Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1646: Ambition

Wang Feng’s feelings at this time are very strange.

It seems that the soul is in a state of emptiness, unable to perceive anything, but there is a feeling that everything can be controlled in the heart.

He did not self-immolate his soul, but turned his soul into countless soul energy through the origin of Hongmeng, and suppressed everything in this space when the Chaos Bell derived from the Pangu Axe suppressed everything in this space, preventing his own soul energy. When leaking out to prevent fusion, a little is missing.

There is no human sight.

But Wang Feng could see the whole area.

Including the sea.

Where the soul energy is, he can see it.

Similar to telepathy.

But the consciousness is very weak. So weak that no soul could sense his presence.

He just wanted to really disappear.

But Wang Feng knew that he himself existed.

This situation made him think of a special kind of spiritual body: void life.


Those void lives are similar to this situation.

They are spiritually cohesive beings, without any consciousness and immune to any form of energy attack.

In the Dark Demon World, even the Demon Gods can’t do anything about it.

But Wang Feng has long analyzed the fundamental source of that kind of void life: it is the fusion of the energy transformed by the soul and the chaotic energy of the chaotic world after the disappearance of cosmic life.

Theoretically speaking, once these non-beings are born with consciousness one day, and then fuse the non-beings from all over the universe, it is possible to become cosmic life again!

So, to a certain extent, after those cosmic-level life disappeared, they were not completely dead.

Just like the holy Keisha of the Angel Nebula, after death, the body turns into countless sacred atoms, a special energy carrier, which can be reunited after hundreds of millions of years, which is almost equivalent to rebirth.

Wang Feng previously believed that the strength of this sacred Kaisha was infinitely close to that of a cosmic life. Because of this way of living.

Of course, the actual combat effectiveness is hard to say.

After all, cosmic life has cosmic will.

That is the power form that can represent the change of the universe.

‘The Wild Sea Demon God has great ambitions. ’

Wang Feng felt a huge sigh in his heart.

This is the origin of the original origin, which is the way the Demon God of the Wild Sea wants to learn about the existence of cosmic life!

Wang Feng is sure that this is definitely something that the Demon God of the Wild Sea has recently realized.

It is even possible that he realized it from that demonic energy, that is, the will of the universe!

He is already moving towards cosmic life, this level is advancing!

This guy’s talent and aptitude must not be underestimated!

Thinking of this, Wang Feng can’t help but sigh that he seems to be lucky.

He did it this way, albeit with certain risks. But if it can be successful, it means that he can also perceive the origin similar to Guiyuan.

At that time, he is equivalent to getting a ticket to cosmic life.

It is no longer known how many top powerhouses in the universe have been defeated.

Suddenly, Wang Feng felt as if he was being absorbed and pulled by something.

The scattered soul energy slowly began to dance, surging throughout the area.

Countless images began to spread into Wang Feng’s soul.

He could clearly see that his soul energy was inhaled into his body by countless human souls.

It’s a wonderful feeling.

Yu Wushen’s appeal and authority are extremely powerful.

Moreover, she did not tell them the truth of the human beings in Canglanxing, because there are too many human souls, and it is very troublesome to explain.

Even, they didn’t even say anything about the soul crystal nucleus generated in their souls and the fact that they were controlled by the devil.

Once this kind of thing is announced, then the human souls in this area will face collapse.

Once the human soul can’t see any hope of entering reincarnation, his soul will be like a walking dead and will all face extinction.

There are too many human souls in this Canglan Star, and most of them are still ordinary human souls.

They were driven to the area outside the Styx Falls, and the hope of reincarnation was very low. If they knew that their own souls had been controlled by the devil, then…

Well, people still need to give some hope.

Yu Wushen simply told them to immediately absorb the energy of the soul, make the soul stronger, and have the opportunity to enter the well of reincarnation.

This simple truth can guide all human souls to the greatest extent and immediately absorb the soul energy transformed by Wang Feng’s soul at this moment.

