Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1234: Wang Feng, are you kidding me? (6000 words)


Wang Feng thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a request.

“So, use your scorpion tail to see if it can hit your head?”

Wang Feng made this request.

“???” Ice Emperor.

What the hell?

“Why did you make this request?” Ice Emperor felt a little puzzled.

Speaking of which, this doesn’t seem like a special request?

Does it make any sense?

Why do I have to control my tail and put it on my head?

The tail is his own treasure, does he have any idea about his scorpion tail?

“Oh…I once heard such a rumor in an ancient book.” Wang Feng replied, “It is said that if a scorpion can use its tail to hit its head, it can penetrate the whole body. Integrate the soul power of the whole body, mix the essence into one, and produce evolution!”

Hearing this, the Ice Emperor was shocked.

As the king of the Ice Jade Scorpion clan, she has never heard of such rumors?

“Look, your tail contains his special power, which is the end of your power, but your head is the core of all living beings. When these two come into contact, maybe it will cause special changes?”

Wang Feng continued.

“It seems to make sense…then I’ll give it a try.”

Ice Emperor thought for a while, then flicked his tail, trying to hook the ice crystal jasper-colored scorpion tail towards his head.

To know her tail, it is the sharpest part of the body, and any scorpion has a strong ability to control the tail of the scorpion.

It’s just that the Ice Emperor is relatively large, and although the scorpion tail is long, it is still difficult to touch his head.

Fortunately, the scorpion tail itself is curved and extremely flexible.

The Ice Emperor worked hard for a long time, and finally saw that the scorpion tail was about to touch his head.

The four-meter-long body is straining and striving hard, like a sculpture, and the heels are hard to padded up.

Trying to touch the front desperately, but always missing.

Wang Feng was watching from the side, with a smile on his face, but unfortunately, the Ice Emperor was so absorbed that he didn’t see Wang Feng’s expression.

In the end, the Ice Emperor, like a puppy digging soil, slammed his tail, which was bent like a steel bar with his back heel, and finally touched his head.

But before I was happy, my body was unbalanced because of the force, and my whole body was bent over.


Seeing this scene, Wang Feng finally couldn’t help laughing.

Ice Emperor heard the laughter, and quickly turned around and stood on the ice again, “What are you laughing at? I touched it with my tail just now, and it doesn’t seem like there has been any change?”

“That may be because this is a rumor, not necessarily true. It may also be that you are not suitable for this kind of change, and you are the king of the ice scorpions, a hundred thousand years old. The Emperor Scorpion. It’s even more special…” Wang Feng explained.

“Well…I think so too.” Ice Emperor actually nodded, “If there is such a rumor, I can’t be more ignorant of it. If you read this ancient book, it should be a lie. Hmph, you are alive after all. 10,000-year-old people can’t even tell the truth from false rumors! It’s a shame.”

The Ice Emperor gave Wang Feng a white look.

“What I’m saying is, I have something to do, so I’ll go first. I have to find that little mako shark.” Wang Feng coughed a few times and turned away.

After speaking, Wang Feng left immediately.

Ice Emperor looked at Wang Feng’s back and felt something was wrong?

Is something wrong?

Afterwards, the Ice Emperor looked at the spirit beasts around him… His expression changed immediately.

Especially Qingqing.

Although she was just a bird all the time, she was smiling silently and flapping her wings at this time, obviously driven mad by the music.

“…” Ice Emperor.

The rest of the spirit masters were also holding back their laughter, as if it had nothing to do with them, and looked around.

“Ice Emperor…I think, that kind of rumor must be made up by him, right?”

Qingyu, who had just signed a life and soul contract with the Ice Emperor, came over, coughed a few times and said in a low voice, “You were so cute just now…”

Hearing this, the Ice Emperor’s entire body turned red.

“Wang Feng! You’re playing with me!” The Ice Emperor was instantly furious.

But I dare not speak out.

Because everyone is gone.

“Bingbing, I didn’t expect you to have such a cute side. Come on, show me a show and poke your head with a scorpion tail.”

Qingqing flew over with a smile, “By the way, roll over… eh, it’s a pity, we don’t have the kind of human soul tool, otherwise we must record the scene just now… You idiot, where does the master need you? Thank you? It’s no wonder the master wants to make fun of you…”

The Ice Emperor didn’t take care of Qingqing, he just punched a hole in the ice with a few swipes, and then got into it.

I was embarrassed and angry in my heart. I just hated why I just listened to that guy Wang Feng in a daze?

Don’t give it a second thought?


When Wang Feng found the little shark, it was in an ice pit where the whale shark and the shark lived.

Wang Feng has never been very appreciative of the residences of these spirit beasts, and the same is true of this ice pit.

