A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 1698: Difficult climbing

Chapter 168 Difficult to climb

Obviously, this woman also understand‘s own situation, naturally angered extremely in her heart.

Although none of the three of them said anything, obviously whoever reached the palace earlier could naturally get treasure one step ahead.

In this case, the woman asked herself that compared to Shi Kun, she had very few opportunities.

But even in this case, Liu Shui’er is not true.

She just thought for a moment, flipped her palms, and added several different colors of talisman between her fingers.

One is yellow, one is silver light, and the other is red.

“噗”, “噗” and “噗” came three times. Three talismans were shot on the female Jiao’s body instantly. Three groups of rays of light with different colors burst, and flashes‘s submerged in the body.

The yellow, silver and red three colors Spiritual Light immediately waved on the Liu Shui’er, exuding amazing pressure.

These three talismans are actually three different auxiliary talismans, which can simultaneously increase the holder’s fleshly body intensity from different aspects such as strength meridians.

With the blessings of these three Divine Abilitys, female no longer hesitates and marches forward to the mountains.

Han Li Seeing this scene, there is no strange color on his face.

Although the auxiliary talisman is wonderful, it is actually a very bad thing for those of them like high-grade cultivation.

Ordinary cultivation majoring in magic power will naturally not have any interest in talisman which strengthens fleshly body, and they usually do not need anything to support the enemy.

For the existence majoring in body refinement, this kind of auxiliary talisman similar to “Vajra Talisman” is relatively unnecessary for its powerful fleshly body.

After all, the body refinement person originally has greatly stimulated the fleshly body potential of already. even if uses high-grade to assist talisman, and it is not possible to add talisman and increase the intensity of fleshly body several times.

Even if the high-grade auxiliary talisman is rare, it can increase the level of body refinement by 10% or 20%. already is a rare good thing.

Therefore, even the ordinary cultivation person, even if they attach more auxiliary talisman, the effect after the blessing is far less powerful than the fleshly body of the body refinement person.

Han Li itself is also proficient in talisman. Naturally, it is very clear about all of this. Therefore, it does not care about this number and still walks along the steps step by step.

The three of them went one after the other, and each climbed a little distance to the top of the mountain.

In the beginning, even though the power of restrictions uploaded from the stone steps was getting heavier, Liu Shui’er and Shi Kun knew that as long as they stopped for a while, the suction could be greatly reduced and offset, but they continued without hesitation.

In a breath, the three passed a third of the mountain road.

But at this time, the situation for Han Li and the others is quite different.

At the front Shi Kun, the legs are steady and strong, and they are still moving upwards, but the chest is slightly undulating, and some sweat marks start to appear on the forehead.

In the middle of Han Li, the whole body began to turn pale gold, but the face expression is still serene, and there is no visible effort.

As for the final cloak female, although the face in the slightest cannot be clearly seen, it is obvious that its footsteps are getting slower and slower, and after each step, the Jiao body will tremble slightly, and the three-color blessing Spiritual Light on the body is also faint. Ming, as if the ordinary will be destroyed at any time.

Obviously, even with the addition of spirit talisman, this woman is obviously unable to support her for too long.

Liu Shui’er knows this very well, and the beauty of in the eye keeps flashing.

Finally, after climbing up to two or three hundred steps, the woman sighed and stopped in place.

Han Li didn’t look back, Divine Sense also sensed it all, his face moved slightly, but there was no intention of staying at his feet.

Then Shi Kun and Han Li advanced more than a thousand steps, and finally reached the middle of the whole mountain road.

Shi Kun‘s sweat on his face began to roll down. Each step on the lower first level shocked the ground slightly. His body yellow light even flashed down, expression no longer saw ease.

The Cocoon Rock Race big man, also using Divine Sense, has been watching the Han Li of behind.

At the moment, Han Li, except for the golden light on the top, is a bit dignified. No matter whether expression or action is the same as ordinary at the beginning of the mountain, it seems that it is not affected by restrictions.

“Is this person also a high-grade body refinement person, and fleshly body is still above him!” Shi Kun began to be shocked.

The Liu Shui’er that fell to the end, after taking a rest for a while, took some Medicinal Pill to restore physical strength, and then lifted his foot forward again.

big man‘s mind turns sharply, feeling that his legs are getting slower and slower, the suction under his feet is as heavy as Tarzan, and the whole body’s bones are faintly heard the sound of “quack”, showing the huge burden of fleshly body.

As Shi Kun‘s forward speed has fallen sharply, Han Li has kept the same pace, finally catching up with big man in after the time it takes to drink one cup of tea and paralleling it.

As soon as Han Li turned his head, smiling at the sweaty Shi Kun, at once overtook the speed without any loss. After a few seemingly easy steps, they distanced themselves from the big man.

