Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 2005: Captured

  Chapter 1883

   “In the dark night, the crack of Chiyang is torn from the outside, Sister Yunhu, what level is this?”

   The slightly bright world has not dispelled this gray fog.

   But there are many discussions about sound transmission, but it seems that it can generate substantial fluctuations, making the amiable dark fog turbulent.

   sounded with a playful and trembling voice in the laughter, making the dazed Yunhu come back to his senses.

   “What level is this?” Yunhu thought for a while and said, “I don’t know, it’s probably a level I can’t think of… Among our first saints, there may not be such a powerful power. The relic of the will of the night, the rules are condensed, the passage is closed, and you want to break it from the outside… The power required for this is beyond my imagination.”

  ”Fox Emperor may understand.”

   Yunhu sighed softly and looked into the distance, “If we encounter a powerhouse of this level, we can only ask for more blessings. Looking at the location of the fall, it should be not far from us, Chiyang in the east. , is the closest Chiyang to us, falling from here…”

  ”It must be in this foggy land.”

  ’s words stopped the latter’s laughter abruptly.

   “Then let’s get out of here tomorrow…” The laughing voice was a little scared.

   I just felt shocked before, and slapped this sister Yunhu directly in the face.

   Now that I think about it, yeah!

   A powerhouse of this level descends within this range. Once encountered, it is basically the same as death.

   “Tomorrow will not be too late, the dark fog of this gray fog can’t be dispelled. If you want to leave here and enter the sub-god Mingyuan recorded in ancient books, no matter how fast you are, you have to pass ten dark nights. , this is only the third time for us… the journey of this foggy land, it is conservatively estimated that we can only travel two or three times out of ten.”

   Speaking of this, Yunhu paused.

   “In other words, there is a high probability that we will meet?” Another quiet voice whispered.

   “That’s right.” Yunhu said in a low voice, “I can only ask for more happiness.”

   at this moment.

  Not only them, but also the rest of the lives that descended on this gray and foggy land, almost all thought like this.

   The four red suns above the dome of the sky symbolize the four regions of the will relic.

   is naturally unique.

   But no matter the area, you can’t enter or go out casually.

   There are both dangers and opportunities.

   However, at this moment, with the moment of the dark night being broken, the mysterious and powerful unknown life came.

   has increased the danger of this foggy land by dozens of times.

   “Why don’t we leave now?” The quiet voice suddenly said, “Now the time of the night is suddenly broken, and the red sun in the north has changed from a temporary moment to a moment of red light… In the time of red light The gray fog that surrounded us just now has all returned to the gray fog.”

  ”Now, we can take this opportunity to leave a distance first.”

   Yunhu looked above the sky.

   There are four red suns in four directions, but the one in the middle is the color of red light.

   The moment of red light.

   The torn sky around it is like an abyss and ravine, and it is so eye-catching between the heaven and the earth.

   In these four red suns, it is extremely abrupt.

   even with the entire gray and foggy land, it is bright.

   Moreover, because of the reversal of the night time, the strange gray fog temporarily disappeared.

   is indeed a good time to leave.

  ”Let’s go…”

   A firm voice came from faintly.



   Jinling frowned slightly as she looked at the changes in the sky.

  Why did you encounter such a thing as soon as you arrived?

   She doesn’t know much about what’s going on inside the will relic.

  There are too many mysteries and weirdness in it, although Princess Silvermoon told her some things in this will relic.

   For example, the ruins are very dangerous, there are many powerful lives, etc.

   is somewhat similar to the previous Annihilation Dragon Emperor.

   can be specific…

   What is this situation?

   is the four Chi Yangs on that day, she didn’t know what was going on.

The only thing    knows is that something powerful seems to be coming?

   “Probably, it will be very dangerous… By the way, he cannot enter this will relic…”

  jinling thought of the mysterious dragon…

   in her heart, this vision of heaven and earth, could it be…

   “Shouldn’t it be?” Jin Ling shook her head, looked around, took a deep breath, and then secretly told herself, “Just need to find some Wanlongzhu…don’t go deep and wait for the opportunity to leave.”

  Anyway, according to the Annihilu Dragon Emperor, the Ten Thousand Dragon Balls can be seen everywhere in this will relic.

  Find a few, it should be fine.

  By the way, bring some for the mysterious dragon who cannot enter the ruins of will.

   On this way, when he devoured the nebula before, if it wasn’t for him, he might have been caught in the vortex of the battle.

   may not make it out of the Devouring Nebula alive.