Let’s talk about roughness, this ice crater is also very similar, and both of them are huge in size. The ice crater is connected to the glacier below, and you can enter the glacier at the first time, which is more suitable for this kind of special counseling. Kun and whale sharks are amphibian soul beasts.

Can fly and swim.

The 600,000-year catastrophe of the Ice Emperor, the whale shark did not go to the scene and could only watch from a distance.

In addition, the counselor has not recovered yet and needs to be taken care of.

There is also a small mako shark in a very bad condition…

So the whale shark did not go to the scene to watch, but in terms of her size and perception, she could still sense the extreme ice not far away.

But when Wang Feng came, the little mako was stubbornly digging into the ice pit, and there were many special ice sculptures.

These ice sculptures look like toys, and Wang Feng speculates that they may be made by counselors.

After all, he is also a father-in-law.

It’s just that most of these ice sculptures are very huge, basically seven or eight meters high, and some are tens of meters at every turn.

In addition to ice sculptures, there are also many recreational facilities, such as the kind of long tunnels, shallow pits only tens of meters deep for small mako sharks, and so on.

But in fact, these facilities are all new, which means that the little mako shark was invaded by the black shark soon after it was born.

As a result, these things and facilities have not been used much.

Wang Feng couldn’t help sighing.

“Boss, why are you here?”

The whale shark flew over, “Has the Ice Emperor’s catastrophe been successful?”


Wang Feng nodded and looked at the little mako shark beside him, and the cocoon who was silent in the ice pit in the distance.

Counseling Kun’s situation is recovering well.

In the past few days, consciousness has gradually recovered, and it will take a few days at most to fully recover.

“I’m here for this little guy.”

The little mako shark not far from Wang Feng.

At this time, it is using the power of its whole body to push a crystal clear ice ball.

And because the power of the bloodline disappeared, its vitality continued to weaken. At the same time, the power of the bloodline disappeared, and its body gradually weakened.

When I saw it in Heiying before, the mako shark was still three or four meters long.

To know when it was born, it was more than ten meters long!

When he was born, he was bigger than many spirit beasts.

But after the power of the bloodline disappeared, it gradually turned into an ordinary soul beast, losing the power given by its parents.

Its current size is less than one meter.

Like a pocket-sized soul beast mako shark.

Shrunk by a factor of ten!

The reduction of body size means that all aspects of the body’s energy will be weakened.

In addition, both the Northern Underworld Emperor Demon Kun and the Wan Demon Whale Shark possess extremely powerful attributes.

Kun is the dark and ice type, and the Whale Shark is the dark and water type.

But the mammoth shark doesn’t have it now.

It does not have any series.

Into a real ordinary soul beast.

Even the coldness of this place, if there is no soul mark left by the whale shark on the small mako shark, it can keep out the cold.

It won’t even survive long on its own.

This may be a soul beast that is weaker than the rock beast reborn from Long Xie.

“Xiao Shan?”

Whale Shark was stunned, “Boss, what are you looking for with Xiaoshan? Xiaoshan now…”

Halfway through the conversation, the whale shark stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Wang Feng asked.

The whale shark sighed softly, “Before Xiao Shan was born, Brother Kun gave Xiao Shan a new name. Do you know what it is called?”


Wang Feng asked.

This little shark was a brand new soul beast before.

It was bred from two 100,000-year-old soul beasts, but it is very rare.

This is not an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beast.

“It’s called the king mako shark,” said the whale shark.

“It’s a very bold name,” Wang Feng said.

It seems that Kun Kun still has great expectations for his offspring.

“Xiao Shan is a very smart child… He is also very hardworking himself, plus he is very talented. He was born less than a month ago, and his cultivation has reached a hundred years.”

said the whale shark.

“This talent is really strong.”

Wang Feng nodded.

You must know that this is not a life soul contract. The sea-covering scorpion shark itself has a strong bloodline power, and it is much more difficult to improve the cultivation base.

Before Long Xie rebuilt into a rock beast, signed a life soul contract, obtained his own blood essence, and he himself was a million-year-old soul beast rebuilt.

It took more than a week for this series of bonuses to reach a hundred years of cultivation.

Little mammoth can reach it in a month. Although it is much slower than Long Xie, it is not easy.

“But now, his blood power has been taken away, and his talent has disappeared. Even, it can’t be called a soul beast…”

Only those with cultivation can be regarded as soul beasts.

Without cultivation, it’s just a beast.

“It is very difficult to cultivate into a soul beast.”