After all, not all human beings are at the level of Yu Wushen.

Waiting quietly.

From being absorbed and condensed by countless human souls, Wang Feng also sensed countless soul crystal nuclei.

Wang Feng’s move is to fundamentally and directly solve the origin of the desolate sea devil’s return.

Instead of cracking.

There is no way to crack this source.

He directly disintegrated the crystal nucleus of the soul energy condensed by the Desolate Sea Demon God directly from the source.

“I have already condensed!” The Golden Tiger Emperor of Dayan, located on the shore of Shengwu Island, condensed the fastest.

Faster than Feather Valkyrie.

“You are obviously a monster, how did you gather so quickly?”

Yu Wushen looked at him in surprise, “Didn’t this senior say that the human race has more in common with him, and the soul energy transformed by his soul can be absorbed the fastest for our human race?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s because the senior has a relationship with me.” Dayan Golden Tiger Emperor thought for a while, “Or, his soul once had contact with beasts, so his soul energy does not exclude me in any way. .”

Yuwu Shen was thoughtful.

This is really true of the Golden Tiger Emperor…

“I’m going to start, use this senior’s soul crystal nucleus to swallow another one.”

The Dayan Golden Tiger Emperor took a deep breath and looked at Yu Wushen, “Let me do the first test for you.”

Yu Wushen moved his lips, curled his lips and said, “Be careful, don’t just disappear, anyway…”

She paused and lowered her voice: “We must enter into reincarnation together…to the next life.”

The Dayan Golden Tiger Emperor was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yu Wushen with great excitement.

Wang Feng wanted to laugh, but he actually felt it.

This person and beast, with such feelings, must have had an experience that can be called “singing and crying” before his death, right?

Just like Xiao San and Xiao Wu.

With the movements of the Golden Tiger Emperor Dayan, he slowly drove the crystal nucleus condensed from Wang Feng’s soul energy in his body, and rolled it directly towards the other soul crystal nucleus.

Wang Feng felt an extraordinary power.

‘Barren Sea, I can feel the panic in your heart. ’

As the two soul nuclei collided, the soul nuclei directly turned into a phantom of Wang Feng.

And the other soul core turned into a phantom of the barren sea devil.

Desolate Sea Devil: ‘…’

‘The deity never thought that there are people in the world who are as crazy as me. ’

He said lightly, and he didn’t seem to be as flustered as he imagined.

As the soul nuclei collide, the two communicate with their souls, and even the Great Golden Tiger Emperor cannot perceive They are like communicating in a speck of dust.

‘Generally average. ’ Wang Feng waved his hand, ‘Are you going to be swallowed up by me directly, or are you more conscious? Even if you control this soul crystal nucleus, forcibly break the suppression, and then self-destruct, you will only end up being swallowed and absorbed by me. ’

The repression Wang Feng was talking about was naturally the Chaos Bell standing in the sky.

‘Oh, this deity is not a demon **** who cannot afford to lose. I admit it. ‘ The Desolate Sea Demon God calmly said, ‘Your origin is undeniably powerful. You have inherited the origin of the Origin Tribulation God King. But the deity knows that this can never be the origin of the Origin Tribulation God King. This is the source of your own comprehension! It is very powerful. Among the origins I have seen, I am afraid that only the origin of freedom of Hell Lord can be compared with it. Even, slightly worse. ’

‘It’s a prize. ’ Wang Feng smiled slightly, ‘This kind of thing can be said more. ’

The implication is, blow more, I’m happy to hear it.

Desolate Sea Devil: ‘…’

He smiled, sighed, and slowly disappeared.

In an instant, this soul crystal nucleus will directly transform into countless soul energy and merge into this phantom of Wang Feng.

‘I didn’t expect to struggle at all. ‘ Wang Feng thought for a few seconds.

Probably desperate.

He carries his soul with the origin of Hongmeng, and these soul crystal cores also contain the great power of the origin of Hongmeng.

Even if you struggle, it doesn’t work.

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