  ”After all…if you hadn’t helped me in devouring the nebula…I’m not good…”

   Jinling took a deep breath and a mysterious smile appeared on her face. Immediately, she carefully took out a ten thousand dragon ball from her bosom.

   This Wanlong Ball is no more than the size of a thumb.

   is extremely small.

   but exudes a faint lewd light.

  Inside the Dragon Ball, there seems to be a rhythm of light rhythmically like a tassel.

   “That fellow Yinyue is also true, the Wanlong Emperor has been up and down in this Wanlong universe for many years… Even if you are the successor, but now you are still in the hands of the Wanlong Emperor, and he can hold him firmly. Steady, let’s count together…”

   Jinling shook her head gently, “I almost lost it… Fortunately, I have worked so hard to get this Ten Thousand Dragon Ball… Although it is a little worse… But in this ruin, it should have a magical effect. …if, when I got it, the ancient book hadn’t lied to me…”

   holds the Dragon Ball in his hand.

  A ray of light penetrated through the inside of the Wanlong Ball and slowly spilled out, spreading towards the surroundings.

  The light is like a cloud, it seems to spread out invisible, gradually, from one strand to many strands…

   Seeing this, Jin Ling’s eyes filled with joy, and immediately followed these invisible rays of light and walked quickly…

   The origin of this Wanlong Ball is extraordinary.

  Wanlongzhu belongs to the highest treasure in the Wanlong universe.

   However, generally based on the size of the Wanlongzhu, it is easy to judge the powerful power contained in the Wanlongzhu itself.

   Such a small one, if it is the dragon master of those dragon clan, it may not be able to see it.

   After all, only the size of a thumb.

   Therefore, even those dragon masters can perceive that there is such a ten thousand dragon ball on her body.

   may not necessarily mean competition.

   But in fact, this Wanlong Ball has an extraordinary origin.

  Because, it itself was unearthed in this will relic.

   However, at that time, Jin Ling was in a blur towards the ruins of will, and didn’t even know where it was.

  Until a coincidence, I met Princess Silvermoon…I got the news of this will relic by chance…

   Of course, there are some special reasons for this.

   For these reasons, she naturally didn’t tell anyone.

   To that mysterious dragon, she only said part of it, it is true. Part of it is also hidden.

   “This Wanlong ball, which was unearthed from the remains of the will, is based on my research and insights over the years…”

   Jinling followed the light spilling out of the Wanlongzhu and moved quickly.

   There is no other special power inside this Wanlong Ball.

   However, it seems to be able to sense other Wanlongzhu.

   If it is in the Wanlong universe, naturally, it is not very useful.

  Because the Wanlong Balls in Wanlong Universe are all things that have a master.

   is impossible to get.

   But if it was this relic of will, it would be different.

  At the beginning, when she got this Wanlongzhu, there was an ancient book attached.

   A simple map was drawn on the ancient book. The material was unrefined, and the map was blurred.

   also has no writing.

   Time, almost erased everything in that ancient book.

  However, there is a faint spiritual sense attached to it.

   And this spiritual sense, there is only one sentence, “Finding this thing, you can perceive similar things in the chaotic gap, in the relics of will.”

   Right now, it’s a lot of hard work.

   Jinling finally came here.

   She had been researching this Wanlong Ball for a long time at that time, and she was very excited when she first got it.

   This is Wanlongzhu. It can perceive similar things. Is that Wanlongzhu?

   With this Wanlong Ball, doesn’t it mean that you can get more Wanlong Balls?

  ”The route of these rays should be the location of the sensed Wanlongzhu…”

   Jin Aya’s heart was pounding.

   She counted and found that there were at least seven or eight rays of light.

   means that there are at least seven or eight million dragon **** nearby!

   The secret of Wanlongzhu has been kept by her all the time.

   When she was seen by the mysterious dragon at that time, she was very panicked at that time…

   Later, it seemed that the mysterious dragon family only knew that she had this Ten Thousand Dragon Ball, but she lacked interest, which made her relieved.

  ”The most recent, it should be this one…”

   Jinling followed one of the rays and moved forward quickly.

   It didn’t take long for the light to gradually fade, as if it had come to an end.

   and move forward quickly.

   Jinling discovered this piece of land, and if she wanted to discover those treasures, she basically had to rely on luck.

  Because of her perception, she was only a few steps away on this dark foggy land!

   This means, a little bit of the previous situation, know nothing about it!

