time, how did these guys become like this.

I can’t stand those weird eyes, the blue veins on the forehead of Yi Xing, and then he walked up to the drunk teacher and punched them out, causing them to faint.

After putting these teachers on the bed one by one, Yi Xing turned around and went to find a few people who were still awake to ask what was going on. Those who lost so much should at least know the reason, otherwise it would be too wrong. .

I’m too lazy to pay attention to Rogge Yixing. Although Rogge’s personality has changed a lot now, he usually still looks cold and cold. Solo didn’t arrive much earlier than himself, so only Artremis was left. And the two brothers Kemo Kaidu, as for where the Gugli went, he was also lying on the bed.

“Kaymo, Kaido, what’s going on?” Yi Xingdao asked in front of the brothers.

The brothers blushed before Kaimo, the older brother, spoke out.

It turns out that the culprit in this incident is the two brothers in front of them, to be precise, the wine in their hands.

The two brothers are craft smelters and like spirits, so they not only exchanged craftsmanship experience with Yi Xing, but also got a brewing recipe from Yi Xing.

This wine is indeed a good wine, and it is very strong, so it is very popular with the brothers, brewing a lot early, and drinking two sips every night.

At the beginning of the banquet, I don’t know who asked the brothers to bring out some of this wine for everyone to taste. Of course, because the wine was strong, the female teacher did not drink it, but all the male teachers drank it, including Gugli They were all drunk.

It’s a pity that they are not the two brothers, the master and master of the craftsmanship. They don’t have such a good amount of alcohol, and even the two brothers dare not drink too much, so all the male teachers are drunk.

The matter should have ended here, but a female teacher satirized that the male teacher could not drink enough, and got drunk after a small cup, which would have stabbed the hornet’s nest, so the male teacher took advantage of the wine to drink a few more glasses.

Not only that, some of the drunk brothers started to provoke like the female teacher and brought out a softer fruit wine, but the brothers who looked very honest did not say that the stamina of this fruit wine is actually stronger than that of spirits .

Those female teachers are all women who don’t allow men. Even if they are weak, they can’t refuse the request of their girlfriends. Plus the taste of fruit wine is really good, so they all drank a lot of fruit wine.

Therefore, the scene in front of Yi Xing was born, but the brothers were heavy drinkers. Although they were drunk, they were sobered up by fright when they saw Solo.

The two brothers who knew they were in trouble immediately stood aside strangely. With Solo’s strength and no magic, they were no match for the teachers in front of them, and Artremis looked at the female teachers with a lot of apprehension. What’s more, he may not be able to withstand these drunk cats, after all, it is impossible to play hard.

As for Rogge, it’s not bad that he doesn’t play tricks in secret now that his character is a bit sloppy.

So Yi Xing appeared at this time, and in Artremis’ surprised eyes, he didn’t mean to pity Xiangxiyu at all and knocked these cats down with one punch, both men and women.

It’s rare to not mention it. All of these female teachers are charming and charming, and none of them are ugly. This way, Yi Xing can do it all, which makes others look at Yi Xing even more strangely.

If there is a different mood, it is only Solo, because he knows the reason why the higher the strength of the wizard, the lower the fertility, but he hopes that Yi Xing will find a partner as soon as possible, and have the next generation as soon as possible.

But seeing Yi Xing’s attitude towards those female teachers at this time, Solo knew that Yi Xing didn’t care much about men’s and women’s affairs at all.

This can’t be done. When will I be able to hug Yog’s offspring if I go on like this? What if Yog’s strength is so strong that he completely loses the ability to breed the next generation? How can he face his dead brother? Sister, Solo thought worriedly, and decided to make a marriage for Yi Xing.

Easy Xing didn’t know what Soro was thinking, otherwise he would definitely stop Soro’s more and more dangerous thoughts, and tell Soro that he already had someone he liked, even though that person was not in this world.

Fortunately, Solo thought about it for a long time and found that there was no girl in his memory who could match Yi Xing’s talent, so he gave up the idea of ​​finding a wife for Yi Xing.

At this time, Yi Xing, who was unaware, walked up to Corondo who was meditating helplessly and said, “Teacher Corondo, even if the “Great Light Meditation” can be used to meditate at any time, you should not work harder than this. .”

“That’s because you don’t know that without a good meditation method, your strength has been improving little or not at all for thousands of years, and you and Rogge are also practicing all the time.” Corondo slowed down He opened his eyes slowly, and a boundless light flashed in his eyes.

Corondo’s tone contained a hint of resentment, making Yi Xing feel a little embarrassed to hear it. Yi Xing knew that Corondo didn’t take out the “Great Light Meditation” at the beginning, which led him to practice there for a long time. If it wasn’t for Rogge’s reminder, he still hadn’t gotten this meditation method.

But there is no way to do it. Who knows that the world has reached the level of gods and there is no corresponding meditation method. The understanding of the law is purely based on talent and the accumulation of time, and the further you go, the slower the understanding of the law.

And time often doesn’t play a very important role~IndoMTL.com~ Unless you practice in a place where the law is revealed, the better the talent, the faster the understanding of the law, and the lower the difficulty.

Easy Xing is also strange that the time when everyone became a **** is very different, especially why those gods who became gods a long time ago are not as strong as the five great emperors, who have all come to one rule. The limit of the lower gods began to comprehend other laws, but those gods have not reached the limit of the lower gods after so long.

And a god-level meditation method is to partially or completely include a certain law in the meditation method. The gods can fully comprehend this law as long as they meditate slowly according to the meditation method.

Of course, the “Great Light Meditation” cannot be this kind of meditation. It is a meditation that can be created by an almighty who can travel in the heavens and the world. It contains not only the incompleteness of a certain world. The Law of Light, which contains the true Law of Light and the Path of Light that belongs to the Mighty One.

However, the “Great Light Meditation” in Corondo’s hands is not complete, just a small part of it, the part that laid the foundation in the early stage, and even the real name of this meditation is not this, but this Part of the meditation is really named this, as for the other parts that are easy to buy right now. (To be continued.)

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