Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1792: Tianyan God System

But after watching the video posted by Cao Cao in 10,000 years, he found that the ancestors did not seem to interfere with the war of believers at will.

Like a 10,000-year-old brother, the ancestors only changed the world and enhanced the strength of their Daqin people.

However, he did not directly destroy those demons with one palm. Cao Cao believed that the Ancestral God definitely had such strength.

But the ancestral gods didn’t do that.

Therefore, Cao Cao thinks that it is unlikely that the Ancestral God will wipe out the Sun and Liu allied forces with a single slap.

Naturally, Cao Cao thought that the Ancestral God would probably save him, and it was best to give him a special power that would make him make a comeback…

However, I didn’t expect that the Ancestral God directly resurrected his army of hundreds of thousands…

This Nima…

“This is a miracle. We all have the help of gods. There is no possibility of defeat in this battle! All soldiers! Although I kill!”

Cao Cao roared excitedly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the hundreds of thousands of troops had just been resurrected, and they were still a little dazed. Cao Cao’s voice seemed to be blessed through his eyes.

It’s a bit louder than thunder, like drumming, making most of the resurrected soldiers feel their blood boil.

They at this moment.

Almost in a state of being destroyed and withered, the Sun and Liu coalition forces were easily destroyed.

Not even the ability to resist.

No way, the resurrection of hundreds of thousands of troops is too demoralizing.

The coalition has almost no will to fight.

Until the setting sun is like blood.

Cao Cao looked forward with blood on his face.

“Is this the power of the Ancestral God…”

Cao Cao murmured.

He can now feel the enthusiasm and excitement of the 10,000-year-old brother.

With a wave of your hand, the world changes.

Cao Cao experienced the world of 10,000-year-old brother from the first perspective.

There’s a big difference, he can say unceremoniously.

I didn’t expect that even resurrecting hundreds of thousands of troops would be such a simple matter for the Ancestral God.

How powerful is the Ancestral God itself?

Cao Cao suddenly jolted.

This kind of thing is scary just thinking about it.

“Such a great kindness…” Cao Cao closed his eyes and rested for a moment, “I don’t know how to repay… It’s not enough just to believe in a sect. The 10,000-year-old brother used the blood of demons as sacrifices. Is it possible that I have to use blood sacrifices here?”

Cao Cao thought about it for a long time, thinking that it would be too tacky to use blood sacrifices alone.

Also, this 10,000-year-old brother has already sacrificed his blood…

“I don’t know if Ancestral God and his old man have other hobbies…” Cao Cao felt that the gods were too powerful, and it was hard to guess one or two.

After thinking about it for a long time, I have no idea.

But Cao Cao is not in a hurry.

The sacrifices only represent sincerity. For the ancestors, the sacrifices may eventually be returned to themselves.

The dragon robe of the 10,000-year-old brother has been envied by Cao Cao for a long time since he saw it.

“Let’s talk later…”

“My lord! Once I win this battle, all the land of Jiangdong will be in my hands, and the world is just around the corner!” Xun Yu said both exhausted and excited.

Cao Cao smiled and waved his hand, “Wen Ruo is calm.”

“My lord, just now…” Xun Yu thought about it, but still wanted to ask.

“It’s God.” Cao Cao said bluntly and said slowly, “It’s the true God. At that moment, I prayed to the true God to come and help me, Cao Cao, to tide over the difficulties.”

“God?” Xun Yu’s eyes gradually became clearer, but his tone was somewhat inconceivable, “There are only true gods in this world?”

“Believe, naturally there is. If you don’t believe, naturally don’t.” Cao Cao laughed, “I believe, so the true **** has come. From now on, I, Cao Cao, will definitely believe in the name of the ancestor god!”

“Ancestral God…” Xun Yu muttered, his body trembled slightly.

It seems that he can feel a great existence, staring at the distant void, which makes him feel a sense of looking up at the vastness of the universe.


Ancestral world.

“Master, the world where Cao Cao lives seems to have been invaded by a god.”

Yan Mengyao said.

As she watched this scene all the way, she naturally saw the source of that giant palm that contained the essence of the sun.

It can’t be done by a strong man in Cao Cao’s world.

“The Divine Cosmos is now in the cosmos hunting period.” Wang Feng said lightly, “It is normal for these worlds to be invaded by some gods. But judging from the power of that palm, this god’s strength is also average. . Not even a false god, half a pound with the **** who has meddled in Dou Qi Continent.”

“However, you can control the sun’s fire at will. The opponent’s **** system should be the **** of the Tianyan **** system. The gods of the Tianyan **** system are all gods who play with fire. There are countless sources of powerful flames, and there are also avenues of will. There are several kinds, not very powerful.”

Wang Feng naturally doesn’t pay attention to the mere sun.

Also, the power of this encroaching **** is limited, and it may be stronger than the demon **** in the dark demon world.

Otherwise, the power of a slap will not be well controlled, and Cao Cao’s army cannot be destroyed directly.

As for the resurrection of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

The ability to resurrect life actually varies in difficulty according to the strength of life in different worlds.

But no matter what resurrection is, in essence, it is against the will of cosmic reincarnation.

It’s just that, the weaker the life, the more insignificant to the reincarnation will of the entire universe.

As long as you have enough divine power, you can resurrect life through a special source.

Cosmic-level beings basically have the ability to revive others.

But this resurrection, is limited The main thing is that these warriors died for too short a time.

Wang Feng didn’t even consume too much divine power, so he was resurrected directly.

It’s easier to bring them back to life than to modify time.

If it’s been dead for a long time, and the soul is almost gone, it will take a little effort to revive it.

“Next, just wait quietly for the power of faith from Cao Cao.”

Wang Feng sighed.

The cosmic hunting on the other side of the divine universe has also given myself some opportunities.

Slightly sped up the process.

If not, a hero like Cao Cao is the strongest in that world.

It will take a long time for him to have the power of faith in himself.

“Next, let’s establish the reincarnation of the monster road.”

Wang Feng pondered for a moment.

The human race developed rapidly, because the flow of time was watched by Yan Mengyao.

However, the speeding up of the flow of time also requires a lot of faith.

Fortunately, Wang Feng still has a stable source of power for this piece of faith.

It can keep the state of speeding up time in the ancestral world.

This kind of acceleration is relative to the entire universe. For the life inside the ancestral world, it is impossible to feel the acceleration of time.

“In the system of the divine universe, whether it is the ancient law or the pre-law system, it is inseparable from the power of belief, and every aspect needs it…”

Wang Feng sighed with emotion.

Meanwhile, in the chat group.

People in the world live up to me: “Ancestral God Niu Beep!!! Excited.jpg.”

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the group were immediately surprised.

You know, he Cao Cao has always been very stable and calm in the chat group.

Even after watching the video of the ancestors performing miracles, I was shocked. But not so excited.

(End of this chapter)

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