Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1755: Super Seminary

The Angel Nebula, the main star.

Ceremony day.

For angels, this ceremony is different from the coronation of the throne.

But compared to the coronation of the throne, today’s ceremony is more solemn.

Many civilizations who joined the Light and Dark Cosmic Alliance could not understand that King Tianxiu of the Heavenly Angel Nebula, another legend after Keisha.

Snap. How could such a grand ceremony be held.

And, just because of a man.

“The main star of the Angel Nebula, this place looks much more comfortable than the blue star’s place.”

Several figures descended in the sky, and several figures passed through the gate outside the Angel Nebula and came to the main star.

The one headed, the monkey face Lei Gongzui, is from Blue Star and is the patron saint of Sun Wukong.

Beside him, there were several men and women.

These men and women are super fighters with super genes from Blue Star, and they all have the power to traverse the universe.

Although they may be just ordinary people in front of them.

But awakening the super gene means stepping into a whole new field.

“Oh my god, I always feel that breathing in my place will pollute the air of this place.”

A tall and strong man touched his head and looked down at the city like a snow-white world.

“Liu Chuang, you are also known as the ‘Nuo Xing War God’. Can you not be so tacky? It’s a shame.”

Next to the tall and strong man, a thinner man with a slightly slender appearance laughed and scolded.

“I said Xin Zhao, before you say this, why don’t you take a look at yourself? Besides, my name as the God of War has nothing to do with me being vulgar.”

Liu Chuang laughed a few times, not taking it seriously.

Several people were arguing and joking.

“How many are the super soldiers of Blue Star Super Seminary?”

At this time, an angel flew up and said with a smile: “The ceremony is about to start, please come with me.”


Sun Wukong suddenly stopped the angel and said, “I heard that your Angel Nebula also invited those gluttons and demons from the Styx civilization. Are these guys here yet?”

Not to mention the devil, this glutton has once invaded Blue Star.

Several large cities in the Blue Star were once destroyed, only to be rebuilt later.

Naturally, they are extremely unfriendly to the gluttons of the Styx civilization, from Blue Star.

“Don’t worry, Dasheng Sun.” The angel warrior smiled, “They dare not come. Take a step back and say, if they come, that’s just right.”

“You Angel Nebula are so confident?” Monkey King asked, “Invite your opponent to your hometown? I remember when a civil strife broke out in your Angel Nebula, it seems that it was someone named Xuan Ye. The mind must break the gate outside your Angel Nebula.”

“You are all stopped.”

“Now you have to invite your former opponents to come in. This ceremony is really weird.”

The angel warrior smiled and did not answer.

“Who is your king?” This is, from the side of Sun Wukong, a woman with a hot body and a delicate face, wearing a **** black battle dress. asked.

Between her words, there is a bit of special power, and her temperament is particularly special, and her body exudes a faint leadership atmosphere.

At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

“Of course…” Angel Warrior paused, “Men.”

“You angels will find men?” The woman smiled.

“Goddess Lena is joking, you are the future master **** of Lieyang Tiandao, but you will also have men in the future.” The angel warrior said solemnly, “Why can’t our angels have men? Before the Galaxy War, Those gluttonous armies attacked your Blue Star, and our angels sent troops to save them, and several of them had feelings for your Blue Star soldiers. But they all sacrificed.”

“But that’s your King Tianxiu.” Lena pouted, “King Tianxiu will find your man. In the eyes of the goddess, it’s just as strange as this monkey finding a female monkey.”

“Leina, what do you mean?” Sun Wukong snorted coldly, “You want to fight again, don’t you? The king of Tianxiu is looking for a man, and it doesn’t matter what you do.”

“You two, don’t quarrel. By the way, Goddess Lena, General Pan of your Lieyang Star has come.” The angel warrior immediately changed the subject and said, “He said, if you come, let me Take you to him first. He has something to tell you.”

“No.” Lena gave birth to a lazy waist, “This goddess is now a super soldier of Blue Star and a member of the Super Seminary. Goddess Lena of Lieyang Star has already left work. I will be better later. Let’s take a look at the man from the Heavenly Cultivator.”

After she finished speaking, she walked away first.

The angel warrior had no choice but to follow, and the Monkey King behind him shook his head.

The location of the ceremony is in the circular square of the main city of Angels.

Generally speaking, it should be inside the palace.

But King Tianxiu changed the location of the ceremony to another place.

The angel warrior descended towards the main city with Sun Wukong and his party.

Suddenly, the angel warrior’s body shook violently, and he seemed to sense something.

He froze in place. “This little Why are you not moving?” Liu Chuang asked suddenly.

“No, nothing…” the angel warrior whispered.

Monkey King looked at each other a few times, wondering what the little angel was doing.

Fortunately, the angel warrior recovered quickly, and immediately brought them to the square where the ceremony was held.

Angels behave differently from humans.

“There are a lot of people coming.”

Lena was a little excited, “Look, that is the Light and Dark Universe Alliance, the Celestial Demon civilization in the westernmost part of the universe. Sun Wukong, there may be relatives of you over there. The Celestial Demon Civilization is located in the westernmost part of the universe. At the beginning of their birth, they were all the same species as you. The demon civilization on their side is also very powerful…”

After finishing speaking, Leina pointed to another location, “There, over there, tsk, that is the Beike civilization in the north of the universe, the political system over there is somewhat similar to our Lieyang Heavenly Dao, both are The more conservative one can join the alliance, I heard that King Tianxiu was there at the time, helping them fight several cracks in the universe and solve the existential crisis there.”

“It was added later.”

“There is also the Canglan civilization. The Canglan civilization is a civilization that is quite similar to your Blue Star, but it advocates martial arts, and the method of cultivation and science there are completely opposite paths, but it is still powerful. It belongs to the category of ‘ancient law’.”

“…all are allies of the Light and Dark Universe Alliance, and they are basically all here.”

Lena looked around, and in a very inconspicuous position, she also saw the warriors from the Sun Star.

“Sister Lena, Nuo, isn’t that General Pan from your hometown?” Xin Zhao winked, “Why don’t you go over and say hello?”

巘舅舅. Reina waved her hand and glared at Xin Zhao, “You’re itchy, aren’t you?”

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