Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1556: The true magic armillary sphere! trap?

The space of the gods standing above the clouds is very interesting.

This building complex, like a heavenly palace, is not large in size, but it is surrounded by countless patterns of laws, all of which are rules laid down by the devil.

It is enough to make this space a real land of gods, and there may not even be a sense of induction below the demon master.

It is extremely difficult for those tombs to enter this space.

Now, there are only fourteen people in the tomb realm who have truly entered the space of the gods.

“The Eternal God-killer is in the space of the gods, please follow us to see this set of God-killers first.”

After chatting with Wang Feng, Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Renxin took Wang Feng to the core of the fifth floor, the space of the gods.

Wang Feng nodded lightly and followed.

My heart is full of waves.

He was not quite sure, which Hell Lord predicted the return of the real Demon God Diye, or was he the one who pretended to be the Demon God Diye?

If it is the former, then this Hell Lord is probably not simple.

If the latter, it is even more difficult.

This unparalleled figure who smashed the prohibition of the God Realm King City with one palm at the beginning, and was unmatched in the two eras of the Dark Demon Realm, kept shocking and surprising Wang Feng.

Mysterious colors always shroud each other.

“You and Hell Lord were confidantes back then. Anyone who knew a little about Hell Lord would know that it was Hell Lord’s appreciation and approval to be able to come to the Dark Demon Realm back then. The so-called leaving this set of eternal slaying gods for you, It’s right.”

Yu Xiaoxiao seemed to sense the doubts in Wang Feng’s heart and explained.

“The deity naturally knows.” Wang Feng’s eyes fell forward, and they had already arrived above the clouds in the space of the gods.

The more Wang Feng looked at it, the more he felt that the building complex in this Gods Space was somewhat like a heavenly palace.

There is also a taste of textiles. Wang Feng remembered the sky of the sky with the fierce sun that he saw on the other side of the wormhole.

There are three or four similarities.

As soon as I walked to the cloud, the building community in the distance was in front of my eyes, and a crisp sound like the sound of nature sounded softly:

“Oh, what a rare visitor. What tasks do your two bosses have today? Hey, what about outsiders?”

Following the voice, Wang Feng saw a woman in a palace dress wearing a long white dress, flying like a fairy from a distance.

If this woman were to let go of the world, she would probably belong to the limit of the creator. From her body to her face, everything was at its peak.

It’s just that it’s missing some aura.

This body, I’m afraid I made it myself. This face, this waist, this leg, this butt…

Wang Feng pondered for a while, and saw that the other’s body was probably a toy. First release https://https://

It also looks good on the outside, but the inside is full of all kinds of dense parts.

Does not have real functionality.

“Chang Xi, go and tell me to activate the True Demon Armillary Sphere. Call the rest of your friends, you have something to do.”

Yu Xiaoxiao coughed and said to the artificial fairy.

“True Demon Armillary Sphere? Oh, so the owner of that item is here?”

The artificial fairy looked at Wang Feng in surprise, her beautiful eyes flashed with strange lights, scanning Wang Feng’s whole body like a scanner, and then she covered her mouth and said in surprise: “Wow, such a perfect body, It wasn’t made…this…this…this, is this your demon god? No, I have seen that old man Cangxiu before, but his demon body is not so perfect.”

As she spoke, her eyes gradually became hot, looking at Wang Feng as if a chef saw the best ingredients.

Wang Feng’s eyes swept slightly, and a huge coercion shook invisible.

In an instant, the artificial fairy’s body froze, as if a needle had been hit by a fatal acupoint in her body, and she twitched several times. A mechanical **** with disorganized parts came from inside the body.

“Get out!”

Yu Xiaoxiao saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately scolded the artificial fairy.

“Aiya, people know about it.” The artificial fairy gave Wang Feng a reluctant look. He slowly flew away dragging his stiff body.

Wang Feng sighed that he was so handsome that he was worried about people and ghosts.

“Her name is Chang Xi, and she is one of the fourteen tomb practitioners in the space of the gods.”

Yu Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly, “This guy has a strong interest in the technology of various civilizations, she herself comes from a certain immortal civilization, she is an orthodox fairy, and later died after crossing the catastrophe of that world. , was also calculated by the thieves, and came to the Treasure King City by chance, and discovered many other worlds, and then she stopped cultivating immortals… and began to tinker with various magic tools.”

“She completed the part of the assembly of Eternal Killing God.”

Wang Feng nodded slightly.

It’s okay, the opponent’s strength is actually decent.

Her body should not be the artificial fairy just now.

That artificial fairy is just a tool, a mind control of the other party.

“What is the True Demon Armillary Sphere?” Wang Feng asked.

“Holding a special instrument for Eternal Slaughtering God.” Yu Xiaoxiao explained, “The secret of Eternal Slaughtering God is only known to the demon gods. The rest of the demon gods hardly know about it. It is this kind of instrument, It can block the induction of the devil and avoid causing more disputes.”

Godslayer, especially exclusive godslayer.

The scent is too unique.

It is easy to be sensed.

“For the creation of Eternal God Killing, the fourteen tomb realms have a little division of labor, but they don’t know what they are creating.” Yu Xiaoxiao continued,

“It shouldn’t be easy to really obtain this eternal slaughter of gods, right?” Wang Feng asked.

“You’ll know when you see it.” Yu Xiaoxiao said somewhat mysteriously.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Having said that, he led Wang Feng towards the interior.

Go outside a palace.

“Eternal Temple.”

Several ancient characters are engraved on the plaque The True Magic Armillary Sphere is inside. Yu Xiaoxiao said softly, “Your Highness, Eternal Slaughter God is inside. If you want to obtain Eternal God Slaughter, just go inside.” “

Wang Feng pondered for a moment.

How it feels a bit like a trap.

Reality draws itself a pie of eternal slaughter, and then lets itself jump in.

And the Hell Lord…

Wang Feng couldn’t find any definite evidence to prove everything Yu Xiaoxiao said since entering the Treasure King City.

Even Eternal Killing God may be fake.

It’s just… Even if it was a trap, even if it was a big cake drawn, it really made Wang Feng a little greedy.

To enter or not to enter?

What’s in there?

“What are you still hesitating about?” Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Renxin looked at each other and smiled, “Could it be that you think that we are lying to you? Let me tell you the truth, if you want to obtain eternal slaying Naturally, it is not easy. Eternal God-killing is comparable to the wisdom of the devil. It is a weapon in itself, but it is also a powerful creature. From the perspective of life, Eternal God-killing is a kind of life condensed from its source. A crystal nucleus, it can create the world by itself. If you want to gain its approval and become its master, even the devil cannot do it.”

“The Eternal God-killer on the Demon Venerable was cultivated by him, and his innate affinity is perfect.”

“And this set of eternal god-killing was created the day after tomorrow. If you want to get it, you have to endure the test.”

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