Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1514: Absurd idea

After listening to the first few words, Qingluo Demon God guessed what this fake emperor wanted to do.

But I never imagined that the latter sentence, it was like a rock that set off a shocking wave!

The souls of the Qingluo Demon City were briefly stunned.

He’s… insane, right?

Dreams don’t do that.

You know, there are more than just three demon gods behind these three demon gods.

And there are tens of millions of demons behind them.

A huge army, countless soul demons.

In total, there are at least tens of thousands of Demon Lords alone, and at least thousands of Demon Lords.

You must know that someone at the level of the Demon Lord, placed in any continent of the Demon Realm, can sit on one side and be invincible.

Like the first-level gods corresponding to the realm of the gods and the realm of the devil, they are only able to break through 100.

Adding up these three legions, that force is no joke.

As for the upper-ranked soul demon, the upper-ranked demon soul does not belong to a realm, but a rank of identity and bloodline.

Whether it is a demon king or a demon master, almost all of them are high-ranking soul demons.

But the upper-level soul demons are not necessarily the demon king or the demon master.

The Demon Lord and the Demon Lord belong to the same great realm.

Generally, in the Dark Demon Realm, only the Demon Lord has entered the real realm.

Because it is only the realm of the devil, there are many small realms.

The difference in strength is also huge.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of high-ranking soul demons from the three major legions combined.

And these are high-end combat powers.

The high-end combat power is so terrifying, let alone the low-end combat power.

Let’s not talk about other advanced magic weapons, various types of magic ships, etc.

Don’t say Qingluo Demon God.

At this moment, in the Holy City of Soul Demons, even the Demon Lord who still has a trace of consciousness, and the Demon Lord who is fully awake, were shocked by Wang Feng’s words.

Most of the demon sovereigns who were vaguely conscious were almost shivering, and even woke up directly.

“The Hell Lord can’t say such a thing? The Hell Lord can still defeat the three demon gods, but if you face the legions behind the three demon gods, it will be difficult to say.”

Dark Demon Realm’s individual force value is very high.

But the average is too high.

A ceiling-level demon **** like Hell Lord, who has almost broken through the realm of demon gods, may not be able to do it.

At this moment, the three demon gods were also stunned for a long time.

To be reasonable, Demon God, after living for so many years, don’t say anything else, every Demon God is crazy.

There’s no such thing as a real low-key.

Most of the low-key is basically too lazy to fight with ants.

But this is the first time the three demon gods have heard such arrogant words.

The Primordial Demon God couldn’t help but want to say two sarcastic words.

But after thinking about it, I don’t know how to ridicule.

“No, two, the deity has no words to describe what this Diye said just now. How…how…ridiculous.”

Demon God Hunyuan shook his head, “That’s it, it seems that the talk has collapsed. Not only is the talk broken, but the Holy City of Soul Demon, and the Demon God of Qingluo, cannot make any concessions. What do you think? say?”

“What else can I say? People have released such words… We are embarrassed if we don’t fight this holy city of soul demons. Originally, we are both in the dark demon world, so we can’t do this step. Since this is the case, Hell Lord She’s not here anymore, so don’t blame us for being ruthless.”

Desolate Sea Demon God sighed, “However, this is the Diye Demon God that your Dark Demon Realm admired back then? It’s really crazy… This kind of crazy, if I can learn three points, it’s worth it.”

“I thought that this Demon God Diye appeared, at most I dared to say, pick the three of us. This deity thinks it’s exaggerated enough, and this is the craziest statement I can think of. I didn’t expect it, really I didn’t expect… I still underestimated him.”

The Demon God Qixiao felt a little regretful.

The three demon gods chatted eloquently.

“Since that’s the case, then it’s easy to say. Early tomorrow morning, the three of us in this holy city of ghost demons promise that not even a shred of air will penetrate!”

The Demon God Hunyuan glanced at the Demon God Diye.

Nodding with the other two demon gods, with a bit of a smile on their faces, the demons were swept away and disappeared into the sky.

“What exactly do you want to do?” Demon God Qingluo looked at Demon God Diye in front of him.

There are countless question marks in my heart.

It’s alright, now it’s a never-ending situation.

The Demon God Qingluo even suspected that the other party was definitely an undercover agent from the realm of the gods, specializing in sabotage in the realm of dark demons.

Next time, the Holy City of Soul Demon will definitely be gone.

Well, if the Hell Lord doesn’t come, there must be a demon **** falling.

Qing Wanli believes that she has a high probability of falling.

