Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1418: Central Hades

Chapter 1386 Central Underworld

The passage to the void space is located 100,000 miles away from the King City of the God Realm.

In the case that the royal city has long since fallen, the passage has naturally been occupied by the Emperor Demon Army.

When Wang Feng entered this special passage and shuttled to the void space, he suddenly felt a little sense of the divine ring on his body.

is the first **** ring.

The first **** ring is quite special. When it was condensed, Wang Feng also fused the previous four soul rings together, and they were integrated into this **** ring. At the same time, the soul power in the body was re-trained and turned into divine power.

These four soul rings are the soul rings of Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun. After fusion, the life soul contract will naturally undergo subtle changes.

But it hasn’t been lifted yet.

If the Divine Ring has induction, it means that the Life Soul Deed has induction.

This shows that Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun, and even the Silver Dragon King, may be in this empty space.

As long as the soul deed of life exists, there will be a sense between the deed soul master and the soul master, as long as they are not far away, they can sense it.

However, Wang Feng frowned the moment he stepped into the void space.

This small plane has too much energy.

And extremely violent, although powerful, it is difficult to absorb.

The spirit of the gods is not only strong, but relatively mild.

“This is the void space?”

Wang Feng looked around and took a slight breath.

Where he is, the Gobi is all around, the earth is a mixture of gray and black, and the sky is not blue.

It is gray and white, reflecting the ground below.

This world is like a black and white world, without any color.

I can’t tell the difference between day and night, and I can’t see an energy source similar to the sun, and the whole world looks a little dark.

With a little breath, Wang Feng could even feel the energy beating inside his body, making the divine power in his body agitated slightly.

It’s hard to bear it if you look forward to it for a long time.

“This is the void space…”

About 30 Demon Lords followed, and the rest were still sitting in the King City of the God Realm.

“I don’t know which position you want to go to?” Ba Xia looked around, his eyelids twitched, “After staying in this place for a long time, even our demon lord will lose our strength. Fortunately, our god-killer It also has a strong lethal power to those gods here, which is one of the fundamental reasons why the Emperor Demon Army was able to defeat the God Realm here in the first place.”

“If you want to return to the dark demon world, you need to pass through the sea of ​​dead stars, the frosty ice, the tomb of god’s blood, and the forest of demon bones.”

Every time Ba Xia said a position, he would subconsciously pause a few times.

“This place links the two worlds, and the distance that needs to be crossed to cross the two worlds is also the farthest. Even if the distance is a straight line, there are millions of miles. Of course, according to the distance between our dark demon world, millions of miles It is more than ten times more than the millions of miles from the mortal world.”

“It’s quite far, if you want to avoid it, it’s even farther.”

Wang Feng nodded slightly.

Before I came, I stayed in the God Realm for three more days. If you count the time, there are five days in total, and it has been almost five years in the Nether Realm.

How fast.

For the past three days, Wang Feng has not been idle either, spending most of his time cultivating.

Because of obtaining the second divine ring, Wang Feng directly cultivated to level 90 in three days.

However, the further back you go, the speed drops exponentially.

Once you pass the 100th level, it will be difficult for Wang Feng to rise several levels a day.

However, if you are less than 100th level, you will have a **** ring, which may be the first time in the history of the gods.

Generally, there are two divine rings, both of which are at least level 120 or so.

Although he hasn’t reached level 100 yet, even if he is only level 90, with Wang Feng’s current control over the source’s strength, even a **** king can make two moves.

Under the God-King, basically no one is his opponent.

After reaching the 100th level and controlling the fifth source of the Origin Tribulation God King, there is not much difference between the strength and the main body.

After all, the main body is only level 100.

And the main body is neither divine power nor divine ring.

But the spirit of the main body is too strong.

The cultivation speed of the God Realm is indeed fast, and the cultivation of divine power is completely different from the Douluo World.

“Where is the place where you fought with the God Realm?” Wang Feng pondered for a few seconds and asked.

When the punch-in location is the void battlefield, then it is naturally the place where the two worlds are fighting, and it is also the real battlefield.

“In the central underworld of the void space, it is a… **** area. Now it has gone through war and should be dangerous.”

Monarch Baxia replied.

“The central underworld, is it in that direction?”

Wang Feng turned slightly to the side, “It’s really interesting.”

The induction of his divine ring seems to be in this position.

This shows that Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun may be there.

The passage they opened through the system did not go to the realm of the gods, but to the void space.

No, to be precise, the void space belongs to the realm of the gods, and itself is a subordinate world of the realm of the gods, just a special small plane.

“By the way, you said, this empty space is the only channel connecting the Dark Demon Realm and the God Realm. So, when the Demon God of War returns to the Dark Demon Realm, does he have to pass through this place too?”

Wang Feng asked suddenly.

“That’s natural, but at the speed of the Demon God, you should have already reached the Dark Demon Realm.” Demon Lord Ba Xia replied without hesitation.

“I don’t think so.” Wang Feng shook his head slowly.

Hearing this, many demon lords were stunned.

“Since he deceived you with the news of the source star core, he naturally won’t give up the real source star core. If he just returns to the Dark Demon Realm, he will not be reconciled. Demon gods are all ambitious. Hell, it should be There isn’t a demon **** who doesn’t want to take his place, right?”

Wang Feng said firmly.

“This…” The Demon Lords fell silent one after another, and the Ba Xia Demon Lord said cautiously: “There really isn’t… The Demon Lord Shang should want to obtain the Origin Star Core and dedicate it to the Hell Lord for his favor… “

“?” Wang Feng was startled.

Isn’t that licking a dog? How arrogant and arrogant the previous Diye Demon God. Wang Feng originally thought that since they were all demon gods, then the other nine demon gods were not far behind.

No promise!

“But there is some truth in what your honor said… It is possible that the demon **** may be slain, maybe it is here…”

Monarch Ba Xia looked into the distance with some solemnity, and said in a low voice, “We have a special set of instructions within us to kill the gods. We have a high degree of intelligence, which can connect and connect our souls and demons, and the demons have The God-killer is even more powerful, and can directly sense the system of any soul demon below the Demon God. However, the rules of heaven and earth and the energy of the void space are a great obstacle to the spread of the God-killer’s spiritual command. The Demon God may not be able to sense it. to us.”

“But just now, we sensed a god-killing command, located in the central underworld. Moreover, it was an order for help… This shouldn’t be the demon god… and the dead soul demon in the central underworld is killing the god. They have all been recovered, so there shouldn’t be any other soul demon warriors.”

After the Baxia Demon Lord finished speaking, he and the other Demon Lords looked at each other with some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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