   Moreover, walking on this earth, she always felt a little strange in her heart.

  The soil of this land is very peculiar. From a distance, it looks like a grain of ordinary dust.

   can be stepped on under your feet, but it is like the hard ground paved with dragon scale treasure hills.

  Everything seems like a virtual image.

   walks, and seems to be involved in it.

   Just after walking through this line of light, Jin Ling felt that her whole body and soul had gone through a battle.

  ”It’s over…the location of Wanlongzhu should be nearby…”

   Jinling gasped, barely stopped and looked around.

   On this land, she saw a lot of dead bones, the remnants of aura emanating from the dead bones.

   can confirm what the Dragon Emperor said, this should be a symbol of the fall of those powerful beings.

   And, over time, these dead bones are disappearing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

   In addition, on the earth, no grass grows.

   nothing else.

   I don’t know how these dead bones died…

   The more powerful the life, after the fall, even if it is a dead bone, it will still have a strong momentum.

   This point, Jin Ling can still judge.

  ”The end of the light, as if…there was nothing…”

   Jinling looked around a little blankly, “Could it be that what was recorded in the ancient book is wrong… But, after entering the ruins, this Ten Thousand Dragon Ball does have a special power gushing out…”

  ”Is it possible to be buried in the ground?”

   Jinling looked above the ground.

   She frowned slightly. The land of this earth looks like it is composed of gravel, but it is actually extremely hard.

   I touched it with my hand, but there was no touch…

  ”Or do you want to use the power of this Wanlong Ball to lure it out?”

   Jinling’s heart moved.

   is now.

   Two huge shadows suddenly appeared in front of him.

   In the gray fog, these two shadows are particularly special.

  ”No…someone is coming.”

   Jinling was startled, looked at the red sun in the sky, and with the help of the strong peripheral light, she looked at the two giant shadows in front of her.

  ”I smell it, it’s the breath of the dragon family. Tsk…it smells good.”

   “Yes, it’s really fragrant. This smell should be the breath of Wanlong Universe, the crystal dragon family.”

  ”I didn’t expect that the dragons of Wanlong Universe would also discover this will relic.”

   “However, why did the crystal dragons come in? This kind of dragons, like porcelain, not only looks good, but also tastes good. This will be a meal.”

   “The Emperor Wanlong didn’t appear, I didn’t expect it…”


  Jie’s laughing voice kept coming.

   Jin Aya’s pupils shrank for a while.

   This voice is familiar to her.

   is a powerful being from another universe.


   is a terrible life that feeds on everything in the universe.

   Their only ability is to eat.

   Nothing to eat.

   is the **** of the divine universe, and they can swallow it directly.

   This isn’t the scariest thing yet.

   The most terrifying thing is that they can not only swallow, but also gain part of the ability of these swallowed things.

   For example, the gods of the gods in the universe, if they are swallowed directly, they can even directly obtain the origin of the gods.

  This universe was destroyed by the joint efforts of many universes.

   But the prisoners were not wiped out.

   because they are too hard to kill.

   Even with just one breath, he can rely on swallowing everything and recover quickly.

   reaches the level of immortality.

   The only thing that can destroy them is the first round of calamities.

   Because that is their only natural enemy.

   For the heavenly beings, they are the natural enemies of most lives.

   is terrible.

  Even for the Dragon Clan… encountering the remnants of the Captive Clan, it is basically difficult to escape the situation of being suffocated.


   Those giant shadows appeared.

   This kind of captive monster is not tall and strong, only about ten meters high, with hands and feet similar to human race.

   but no with a **** mouth on the stomach.

   According to legend, these swallowed stomachs are themselves a small universe, even if there are giant dragons that are comparable to stars.

   can also be easily swallowed.

   Of course, that is a legend, the natural enemy recorded in the Wanlong universe, basically this is the only one who swallows up a family.

   Thinking of this, Jin Ling took a few steps back, and the Wanlong Ball in her palm clenched tightly.

  Two captives.

   How could such a monster appear in this ruin?

   The last time I heard about the prisoner was hundreds of years ago.

  Wanlong Universe once had a captive, which is a major event in the modern history of Wanlong Universe.

   The Xingyan True Dragon Clan, which occupied the two major nebulae at that time, was almost swallowed up directly.

   Later, Emperor Wanlong took action and suppressed this prisoner, only to barely keep a few bloodlines of the Xingyan Zhenlong clan at that time…

   Now that I meet in such a dangerous ruin…

  (end of this chapter)

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