The whale shark’s tone was a little sad, “It is exercising itself now, and wants to continue to practice… My idea is to let him stay by Qingdi’s side, and let him recover slowly with the help of Qingdi’s power. But it also takes a long time. Time, what he will become, we don’t know…”

“I’m here because of this.” Wang Feng looked at the little mako shark in the distance, “I will sign a life soul contract with him to help him cultivate. With Qingqing’s power, he can’t be changed in a short time. Yes. Over time, it will have a great impact on his psychology, and it will be easy to give up.”

After all, this little mako shark is too young, even if the will is re-identified, it is still limited.

“Boss, you?”

Whale Shark froze for a while, “You don’t need to do it yourself…”

She was more afraid of Wang Feng than respectful. So when I heard this, I was a little flattered.

“Counseling is my younger brother, his offspring, I naturally want to take care of it. Of course, more than that, I am deeply impressed by this little mako shark.”

The deep impression naturally comes from the eyes of this little mako shark.

Cold and determined, angry and unwilling, but she doesn’t say anything, she’s very calm.

What an excellent quality?

Not like myself at all.


The whale shark probably hadn’t thought about it before.

Because he felt that as the master, how could he sign a life and soul contract with Xiaoshan.

Look at the master soul beast, it’s all bullshit.

Let’s not say anything else, it’s the Bingmu Linjun…

If Xiaoshan was a mako shark before, the whale shark thinks it should still be possible.

But now it’s turning into a beast… How can the master like it?

Unexpectedly… the boss is the boss, always playing cards out of common sense.

“Okay, no need to say more.”

Wang Feng looked at the whale shark with a moved look and waved his hand. He walked towards the little mako shark.

At this time, this little mako is still working hard to use its gradually degraded wings to push the ice ball that is more than twice as tall as his current body.

Expect to gain strength and reduce physical weakness through exercise.

Wang Feng watched for a while.

After pushing more than ten meters, this little mako shark has no strength.

Because the ice surface was shaking, the ice ball was pushed back towards it and shoved directly from him.

Fortunately, the puck isn’t too heavy.

No damage was done to him.

“Master, do you want to help him?”

Jun Bingmu Lin flew out and said slowly.


“That’s hard.”

Long Xie also flew out of Wang Feng’s soul ring, looked at the little mako shark, shook his head and said, “In his current situation, the best thing is to return to the furnace and rebuild… Otherwise, you should let the boss you Those two little brothers, can you reconnect with a trumpet?”


Wang Feng knocked Long Xie, knocking Long Xie out loud.

“Boss, I’m just telling the truth.”

Long Xie covered his redness, puffed out a big head, and said arrogantly, “Don’t talk about it, boss, unless you let the golden flower of your body nourish it, he won’t be able to do it at all. Cultivation, even if you sign a life soul contract, you only give him a drop of blood essence.”

“A drop of blood essence has little effect. And the most important thing is that his current body is too weak, not even a soul beast. He can’t bear a drop of blood essence from you. He will die directly.”

Long Xie is telling the truth.

“The power of the bloodline has been deprived, and his body is a mackerel. This huge body consumes a lot of energy.” Bingmu Linjun also said slowly, “There is no matching bloodline. His strength is completely unsupportable. So his current size is gradually decreasing, turning into a nondescript ordinary soul beast. There is really no way…”

The soul deed of life is not a panacea.

And the soul deed of life is a deed between soul beasts and humans.

Even if it is not a soul beast, it may not be able to sign successfully.

As Long Xie said, unless it is nourished with golden lotus, this little mako shark can recover a little bit.

But it is only restored to become a soul beast, not the previous sea-covering mako shark.

Golden lotus cannot create the power of blood vessels out of thin air.

“There is nothing impossible in this world.”

Wang Feng said lightly, “I don’t want him to become a soul beast. I don’t think the soul beast route is suitable for him.”


Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun looked at Wang Feng in surprise.

I don’t know if this boss has any novel ideas.

“Little guy, do you want to be stronger?”

Wang Feng walked up to the little mammoth and said calmly, “If you want to become stronger, just follow me.”

After speaking, Wang Feng left without looking back.

Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun looked at each other the same way.

Both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

The little shark was stunned for a while, and it wasn’t until Wang Feng walked more than ten meters that he got up and stumbled over.

His flight is like a butterfly missing half of its wings. It won’t fly for long before falling to the ground.

This is a consequence of the degeneration of the wings.

But still keep up.

He seems young, but this experience has made him a little wiser.

Although the power of the bloodline has been taken away, the soul is still intact.

The consciousness is still there, and the intellect is the same as before.

Who is Wang Feng?

There’s no way he didn’t know.

Before he was born, the counselor gave him, who was still in the belly of the whale shark, the story of his youth, about the special existence of Wang Feng.

He knew it early on.

A mysterious and powerful human being full of infinite possibilities.

