Wizard Academy Chapter 191: People

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Yi Xing looked at a group of leaders who felt good about themselves and sneered secretly, wanting to recruit the first batch of students, not to mention their feelings for the Wizarding Academy, just relying on the **** of the contract, Yi Xing did not think that group of little guys Dare to do anything that violates the contract.

You must know that the first batch of students, whether they are the four students of the wizarding department, the twelve knights of the knight’s department, or even the forty-nine students of the Ministry of Magic, have signed the contract of fate. Cancel the contract, otherwise the person who violates the contract will die.

But is Yi Xing the one who gets slapped in the face and gets another slap in the face? It would be nice not to kill the person who slapped himself.

“You kid, I didn’t expect you to be so insidious. These guys can’t imagine how strong those little guys have feelings for the wizarding academy. It’s impossible for them to recruit any students, and because of this they still We must provide resources to the academy from this year.” Seeing that the leaders of the major forces had gone far, Solo looked at Yi Xing with a strange expression, as if he had known him for the first time.

Yi Xing smiled, and a wretched temperament emerged spontaneously: “It doesn’t matter who raised me, I am a true old man of yours.”

“Stinky boy, what is my true biography, I’m not as wretched and sinister as you.” Solo scolded with a smile.

Yi Xing smiled and said, “You are humble.”

“Go away, you are so humble. I won’t tell you, I don’t know if Bryce’s daughter’s full moon wine has started. I have to hurry up.” Solo in a good mood rushed to participate in Bryce’s daughter’s dinner. Full Moon Wine.

However, Yi Xing did not follow, but stopped for a moment.

“Why didn’t you tell Solo your true intentions, as far as I know, shouldn’t you humans be frank with your relatives?” A voice appeared in Yi Xing’s ear, and then the figure of the wind chime appeared out of thin air.

Of course, this can’t be the body of the wind chime, it’s just a projection of her.

“You really have been watching.” Yi Xing did not answer Feng Chi’s question.

The wind chimes shrugged and said, “Are you waiting for me if you don’t leave here? Don’t worry about this, and answer my questions quickly.”

“Because Feng Chi, you are not a real life after all, you don’t know what it means to conceal good intentions. Solo has a deep heart for these students. He can’t suspect that there will be students who betray the Wizarding Academy. If he knows this Things will definitely be opposed, so it’s better for him not to know.” Yi Xing explained.

Feng Chi blinked her eyes and asked with some puzzlement: “Then why do you doubt it, after all, no student has shown any negative emotions towards the college so far.”

Yi Xing said with a wry smile: “Feng Chi, do you know that you don’t need them to show any negative emotions towards the academy, some people even if you have helped them save their lives, they are usually grateful to you every day, but if they meet you When it comes to their own interests, they don’t care about stabbing their benefactor in the back.”

Feng Chi was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head with a bitter face and said, “You humans are so complicated, I really don’t understand it.”

Yi Xing said with a smile: “Of course you don’t understand, if you can understand then you are a human being, you just need to remember that human beings are the noblest and the most despicable race in the heavens and the world at the same time. .”

No matter what, the wind chimes can’t put two words with completely opposite meanings into one individual. She can’t imagine how contradictory human beings exist, but one day the wind chimes will understand, but will the wind chimes still be there? No one knows about dreaming of being a real life.

After speaking, Yi Xing did not look at the performance of the wind chimes but strode towards Bryce’s house with an indomitable aura.

It’s just that neither Feng Chi nor Yi Xing knew that what they said was happening to one of their students, and it was so in line with what Yi Xing said.

Yi Xing had already had the idea of ​​testing his students’ loyalty to the Wizarding Academy for a long time, and the system did not have this ability to disappoint Yi Xing, but Yi Xing also knew that it was his extravagant hope, and this was not a game. People’s hearts are changing at any time, and it is not a number that can be expressed.

And when Yi Xing knew that the system did not have the attribute of students’ loyalty, he seldom looked at the students’ role panels unless it was necessary. Because Yixing directly and compulsorily set a ranking for the students, they refused to accept it and waited for the big competition after the school started.

So now, both old and new students are eagerly waiting for the arrival of the big competition. I heard that at that time, not only can you engrave your name on the stone tablet of the academy, but you can also get some rewards.

Although I don’t know what the reward is, what I got from the dean can’t be bad, so the students are even more excited, especially those freshmen with less talent.

Because this may be their only chance to win over those talented classmates and get rewarded, and it’s also a chance for them not to lag behind or even surpass those talented classmates.

Of course, Yi Xing knew what the students thought, because this rumor was secretly released by Yi Xing himself. In this way, students are encouraged to study seriously, although these students have already studied very hard.

And the one who knows the ins and outs of this is the wind chimes, Rogge, who is desperately observing other beings, hoping that he can become a being this morning and a life-threatening cultivation. How could they tell the students about this, especially Rogge, he is very dissatisfied with the level of effort of the freshmen, especially those from rich families.

Even some children from poor families are a little slack. Even if Yi Xing doesn’t do it this time, Rogge will increase the training intensity, so that these little guys understand that cultivation is not a place to relax.

Therefore, other teachers may have some criticisms or even block Yi Xing for Yi Xing’s approach, but Rogge is definitely happy to see it, and even stands directly behind Yi Xing.

Of course, at this time, it was also seen by an old antique who had lived for countless years and even had empty eyebrows, that is Corondo, but Corondo did not go to Yixing first, but came to Rogge to practice. In the martial arts field, he found Rogge who was cultivating.

As soon as I entered Corondo, I was shocked by Rogge, because the entire performance field was filled with raging flames~IndoMTL.com~ and this flame was not hot, but extremely cold.

If this is the case, Corondo won’t feel anything, but the gravity of the entire performance field is actually the outside, and then Rogge is wearing a special gravity suit with a power of 500 times that can make people instantly knotted. Sweat like rain in the fire of ice.

This is in the temperature of one hundred or two hundred degrees below zero, and Rogge’s extremely perverted body is sweating like rain, which shows how hard Rogge is practicing, and Corondo is still from the wall of the martial arts field. Traces of layers burned by flames.

This means that Rogge has also entered into cultivation in a high temperature state, and Corondo knows that the desperate degree of cultivation in a high temperature state is definitely not inferior to Rogge’s current desperate degree.

Seeing this scene, Corondo didn’t say a word, and didn’t even show up at all. Instead, he went straight back to his magic tower and started practising meditation again because it had little effect on him. , and comprehend the light law of little progress.

Neither Rogge nor Yi Xing knew how shocked Corondo was when he saw Rogge cultivating, let alone how great a being was created by the events of that day, nor would he know What a powerful guardian the future wizarding academy has.

But even if they knew they wouldn’t care. After all, their vision is too broad, but Yi Xing gave Corondo a light meditation after finding out that Corondo did not have a matching meditation method. Law, of course, after the contract is signed.

As for the name of the meditation method, it is called “Great Light Meditation”, which is one of the top light-based meditation methods in the heavens and the world~IndoMTL.com~ Welcome readers to read, the latest and greatest The fast and hottest serial works are all in ~IndoMTL.com~ Please read it for mobile phone users.

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