Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1265: 6 guarantees 1, anti-injury flow

Yu Tian Dynasty cupped Wang Feng’s hands, smiled and glanced at Wang Feng, then turned and left.

The rest of the Heavenly Dynasty gave Wang Feng a slight nod, then turned and left.

Only Xi Douluo stayed.

She was already dressed in casual clothes at this time, not much different from what she encountered in the extreme north.

But the momentum, but the complete opposite.

With her strength, her aura can naturally be retracted and released freely.

“They probably guessed it too.”

Xiyue said.

“Understood.” Wang Feng nodded.

The statue of Pope in white is inside the Wuhun Palace, so it is impossible not to see it.

In addition, the Douluo Heavenly King has a very high status and knows many secrets and history that the public cannot know.

For example, when the Federation was founded, the changes in Spirit City before the battle of Gods, even if Bibi Dong did not explain in detail at that time, there must be people who are interested in guessing a few points through the trivial details. some news.

Later in the timeline, maybe these are unofficial history or something.

Therefore, these Douluo Heavenly Kings will naturally have some guesses.

In addition, Xiyue returned from the extreme north, and it was impossible to completely avoid her side and say nothing.

That would be too much of a problem.

For example, since the invitation letter and token are given, it is impossible for the rest of the kings to not know.

Wuhun Palace is not a one-word hall, Xi Douluo grants this kind of token and special invitation letter, it needs the consent of the other heavenly kings.

Of course, with Xi Douluo’s strength and status, these Heavenly Kings will not object to any tokens and invitations given.

But it’s impossible to hide it.

“Your strength seems to be greatly improved than before.”

Xi Douluo said, “However, this game seems to involve some strange people… I guess they may come after you. You have to pay more attention.”

Wang Feng’s heart moved, and he probably knew that Xi Douluo might have discovered Ditian.

I don’t know if I see it or not.

“Why do you think it’s coming for us?” Wang Feng asked.

“Because, you are the founder of the Soul Deed Master.” Xi Douluo laughed lightly.

Hearing this, Wang Feng knew that Xi Douluo most likely guessed Di Tian’s identity as a soul beast.

Other Douluo Kings may not have guessed.

The next day.

In the second round of the peak competition, Wang Feng chose a viewing platform.

First was the morning youth competition, with several exciting team duels.

Wang Feng also watched with relish.

However, because of the addition of the soul tool, the change of fighting style is much more complicated than it was ten thousand years ago.

Also, the power form of soul skills should be more complex and diverse.

At the same time, because of the research of the martial arts, the Federation has been going on.

Many new, unseen martial spirits appeared in Wang Feng’s eyes one by one.

Also formed a complete and complete variety of genre play.

The spirit master team ten thousand years ago did not form a genre.

But spirit masters are making progress. With the emergence of various powerful martial arts, various styles of play have begun to flourish in the history of spirit masters.

What deeply influenced Wang Feng was a team from the Tiandou District and the Purple Star Academy.

It was the college that had troubled Wang Feng at Shrek College before.

It is the standard “six guarantees one”.

Also a favorite to win the championship.

Six guarantees one, literally.

Six soul masters, protect one soul master.

It’s weird to hear it.

Spirit masters can be a team full of groups or a charismatic individual.

In the past 10,000 years, countless young genius soul masters have created a lot of styles of play, and also raised the strength and variety of soul masters to a new realm.

In each era, with the emergence of new martial arts, there will always be some powerful and dazzling martial arts, who make waves in an era and create a powerful genre.

These six guarantees come from an extremely powerful martial spirit that was once in the history of the Federation’s martial arts.

Same soul lock.

This martial spirit possesses an extremely powerful characteristic.

Soul sharing.

In simple terms, you can share your own soul power with others, and the fusion is very high.

Therefore, on the basis of this martial spirit, many play styles appeared.

The most famous one is these six guarantees.

This is the battle of the top young team powerhouses among the hundreds of millions of people in the Federation, so the genre effect presented is naturally the top. Wang Feng also looked very mature.

In this team, there is one such soul-locking martial spirit.

Six supports, with a strong attack…

Their main purpose is to use the six supporters to directly use up their soul power to fill up all the states of this attack type.

At the same time, using the same soul lock martial soul, give the remaining soul power of these six supporters to the attack type.

A scary monster…

Then they can watch the show on the sidelines, and let this attack-type martial spirit like a **** descend to the earth, one-on-one.

Are you afraid?

At that time, Tang San used the fusion skills of six people to make Tang San, who was only in the forties at the time, abruptly pile up to the seventieth level, showing his true spirit, and dealing with the spirit hall team at that time, it was actually a bit Shadow of this play.

But obviously, it’s not as pure and complete as it is now.

Wang Feng calculated the final strength status of this assault-type soul master.

Compared to Contra.

Can sweep these squads.

But do you think this is invincible?


There is no absolute invincibility between genres of play.

Six guarantees one play style was very popular in those days.

All academies are promoting this style of play, and the youth group competitions in those years have almost turned into single-player competitions.

But unfortunately, the changes in martial arts, with the progress of the times, there is no martial arts style that is invincible.

At that time, it was less than a hundred years after the same soul lock martial soul came out, and a very special martial soul was born.

Same fate lock.

This martial spirit also possesses an extremely powerful characteristic.

Shared damage.

It seems that I don’t think it’s a big deal.

But later, the first thing that appeared in this same fate was an extremely perverted style of play.

‘Reverse injury flow’.

Six defensive spirit masters, plus one soul locked with the same fate.

Defensive spirit masters, focusing on damage Most of the spirits are beast spirits that can reflect damage.

The spirit ring also mainly increases its own defense and rebound damage.

Then use the same fate to lock the martial spirit to link the seven people together.

Formed a ‘reverse injury flow’

No attack, no dead ends. Any attack that falls on the six of them will be shared among them.

The effect is minimal.

But the attacker, will suffer the damage rebound…

The stronger the attack, the stronger the rebound.

This lineup that specializes in six guarantees is the ultimate single-core lineup.

It was originally designed to study the style of play against these six guarantees.


Ps: There will be an outbreak at noon tomorrow, about ten times.

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