At most, it is unlikely to kill a demon god.

“As a deal, I will solve the difficulties of the Holy City of Soul Demon for you.” Wang Feng said.

“Do you know what you were talking about just now?” Qingluo Demon God couldn’t help asking.

“Of course I know.” Wang Feng thought for a while and said, “Don’t worry, I have my own way, but you can just watch it. If these three demon gods really dare to come and besiege the Holy City of Soul Demon, I will teach you the Holy City of Soul Demon. These three demon gods and their legions can all be buried here without a single soldier. Hmm…”

“The Demon God should still be alive, but even if he survives, he will at least fall into the realm.”


The Demon God Qingluo looked at Wang Feng several times.

Mumbling in the mouth not knowing what to say.

“Forget it…” After a long time, Demon God Qingluo sighed, “Anyway, no matter how bad it is, that’s it, even if you don’t say these words, the three of them won’t let go of the Holy City of Soul Demon easily. “

“What can you do?”

“Well…” Wang Feng thought for a while, “Can you sell it? It’s boring to say it. Besides, if you are accidentally found out by the three demon gods, they will be scared away by then, it will be bad. .”

“…” Qingluo Demon God.

“Now, can you tell me first, what exactly is that thing?” Wang Feng couldn’t hold back his curiosity and asked.

“You are the devil?”

“Not really.”

“Then why do you ask this? It’s unknown whether that thing can make the Demon God break through, but what is certain is that it’s not the Demon God, so it doesn’t make much sense to get it.”

“It doesn’t make much sense, I’m just curious.”

Seeing this, the Qingluo Demon God sighed.

Now it’s a grasshopper on a rope, it’s okay to say no.

Thinking about it, the Qingluo Demon God told the deeds of the great ancestor of the ancient times.

After listening, Wang Feng pondered for a long time.

He exclaimed in surprise.

Isn’t this too awesome?

‘If you don’t hang up, you can do it? ‘ Wang Feng groaned, ‘Maybe. In order to find the Well of Reincarnation, he directly unifies the nine domains of the Dark Demon Realm. Then, in order to wipe out the demon soul, he died directly. If there were no other reasons, it was because the sea of ​​​​heart was as vast as the universe… Then the well water around the reincarnation well was transported for countless years, forming the Tianming River…’

Let’s not say anything else, just to unify the nine domains of the Dark Demon Realm, Wang Feng felt that this was a huge project.

After the reunification, the ideal has not changed, and the will is extremely firm. It is to find the well of reincarnation and solve the problem of the demon soul in the dark demon world.

This is no ordinary beep.

‘What’s the matter, doesn’t this first demon also have a system? It is the task of the system…’

Wang Feng couldn’t help but guess.

This is on a normal Who would dare to do such a stupid thing?

And after the reunification, he still had the courage to die, turned into a demon soul, and then unified the hundreds of millions of demon souls floating in the dark demon world at that time.

In the end, he really found the reincarnation well for him. Although it was not opened, it built the Tianming River.

If there is no other reason, Wang Feng feels that he can’t do it.

Don’t talk about yourself, no demon **** in the dark demon world can do it.

The Hell Lord is unlikely to do it either.

‘Perhaps in this world, there may be such a supreme will. ’

Wang Feng secretly said.

The three demonic qi that fell from the sky at the end not only restored the body of the first demon, but also directly surpassed the demon god.

Sounds like this is a bit of a sanctification of merit.

Wang Feng pondered.

But where do these three demonic energy come from?

“The source of the creation of the world? Impossible, the way of heaven in the dark demon world is roughly the same as the way of heaven in the **** world. Xiyue can’t drop three energy gases, so that the **** king can be promoted directly. And it’s still recovering the body.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Feng couldn’t think of the origin of these three demonic qi.

Either it is the existence of a higher level in the universe, surpassing the existence of the devil, and descended.

But, why descend in the dark world?

In the history of the Dark Demon World, the Dark Demon World belongs to the world that was born independently in China.

It wasn’t created by the strong.

Wang Feng, who has no clue, can’t think of it.

Can’t help but secretly say, ‘Those three demonic qi, I’m afraid it’s not the ultimate reward of the system…’

“System, are you there? Do you have any compatriots?” Wang Feng couldn’t help asking when he heard this bizarre legend for the first time.


Shaking his head, Wang Feng dispelled these ridiculous thoughts in his mind.

‘Forget it, when I see that demonic energy, maybe I’ll know about it…’

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