Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1829: Mysterious Fragments

Fan Ye: “Then I understand, let me analyze and analyze. I think, if you lacked that thing, you might be just an ordinary person now, but because of your treasure, you have grown and become stronger. Without him, you may not be able to make an inch in the future. It is your lifeblood… but you can actually dedicate your lifeblood to the ancestor god. This thing, no matter how ordinary it is to the ancestor god, but your sincerity is touched. Ancestor God.”

“So, he gave you 50,000 points. Even your treasure may not have any effect on the ancestors!”

Hear this.

Han Li was slightly taken aback.

Actually, that’s what he thought.

Otherwise, with the small green bottle, it is impossible for the ancestors to give so many points.

“This Fan Ye, the reaction is really fast…” Han Li thought, “It’s really unusual.”

He sighed inwardly.

He now has the Root of Chaos, which has greatly improved in all aspects.

That’s why I can respond so quickly.

This vanity leaf.

“It’s no wonder that he can become a follower of the Ancestral God…and let the Ancestral God personally send powerful warriors to help him. It seems that he will have to work harder in the future.”

Han Li thought to himself.

And Ye Fan’s remarks also silenced the group for a while.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade: “Is that so… Is there such a possibility… Fei Yu’s treasure is actually a broken treasure? Does it still have some effect on the ancestors? I always feel that , although the ancestral gods are kind, they won’t be so kind. Otherwise, isn’t this a bit of a violation of the rules?”

Fan Ye: “Xiaoyu, what you said makes sense. It is possible, but if it is such a treasure, the Ancestral God estimates that it will take a lot of effort to restore it, and it can give 50,000 points. If it is true, then this If the treasure is complete, it is estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands of points.”

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade: “Hee hee, if that’s the case, the ancestor gods will also calculate everything.”

Gui Li said: “But it’s probably not that easy to repair. My Soul Eater Ancestral God can be repaired into an immortal weapon that transcends this world in the blink of an eye, and Ancestral God will take a lot of effort to repair it, so it’s not something we can do at all. here.”

The people of the world can’t blame me: “You guys, it’s disrespectful to talk about the ancestor gods here! I think the ancestor gods naturally have his intentions when they do this.”

Borrow another 10,000 years from Xiangtian: “I think there may be two factors. Half of each. Feiyu’s treasure itself is useful to the ancestors, and the ancestors really thought about Feiyu’s sincerity. So many points down.”

Fan Ye: “@李飞宇, funny face.jpg. If you have that treasure, it may be a broken treasure. If it is repaired in the future, it will be of great use. Do you regret it?”

On the other side.

Han Li smiled slightly.

He actually thought about this possibility.

Li Feiyu: “No, I think, that baby can give me. Points can also be given to me, impossible to give me, points can also be given to me. Why should I regret it? Besides, I have a higher start now, The speed of cultivation will be faster, and the strength will be stronger… Not only do I have no regrets, but even if the treasure is really my completeness, I will give it directly, because its effect on me is limited now.”

“And in the future, I have more room for improvement…”

Fan Ye: “Your words make me feel that you are not an ordinary person… a good guy. I know that it will not be bad for those who can enter our group. Don’t say it, I want to see if I can have it on my side. What sacrifice is made to the ancestor gods, first exchange points for activation points, increase a wave of strength, and then try to get good things in the reward pool!”

After speaking, Ye Fan slipped away.

Unfortunately, he looked around and found that there was nothing to sacrifice at the moment.

After all, Han Li’s situation is very special.

“I can’t sacrifice myself, right?” Ye Fan stood on a mountain peak, pondering, “How about I directly establish a sect? Vigorously develop the belief in ancestors, anyway, in this land of the East Desert, there is a lack of belief. Very, only some sect holy places are fighting back and forth… well, let’s do it! This is the only way to accumulate points in a short period of time.”


Others in the group also began to think of ways to get points.


Su Fan closed his eyes and reviewed his experience of peeping at the screen just now.

“It seems… it seems that the method of that friend Li Feiyu can also be applied to me?”

Su Fan seemed to remember something and suddenly opened his eyes.

How did you get reborn into this world?

He stagnated his consciousness in the depths of his soul.

A piece of debris, lying quietly in it.

“This shard was discovered by me exploring a desolate world somewhere. I have tried countless methods and searched for the oldest strong man, but I don’t know the origin of this shard. It cannot be destroyed, nor can it be detected… Divine Sense Entering it is like entering the vast starry sky.”

With a thought, Su Fan took out the fragment.

“I remember that I spent hundreds of years, constantly sending immortal power to this piece of debris… but there was no response. Not even a single quiver.”

Su Fan muttered.

The fragments in the palm of the hand are somewhat bluish-black, with no marks, and they look unremarkable.

It’s like an ordinary bronze shard.

“Later, I gave up and kept putting it in my soul. This special piece doesn’t seem to have any effect…until…”

Su Fan’s body trembled slightly.

As if recalling something.

Until, when he was defeated by the god’s family, his soul was about to dissipate.

Only then did this shard fluctuate slightly, and then my soul passed out and woke up again, it was already on Mercury.

“It is this piece of debris that allows me to escape and have a chance to be reborn again. This piece of debris must be extremely powerful…”

Su Fan pondered.

However, this thing, I stood on the commanding heights of the cosmic starry sky in my previous life, I didn’t understand a little bit.

How is it possible to understand now?

It doesn’t matter what Su Fan thinks about, being able to carry his soul, travel through space, and be reborn on this Mercury is definitely a treasure against the sky.

“But in my own hands, it can only be equivalent to a protective umbrella at most. Moreover, the fragments play a role, most likely because of the reason I spent hundreds of years conveying immortal power… In addition, there is nothing in my hands. Too much effect…but even that is enough.”

“This thing is the rarest thing for me, no matter in my past or present life.”

Su Fan murmured, “If I sacrifice this thing… I don’t know, can I get points in exchange?”

Weigh the pros and cons, and think about it for a long time.

Su Fan intends to sacrifice this object.

Different from Li Feiyu.

Su Fan was very skilled in creating a simple altar, placing the fragments in the middle, and then began to chant the Great Way to Call the Gods.

Will, the soul attains a state of unity in an instant.

For these, Su Fan was the supreme powerhouse in the universe in his previous life, so he didn’t need to explore like everyone else.

The light is generated in an instant.

Su Fan held his breath… looking at the infinite light and shadow…

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