Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1404: Death Day

Chapter 1372 Devil God’s Death Day

As soon as the Demon Lord Ba Xia finished speaking, all the Demon Lords in the room looked out the door in unison.

The demon **** who has been dead for countless years is resurrected?

To be honest, after the news that the Demon God Diye died in the God Realm spread to the Dark Demon Realm, there was a period of time when many aliens with ulterior motives also pretended to be the Demon God Diye, in order to obtain the Demon God Diye The wealth and power left in the dark world.

There are many powerful extreme soul demons, demon emperors and emperors, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s too easy to see through.

Even if you pretend to be good, even if you understand the words and deeds of Diye Demon God, you will eventually be discovered.

What’s the end… Of course, I don’t need to say more.

After the Hell Lord unified the entire Dark Demon Realm, he traversed the universe and shook the universe, and no one dared to pretend to be the Demon God Diye.

I didn’t expect that there would be news of the Diye Demon God as this mighty conquest of the gods draws to a close.

The hundreds of demon kings on the field were truly shocked.

Furthermore, they even came to the royal city to face their demon army.

What does this mean?

This shows that the Diye Demon God is not afraid of being exposed at all, and is extremely confident.

Otherwise wouldn’t come here.

There are many demon lords and countless huge spiritual perceptions shrouding the entire royal city.

They did sense that there was a team of God Hunters, with a special power, that entered the royal city.

It’s just that every Demon Lord didn’t make any moves.

As if waiting.

At this moment, the door opened.

Light flashes in from outside.

Many Demon Lords are actually a bit strangely excited… Even though they are in control of the royal city, they have already sensed that special life, and they are studying the scriptures here, but they have not met, so they are still looking forward to it.

It’s just that the door opened, and only three members of the Hunter Squad walked in.

The three soul demons flew to the side of the demon king Ba Xia tremblingly.

“Where’s the Diye Demon God?” asked the Demon Lord Ba Xia.

He actually knew that that special power was only outside and did not enter the palace.

“Your Highness is outside…” Mo Hai hurriedly said cautiously, “He doesn’t seem willing to come in. He asked me to send a message, let… let the Ba Xia Demon Lord and all the Demon Lords in the palace go out to meet him.”

When Mohai heard this, his head was dumbfounded.

Too crazy.

But if the other party is really Diye Demon God, he can still accept it.

There are only so many demon lords present, which one is not the heady soul demon in the dark demon world?

And the Demon Sea knows that these Demon Lords who have entered the God Realm to participate in the war are all elite trump cards in the Emperor Demon Army. They are all old Demon Lords inherited from the Emperor Demon Army. There are some even super-ranked soul demons, even if the demon gods want to use them, it is not so easy.

The Demon God of War is the supreme leader of the Emperor Demon Army!

It is conceivable how arrogant these monarchs are.

“This is a familiar tone and order.” However, Mohai heard a sigh of nostalgia from a demon king, “It’s really arrogant… Ladies, what do you think?”

“It’s a bit like Diye Demon God.”

“You little devil boy, what else did the Demon God Diye say? Let’s talk about it together!” Another demon lord laughed and looked at it, “I don’t believe that the Demon God Diye has such a request.”

The Demon Sea stumbled, his head lowered a little, and he said in a trembling voice, “Your Highness also said, you have to go out on your knees. If one of you doesn’t kneel, it will interrupt your God-killing spine…”

Hearing this, many Demon Lords were stunned.

“The taste is very strong. This tone, this tone, should be the one that I have pretended to be the most like Demon God Diye over the years.” The demon lord laughed a few times, “What do you say? Go? Or go to see the Diye Demon God?”

The sea of ​​demons raised its head slightly, missing a look of many demon lords.

I found that these demon lords were not angry, but had a look of enjoyment on their faces, with a bit of interest on their faces, and even a bit of excitement in their eyes.

‘Fuck, when did these monarchs have the characteristics of a succubus family…’

Morocco felt very absurd in his heart.

There are many races in the dark demon world, but the succubus family is nothing special, just like to be abused. Their physique is that kind of abused physique, the more they fight, the more excited they become, the more insulted they become. The way of cultivation is also very special. The harder you are beaten and the harder you are verbally abused, the faster your cultivation speed will be.

It is a wonderful flower in the dark demon world.

“Should we kneel or not?” One of the demon kings asked a question that made the sea of ​​demons fall.

Damn, do the demon kings present really want to kneel out here?

Mohai was shocked, it was unimaginable that after so many years of death, Yu Wei was still alive.

Or the status of these demon kings is too high, they know more about Diye Demon God.

“Kneel, if he’s fake, we can’t get over our face.” The demon lord pinched his chin, “Don’t kneel, even if he really has a one-in-a-million probability, he’s really the Demon God Diye… Wouldn’t we be miserable then?”

That’s a real problem.

As a monarch, it is natural to consider the worst possible.

But the worst possibility is that they can’t bear it.

Many monarchs fell silent.

After a while, Ba Xia opened his mouth and said, “I have an idea. In a few days, it will be the death day of the Demon God Diye. The death day of the Demon God is a top priority and a festival in our dark demon world. The warriors of the demon army, no matter where they are, will kneel down and worship. So do we demon kings.”

Many Demon Lords know this.

The anniversary of the death of the Demon God is one of the most important festivals in the Dark Demon Realm.

Generally, there will be a grand sacrificial meeting. At the meeting, all the spirit demons except the other demon gods will kneel down and worship.

The Hell Lord will lead many demon gods, hold ceremonies, and accept the worship of all demons.

You must know that the worship of any life, no matter who it is, will produce powerful mental It is like a demon at the level, if they worship a certain life, or even a small plane, , the huge mental fluctuations will even easily affect the laws of the plane, causing the space to collapse and the rules to shatter.

That’s pretty amazing.

In the Dark Demon Realm, only Hell Lord can withstand the worship of all demons in all realms. In fact, every time the Devil God dies, there is Hell Lord to bear the prowess of countless soul demons, in order to suppress the luck of the Dark Demon Realm.

“We estimate that it is unlikely that we will return to the Dark Demon Realm.” Ba Xia continued, “Then go out to pay homage to the Demon God Diye as an excuse. If he is not the Demon God Diye, he will accept the worship of our Demon Lords. It will shatter his soul and body, and his will will be disintegrated. In this way, our face will be passable.”

“Good idea!” As soon as Ba Xia finished speaking, many Demon Lords agreed.

“The death day of the devil, how could I forget this point? Just follow Ba Xia’s method, I think it’s wonderful!”

Many devils nodded frequently…

(End of this chapter)

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