When big man gritted his teeth, his body suddenly stopped. at once was nailed in place, then both eyes stared at the back of Han Li’s, and expression was dark.

I saw Han Li working for a moment, and walked out of more than a hundred stone steps, but silhouette still showed no delay.

Shi Kun complexion is a little blue.

He looked up at the purple palace at the top of the mountain, and used Divine Sense to sense the Liu Shui’er coming slowly down the mountain. After beating his eyes twice, he felt a **** vial from his arms.

The vial is full of crystal blood, and the surface is actually covered with several about 1 inch long mini talisman, which looks mysterious extremely.

Shi Kun no longer hesitates and punches opened mouth.

A burst of Yellow Glow spurted out, and a few rolls of talisman fell off by themselves on the surface of the **** vial.

A few muffled sounds came, and these talismans disappeared into the void.

As soon as talisman was removed, the bottle cap flew open immediately, and a **** flame immediately sprayed out of the bottle, which contained a **** pill pellet.

Shi Kun had anticipated this, and sucked hard in his mouth.

Suddenly a suction was created out of thin air. at once sucked the pill pellet into the mouth and swallowed it down the throat.

Medicinal Pill dissolves almost instantaneously, and turns into a rushing rush into dantian and meridians.

Han Li, although walking fast ahead, naturally noticed the movement of Shi Kun, and his heart was moved.

As a result, after seeing big man take Medicinal Pill for a while, at once on the face showed a strange blood red, and then silhouette originally gray white skin at once became bright red glistening, and at once emitted a strange high temperature, and the Spiritual Light also at once changed from yellow light Strange red and yellow.

Then I saw a low roaring sound in Shi Kun‘s mouth. Suddenly there was a thick blue tendon on the forehead. At the same time, the neck at once became thicker, and then the figure rose wildly, becoming high.

The Shi Kun with a huge body stepped forward without hesitation. After a muffled sound of “Boom”, at once passed directly across two steps.

In this way, Shi Kun went straight to Han Li with a little faster speed than at the beginning.

Han Li see this situation, in the eye bright light slightly flashes.

Apparently, Shi Kun uses a Secret Technique that harms its vital energy. Otherwise, if there is such a Divine Ability, it will be used at the beginning, and how can it be used until now.

Thinking so in his heart, he didn’t dare to neglect.

Now took a deep breath, one-handed formed hand seals, silhouette golden light at once a big magnificence burst, and then a quick glimpse of golden scales appeared on the skin surface.

Finally, Han Li raised it with one hand and touched it with his back.

After the “Puchi” sound, a piece of Jinmengmeng variegated light at once soared from the back, and then condensed into a three-headed, six-armed golden Phantom.

As soon as golden Phantom came out, rays of light flashes rushed to Han Li and Movement Technique.

Suddenly, a red color of flashes disappeared on his face, and the golden scales of his body flowed like a strange rays of light. Suddenly, condense issued a slightly fuzzy set of golden light armor, tightly covering it.

Then Han Li made a footstep, and the action was also three points faster than before.

It still keeps the distance from Shi Kun, which is behind.

These two were surprised when they saw this. However, whether it is Shi Kun or the last Liu Shui’er, it is also already Divine Ability, and you can only go up the mountain step by step at your own pace.

As soon as Han Li was covered by its own Dharma Idol Gold Armor, it was obvious that fleshly body at once was blessed to an incredible speed. Although it can not be said that it is flying, but when the toes move, it floats to the lower first level stone steps.

Even if behind Shi Kun is in a hurry, you can only see that Han Li silhouette is gradually moving away in front of it, and the distance is getting farther and farther away.

After a long break, the Han Li was directly ahead of the Shi Kun four hundred or five hundred steps, but the Shi Kun was unable to maintain the current speed and had to slow down again.

Only this time, Shi Kun was not only sweating on his face, but also the white mist that burst into his body, as if the whole body had become a large stove ordinary, which looked really amazing!

But not only the pace of Shi Kun slowed down, Han Li in front frowned, but also finally couldn’t bear the huge suction at the moment, and both feet eased.

At this time, the Han Li was only two or three hundred steps away from the peak, but he was depressed to find that each step of the following stone steps increased the suction far beyond the previous increase.

Even if someone like him owns ordinary Saint Race and horrible fleshly body, he can’t bear it.

After walking up more than a hundred steps, he has a stature, his steps already become extremely slow, almost a step, you need to stay in shape at once in order to continue to raise his legs upwards.

At this time, the later Shi Kun and Liu Shui’er have stopped at the same place for a long time, and can only look at the peak of looks at Han Li step by step.

When Han Li finally reached the last ten or so stages, the huge suction generated by the ground made Han Li start to tremble, and the Gold Armor in trembling was trembling, a look that might collapse at any time.

Unfortunately, Han Li can only be in the immediate vicinity of the mountain road end and had to stop.

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