Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1771: The mysterious role of the real soul of Chaos Qinglian

Yongan is a young boy: “Ancestral God? Brothers, do you know each other? It sounds amazing… Newcomer? Newcomer? Newcomer seems to have left…Is there really a **** in the world? Any needs can be met? Just kidding? “

World of Swords.

In a small pawnshop.

A man who looked a little ruffian, looked surprised and strange, and then laughed a few times, “This group is really interesting… Even the gods are here, pretending to be ghosts…”

He took a few breaths and didn’t believe it at all.

The world can’t blame me: “I believe in God, but, this newcomer is a little too arrogant… Even if there is a god, how could he be dragged into this chat group. With the greatness of God, I see that only the You and I from different people gather in this chat group, and the existence of this group can be a god, right?”

Fan Ye said: “Boss Cao, you are right. I feel that this newcomer may be a bit of a middle schooler, and a boy who is not a middle schooler is a teenager. Who is not the **** who can realize all wishes in his dreams?”

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade: “Inner…new person…god…seems to have uploaded something, uh…the Great Dao Calling God, it’s free to download, do you want to get a copy?”

Yongan is a boy: “Hey, if you believe it, take a copy and see…”

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade: “Then…that’s fine…Although I also think that gods exist, the so-called gods are just more powerful beings. How can they meet our needs? He won’t Knowing who we are…don’t know who we are…”

Several people were discussing happily.

But did not download the scripture uploaded by Wang Feng.

Until several chatterboxes in the chat group have gradually rested, there is no news in the group.

At this point, that verse was downloaded once…

Ancestral world.

“Master, you’re finally back!”

The ancestral world is still empty, and time has not been lost. When Wang Feng returned, there was almost no change in the ancestral world.

The nine paths of reincarnation are weak, and no inborn souls have been born.

The only thing that exists is Yan Mengyao, who is in charge of the heavenly way, a spirit body that kills gods forever.

“I’m back.” Wang Feng nodded slightly.

He looks at the land, his eyes twinkling.

“Get ready, your master, I plan to unite my body of faith, and I will connect with the ancestral realm in the future.”

Wang Feng took a deep breath.

Yan Mengyao was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, “Do you need my help?”

“What can you do for me?” Wang Feng waved his hand, gave him a sideways glance and said, “Just watch it.”

“Uh…” Yan Mengyao smiled charmingly, and fell lightly beside Wang Feng, “Master, don’t be like this, anyway, I have also cultivated with my soul. You unite the body of faith, I, as the heaven of the ancestral world, Nature needs to unite with you in order to better connect with the ancestral world.”

“I think you’re greedy for my body, right?” Wang Feng tapped Yan Mengyao lightly, “Let’s go. The body of faith is very important, you just need to watch from the side.”

Yan Mengyao pouted helplessly.

Wang Feng stared at the ancestral realm, and strands of light began to pour out of him, as if cast in gilt, and circled around him.

In just a moment, Wang Feng’s whole body was like a sea of ​​gold and silver, and countless powers of faith turned into stars, covering Wang Feng’s soul of the first wheel.

Immediately afterwards, the golden and silver ocean formed by the power of faith around Wang Feng extended out a beam of light, which directly hit Yan Mengyao beside him.

“It’s hot!”

Yan Mengyao exclaimed and let out a slightly painful groan.

This is the power of faith, not any other energy.

It’s not something that other lives can afford.

After this beam of light washed away Yan Mengyao, it fell straight into the earth and the sky in the ancestral world.

It seems to be one with it.

In an instant, a golden light curtain, with Wang Feng as the center, rippling around.

The next moment, the ancestral realm, which originally had no life breath, seemed to light up at this moment.

As if from black and white to color.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is changing rapidly.


A faint light seems to echo this beam of light, emitting a faint light.

That is the breath of life.

Wang Feng’s heart moved slightly.

It’s the Snow Epiphyllum, the Snow Epiphyllum that I and Qian Renxue created together. It should still be in the growing stage now…

Now there is wisdom.

‘I didn’t expect that I condensed my body of faith, connected to the ancestral world, and the power of overflowing faith could bring about such obvious changes…’

Wang Feng took a breath.

At normal growth rates.

Although that Snow Epiphyllum is a congenital creature, I am afraid that it will take at least tens of thousands of years before it can give birth to wisdom.

Because the Snow Epiphyllum was not given to any kind of life in the nine reincarnations by Wang Feng.

A special innate being created alone.

Growth is extremely slow.

“After the body of faith is cast, it is connected to the ancestral realm. A ray of faith can make such a significant change, and the ancestral realm will develop very quickly in the future.”

The power of faith alone cannot be used in the ancestral realm.

It takes Wang Feng, the body of faith, to make a slight change in the power of faith in order to inject it into the ancestral world.

It is equivalent to Wang Feng’s body of faith. It is a transfer station. The power of faith will be processed and supplied to the ancestral world.

The gods on the other side of the divine universe, with the body of faith as the representative of the divine body, sit in the domain of the gods.

Not only can you use the power of faith to change your own domain, but you can also use the body of faith to absorb the power of the domain, and it also has many effects of manifesting.

However, what surprised Wang Feng was that most of the power of faith just now was used to build this body of faith.

There is only one strand left, which falls into the ancestral realm after passing through his own body of belief.

But it can directly give birth to the wisdom of that snow epiphyllum.

It stands to reason that a ray of faith is not enough to give birth to wisdom from that snow epiphyllum.

Even, much worse.

Tens of thousands of years cannot be changed by the power of faith.

“Wait…is it…”

Wang Feng seems to have thought of something.

His palms condensed slightly, and a green lotus bloomed quietly.

“Is it the effect of Chaos Qinglian?”

Wang Feng had a guess in his heart.

That ray of faith was obviously specially strengthened.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be that powerful.

It is impossible for Wang Feng to strengthen himself.

Then, only the chaotic Qinglian true soul or the Pangu axe that has been in his body has this effect.

Wang Feng guessed that Chaos Qinglian should have this ability.

‘Pangu axe and chaotic green lotus, these two true souls are the treasures of will left behind by the prehistoric world… The true soul of Pangu axe contains the will of opening the The true soul of chaotic green lotus must also have its eyes Powerful ability, I have never used the power of faith to experiment before… Unfortunately, the power of faith I just used was all used to condense the body of faith. ’

Wang Feng secretly said, ‘Now there is no power of faith. ’

According to the power of faith in the Angel Nebula is generated from time to time, but also in cycles.

Wang Feng has just returned from the Angel Nebula. Although the power of belief there is still condensing, it must be condensed in a small amount.

It may take several days.

‘Wait a moment, maybe there should be a result on the chat group soon…’

Wang Feng thought.

(End of this chapter)

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