Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1485: Condense the Divine Ring!

Chapter 1453 Condensing the Divine Ring!

“I don’t know the situation for a while, but next, what I’m going to talk about is if you deal with these red gods…and the difficulties you will face next.”

“These red **** soldiers do not have any weaknesses, at least for the dark demon world, they have no weaknesses. Even if they have the strength of the demon gods, they cannot be eliminated, and they can only be trapped here in the end. I secretly left this text , I just hope you can break through this forbidden space.”

“The Red Divine Soldiers have no weaknesses, because they are the willful beings condensed from countless beliefs. The flesh is immortal and the spirit is immune. The Red Divine Soldiers are condensed from hundreds of millions of lives. There is only one way to destroy them. , that is…”

Wang Feng’s combined text will be gone here.

Wang Feng swept dozens of red **** soldiers, and found that he couldn’t make up the follow-up text.

While silent, he dodged the attack of the Red God Soldier mentioned in these words.

These ancient soul monsters are called Red God Soldiers in the text.

Wang Feng had never heard of it.

As for the person who left this text, Wang Feng doesn’t know who it is, only a guess.

“In the end, there is no way to solve it…”

Wang Feng sighed in his heart.

But these words probably let Wang Feng know something.

“The life of the will made up of countless beliefs…belief…”

Wang Feng took a deep breath.

Glancing at each of the Red God Soldiers.

Feeling the energy and composition within them.

“If you can’t beat it, try this…”

The divine ring on Wang Feng’s body flickered, and the source of the element appeared in Wang Feng’s palm like a cosmic star, turning into an endless ray of light, changing Wang Feng’s body.

These red gods are extremely immune to the source, and the element source is difficult to change.

At this time, Wang Feng’s body began to change every inch as the source of the elements wrapped around Wang Feng’s body.

In midair, Wang Feng’s body began to rise, and his divine power was rapidly consumed, but his breath did not weaken.

Having been fighting with these Scarlet God Soldiers for a long time, Wang Feng is very clear about the structure of these Scarlet God Soldiers.

Only don’t know what energies they are made of.

At this moment, Wang Feng intends to use the origin of the elements and use the two divine rings as the foundation to transform himself into this kind of red **** soldier.

Since they can’t be beaten, then become them.

This is Wang Feng’s idea.

This is the power of element origin.

A change in the origin of an element is a real change, not a pure simulation.

At the same time, these red **** soldiers suddenly became quiet.

As if feeling something.

About half an hour later.

The light slowly dissipated.

A seven-meter-high red **** soldier appeared in this space.

His body is overflowing with radiance and powerful energy fluctuations.

Compared to the aura emanating from other red **** soldiers, it is stronger.

“There is no movement… these red **** soldiers, there is no movement.”

Wang Feng, who transformed into a Red God Soldier, watched the changes in the surrounding Red God Soldier, his heart trembled slightly.

Sure enough, it works.

They do not attack their own kind.

Wang Feng is only worried that these Red God Soldiers have a special mark, which can allow them to sense whether the other party is his own.

But even if there is, it may not be able to sense it.

Because Wang Feng is now a real incarnation of the Red God Soldier.

It just doesn’t have some of the functions of the Red God Soldier.

“Next, take a look at this space…”

Wang Feng had a chance to breathe, and immediately glanced around, and carefully sensed the movements of these red **** soldiers.

Right now.

Suddenly, before taking two steps, these red **** soldiers suddenly moved again.

“What’s the situation?”

Wang Feng subconsciously stopped.

Immediately afterwards, these red **** soldiers made a move that surprised Wang Feng.

They all knelt down, still facing themselves.

“What does this mean?”

Wang Feng was puzzled.

I also used the elemental source to change myself into a red **** soldier according to my own imagination, which is not much different from these red **** soldiers. Could it be that by accident, he became the leader of these Scarlet God Soldiers?


Wang Feng was motionless.

These Scarlet Divine Soldiers are not conscious, just an order, so if they do this, they must leave this order and the people behind.

I became a Red God Soldier, what touched me?

In order to confirm this idea, Wang Feng issued a consciousness command to these red **** soldiers.

“Get up!”

This awareness has just been sent out. These red **** soldiers stood up in unison.


Seeing this, Wang Feng was shocked.

“What’s the matter, is it really successful? You can order these Red God soldiers yourself? What is the principle? The Red God soldiers that have been transformed from the origin of the elements cannot directly order them… Could it be because of the Red God? The consciousness of soldiers? Only I, the red **** soldier, have consciousness, so I can order them?”

Wang Feng couldn’t judge.

But in any case, since this is the current situation, Wang Feng is welcome.

“Blow yourself up.”

Wang Feng said without saying a word, and said unceremoniously.

These red **** soldiers are not pure life, but more like a weapon.

It’s just a racial weapon.

It’s just not that kind of weapon in the conventional sense.

It’s a life weapon.

It can’t be destroyed or even taken out of this space, so it’s useless for Wang Feng to keep it.

As soon as the order came out, these Red God Soldiers did not respond.

It’s just that his eyes are shining, and the tattoos on his body are changing rapidly, as if executing some kind of order.

Next moment!


Direct explosion!

Become endless faith energy.

A red **** soldier, like a gorgeous fireworks, exploded in space.

Without a single explosion, those belief energies will turn into mysterious creatures, leap into the air, and then crash.

“Since the Red God Soldier is condensed from the energy of belief, then these beliefs should come from the life of this race…”

Wang Feng glanced at him, “Perhaps I can try to absorb such a huge amount of faith energy… to condense the divine ring? It just so happens that I am in the state of the Red God Soldier…”

My mind moved slightly.

Without hesitation, Wang Feng sat cross-legged in the void, and his body began to absorb these belief energies like an energy vortex.

When the first faith energy was absorbed by Wang Feng.

A series of thoughts began to transmit into Wang Feng’s mind through these belief energies.

‘Red God Tianhu Family’

‘Cosmic life’

‘God Forbidden Space’

‘Universal Calamity’

‘Destruction and Legacy’


These belief energies are interspersed with the spiritual will power of billions of lives of a race, which cannot be absorbed if one wants to.

In an instant, Wang Feng was hit by countless information thoughts.

Like a torrent of the Milky Way, it hit Wang Feng’s mind.

Each Scarlet God Soldier is built to carry these countless life beliefs.

At this moment, the self-destruction of Wang Feng’s order turned into belief energy, but this belief in life did not disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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