Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1780: Making .. people!

Wang Feng is currently in the ancestral realm.

The first batch of human spirits to enter the human reincarnation have been reincarnated.

As the first batch of reincarnated human spirits, it is very special to descend on the ancestral world.

Because, Wang Feng needs to make bodies for them.

There are no living creatures in the ancestral world today, and it is impossible to reproduce.

Like the former goddess Nuwa, who made people from earth.

But Wang Feng’s side is different.

“As the first batch of human beings, it is natural not to be arbitrary.”

The ancestral world was born, and there are not many babies, but there are not many.

After all, it has not been developed or cultivated, and the ancestral realm is not the former prehistoric world. Once it is opened, there will be countless innate spiritual treasures, countless rare materials and so on.

Ancestral world is just a seed.

“The human body is flesh and blood.”

Wang Feng pondered for a moment, “As a congenital spirit in the ancestral world, we must have a special blood and flesh to accommodate this group of human beings.”

“The physical body is fine, the human race doesn’t need a strong physical body.” Yan Mengyao thought seriously, “but blood is very important, and it is impossible for the master to use your own blood.”

Wang Feng glared at her.


How strong is his blood?

How could the human race be able to bear it?

If his blood is used, then the flesh body that can withstand his blood is even more difficult.

His current body is a supreme divine body condensed with the power of faith.

There is also the will of the heavenly fetus, a body formed by fellow practitioners.

There is also a divine body that has been tempered by karmic fire, experienced the source of life back then, and cultivated for thousands of years.

The source of life has already exploded.

Each body cannot be duplicated.

His blood can’t even be diluted tens of thousands of times.

Furthermore, as the Lord of the God Domain, the blood of the gods cannot be given casually.

“The flesh body can use the earth of the ancestral world to live in the soil, and this kind of soil forged body is enough to accommodate these human spirits.”

Wang Feng tapped his fingertips and took countless breaths from the void.

With a gentle wave of the hand, these breaths of pure and heavy energy aura turned into fleshy bodies.

“Where’s the blood?” Yan Mengyao asked, “Why don’t we use another spring. Although it may be formed, or the quality of these innate human spirits may be slightly worse, but the human race has infinite possibilities. .”

Cultivating acquired spirits is very important in the realm of the gods.

The strength of the acquired spirit, the soul, the flesh, and the blood, these three kinds of creatures are merged and formed, and they are the family of the gods.

Those souls are naturally very powerful.

The body is not bad, and of course the blood can’t pull the crotch.


Wang Feng didn’t want to settle for the next best thing.

At this time, I was thinking about it.

Wang Feng suddenly felt a strong call.

“Huh? Is Ying Zheng calling again? What? Could it be that I gave the power of the stars and they couldn’t beat those demons? That’s too bad, isn’t it?”

Wang Feng was really puzzled.

I felt my mind began to rhythm, a strong and powerful blood, along with the power of faith, came from the world where Ying Zheng lived.

“Is it a blood sacrifice? Ying Zheng is offering sacrifices to me, and is he still using blood sacrifices?”

Wang Feng was stunned.

And, it seems, the blood of those monsters is still used!


At this time.

Xianyang City, outside the newly built Ancestral Temple.

The strong demon blood swept through the entire temple, and all officials, including Ying Zheng, knelt down outside the temple.

Not only them, but also outside the palace, the people of Daqin in Xianyang City, all kneel and worship.

Returning from a victory, a blood sacrifice.

This is naturally very exciting for the people of Qin.

Ying Zheng stands at the very center, and the altar in the center is not simple.

That’s killing thousands of demons, collecting blood, and offering it to ancestor gods.

Indicates Da Qin’s will and determination.

In addition, there are three animals and six animals for normal sacrifice, as well as some ritual utensils, jade and silk.

However, Ying Zheng was a little nervous, wondering if the ancestor gods would come, or if they would like these sacrifices.

Just as Ying Zheng was apprehensive.

At this time, light and shadow suddenly appeared, and a wave of divine might came from above the temple.

“Sacrificial sacrifices are good and good! I hope you will make persistent efforts!”

The moment the voice fell, Na Honghong’s divine voice made everyone tremble.

Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

It seems that the Ancestral God did not disappoint.

“Reward for merit!”

The majestic voice fell again.

I saw the blood of countless demons in the center of the altar, flying into the light and shadow like a stirring river.

At the same time, a divine light shone down from the sky.

In an instant, the three animals and six animals, the ritual utensils, jade and silk that had been irradiated by this divine light had undergone dramatic changes in an instant!

The three animals and six animals that had been slaughtered immediately came to life, their whole body shone with light, and they emitted various divine sounds.

At the same time, the ritual jade and silk began to fuse and mutate, eventually forming a golden robe.

Those three animals and six animals, no, it seems that they are no longer three animals and six animals!

It’s more like a divine beast coming!

Shining a colorful light in the sky, majestic!

The next moment, he crashed directly into the robe and turned into a statue of a god.

“Give the Three Saints Six Dragon Robes!”

The robe exudes a peerless aura, like a sacred artifact that falls on Ying Zheng’s side.

Ying Zheng looked at the robe with a slightly trembling palm.

He doesn’t know what this dragon robe is used for, but it looks extraordinary, and now he’s too embarrassed to ask the ancestral **** directly.

Be sure to ask more questions from the group members later.

This sacred artifact bestowed by the ancestral **** must have an extremely powerful effect!


Ancestral world.

“I was talking about blood, but I didn’t expect Ying Zheng to send it…”

Wang Feng was very happy.

The blood of these monsters is This monster is not an indigenous creature of the Daqin world, but a species from another world…”

Wang Feng felt it immediately.

“It is the breath of gods.” Yan Mengyao said, “The blood of these demons is mixed with the breath of gods. It should be the relatives of a relatively weak **** in the universe of the gods. Families cultivated, let these families come to the small world, forged with fighting and blood.”

“Master, do you want this blood? But I don’t think it’s suitable.” Yan Mengyao said.

The blood of other gods’ families is not of high quality, not even the desolate family.

But the human spirits of the first batch of human races all have the potential of a barren family, and even the human emperor’s spirit has the potential of a holy family.

With this kind of blood, isn’t it too stretched?

“No no no.”

Wang Feng smiled slightly, “It’s not suitable, but the power of Ying Zheng’s faith is mixed in these blood, so I just need to put this blood into the chaotic green lotus…”

“These blood will inevitably be augmented with the power of faith!”

After speaking, Wang Feng did not hesitate to send the blood of these demons sacrificed by Ying Zheng into the Chaos Qinglian.

As expected, Chaos Qinglian flashed with azure light.

When the blood reappears, every drop exudes the breath of pure, strong and clear!

Yan Mengyao took a deep breath:

“This blood… has been increased to such an extent that each of the first group of Houtian humans created in this way must be very powerful! It surpasses the level of the barren species! I can’t imagine how much it can rise in the future. …”

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