Dr. Soul Beast, his self-proclaimed title back then was praised by many soul beasts in the soul beast circle in the extreme north.

He knew that when his father talked about this human being, his tone was full of respect and admiration.

He wants to get stronger.

Originally, he didn’t want to, but after being hurt by the soul demon, he really wanted to.

I just hate myself for not ending that soul demon.

Actually, as a father’s counselor, his character is inclined towards Buddhism, so it’s not much hard work to cultivate.

But fathers often place great hopes on their offspring, like a counselor. Although he himself is relatively Buddhist, he does not care much about cultivation, but he has high hopes for his descendants. I don’t want my son to be as Buddhist as me.

So from a young age, this little mako has been instilled with many ideas of becoming stronger.

Don’t waste your talent.

That’s how this little mako shark is now.

I stumbled and followed Wang Feng out of the polar ice.

Beyond the extreme ice layer, there are still dark demonic energy and evil spirit beasts.


It’s really dangerous.

“What the **** is the boss trying to do? There are no protection measures outside. This little mako shark can’t live for long, right?”

Long Xie frowned.

“Just watch it quietly, the old nature has the idea of ​​the boss.”

Bingmu Linjun said, “If you can think of it, you are the boss.”

“…Lao Bing, I feel offended when you say this.” Long Xie said unhappily, “I was also afraid of the beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest back then, okay? I don’t know how many soul beasts cried and shouted. Will you be my little brother?”

“Then you haven’t become the eldest’s younger brother yet? What’s the point of being a hero without mentioning the braveness of those years? What are you now, what are you?” said Bingmu Linjun lightly.

“…Okay.” Long Xie held back for a long time, he just didn’t know what to say.

The whale shark on the other side also flew over, watching with worry in its eyes.

She knows Wang Feng’s ability.


When the little mako shark flew out with Wang Feng, there was no hesitation.

It seems that he is not afraid of flying out of the polar ice, and the dark magic outside will accelerate his death.

He followed behind Wang Feng without saying a word. He believed that the other party would not let him die outside, there must be some powerful way to help him!

With this belief in mind, he has persisted.

I don’t know how long I walked, until my consciousness became dizzy, and the spiritual soul that was about to be hit by the dark magic energy passed out.

I finally saw Wang Feng stop.

“Yes, I can keep up.”

Wang Feng turned around, looked at the small mammoth shark not far away, and said lightly, “Do you feel like your spirit is about to be crushed now? Dark magic energy is a special kind of energy, the reason why it can And infected soul beasts, turned into evil soul beasts, because the dark magic energy entered the soul beast’s body, and there was a great conflict with the soul power. The beast’s mental impact is enormous.”

“The weaker the spirit beast, the harder it is to support the impact of the dark demonic energy. But powerful spirit beasts, such as your father, can resist with a strong will and soul.”

“But you are different. You are not a soul beast, you are weak, and you won’t even let the dark demonic energy conflict with your body.”

Wang Feng said here, his tone paused.

Wang Feng has always had doubts about the very aggressive dark energy of Dark Demon Qi.

Dark demonic energy will infect the soul beast, become an evil soul beast, lose consciousness, and only have some instincts left.

So here comes the question…

How did the creatures in the Dark Demon Realm absorb the Dark Demon energy without being infected?

The problem is simple, environmental and genetic influences.

So how did these two factors come about?

It’s nothing more than a creature from the Dark Demon World. I have lived in the Dark Demon World for many years since I was a child, and I have adapted to it.

It’s like a human being in the world of Douluo, born to adapt to the vitality of this place.

If you go to other places, such as a certain ball.

Maybe it will be poisoned by all kinds of smog and dust…

“Does it feel easy? Feels like your head is going to explode? Your whole body is uncomfortable?”

Wang Feng asked lightly.

The little mako nodded reluctantly.

“That’s right.”

“…” Small mackerel shark.

“Little guy, you are now the most ordinary beast who has never cultivated any soul power.” Wang Feng said slowly, “If your body can adapt, then do you know what will happen?”

The little mako shook his head.

But Long Xie and Bingmu Linjun on the other side took a sharp breath.

“Boss, does he think…” Long Xie was shocked.

“He wants to make this little mako shark cultivate into a soul demon?” Bingmu Linjun was also shocked.

They didn’t think anything of it.

Wang Feng would have this idea!

A wild idea…and a little absurd!

“How is this possible?”

What Long Xie thinks, how can it be incredible.


Under normal circumstances, it is impossible.

Because so many soul beasts have been infected by dark magic energy and become evil soul beasts.

Even the counselor himself was not spared.

This shows that it is basically impossible for any soul beast to avoid this situation.

However…there is no absolute in everything…

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