Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1177: The conspiracy of the dark demon world (3)

Their strength is Titled Douluo, and many of them are stronger than different Titled Douluos. “

The screen starts to change.

Digital Title Douluo showed their martial spirits in midair and fought with them.

In the battle scene that followed, this crystal seems to be difficult to record, and all you can see is a bunch of explosions, which are presented in the picture.

“The light and shadow soul tool can only record so much for the time being. You may be curious about the result.” Xuanzi whispered, “The result is that the five titled Douluos appearing on the screen, three killed and two injured, only escaped in the end. One. Two of them are the ninth-level soul instructors of the Sun Moon Empire, and two are Titled Douluos of the Federation. The other is a sect near the extreme north, the patriarch of the Bingya Sect.”

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

“After the situation in this place broke out, half a month later, the Frozen Sect almost perished. From this place, the disaster swept across the rest of the soul beast forest, and the soul beasts were infected very fast. The federation realized that After the seriousness, we quickly gathered a few of us, joined the six Douluo Heavenly Kings, plus Xuanzi and I, and went to this place to suppress them.”

This lineup is luxurious.

Six of the twelve Douluo Heavenly Kings were dispatched.

And Moon, Xuanzi.

A total of eight top powerhouses.

“We also spent a lot of time investigating, and finally it took two months to completely suppress the three soul beasts. Everyone was injured to varying degrees. Mu Lao used light in battle. The sacred power of the holy dragon is the closest, and it has also been attacked by a special kind of soul. Fortunately, the Celestial King, who is good at spiritual power in the Xingluo district, took action in time and endured most of this kind of soul attack on behalf of Mu Lao.”

Speaking of this, Xuan Zi sighed lightly.

Every Douluo Heavenly King is at least level ninety-seven, most of them are level ninety-eight, and some are level ninety-ninth.

This celestial king is from the Xingluo political district, and his martial spirit is Xinghe, a powerful spiritual attribute martial spirit.

They are also the only three Spiritual Titled Douluos.

The mainland’s three-digit titled Douluo, but only three spirits, one can imagine.

Compared with the food category, it is even less. The titled Douluo of the food category has more than three on the mainland.

“Does he want to rely on his spiritual power to strangle the other party’s soul??” Wang Feng asked.

Xuanzi was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

“Then you were bewitched? Want to devour the other party’s soul? Use this to find out the other party’s news? He was hit hard?”

Wang Feng continued.

“It seems that you have encountered the same situation.”

Xuanzi’s face was heavy, “The Celestial King swallowed the soul of the other party, and he also knew the origin of the other party. At the same time, the trouble is, after the Celestial King swallowed the soul of the other party, the soul of the Celestial King also devoured the soul of the other party. Being infected, his memory is both possible and detected.”

Wang Feng shook his head.

This is really troublesome.

Mo Yin, even if he is stronger than Mo Yin, is not considered a true elite in the Dark Demon Realm, and many of them know very little.

For example, about the power of the Dark Demon World, etc.

As a cannon fodder, I certainly don’t know much.

But in turn, the Celestial King and the others are in trouble.

The Celestial King is one of the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Federation, and is the core figure of the Federation. If his memory is fully detected, it means that the Dark Demon Realm does not know clearly about the Douluo Continent, but it must be very understand.

Apparently, the Celestial King has also had a soul link!

If Wang Feng had not been reminded in time by Bingmu Lin, who has been bred in the eggs of the evil soul beast, he would have been recruited!

Later, Wang Feng absorbed Mo Yin’s soul with the special light and dark angel martial spirit. While detecting Mo Yin’s memory, he did not get the soul link himself. On the Dark Demon Realm, even if they knew it, they would only know about the Angel of Light and Darkness, not Wang Feng.

The dark angel in this light and dark angel martial soul is most likely from the dark demon world, which can devour Mo Yin’s memory.

without taking any damage.

If other people’s spirits dare to do this, 99% of them will be infected by their spirits.

‘The Dark Demon Realm first sent cannon fodder to find out the specific situation of Douluo Continent, and I’m afraid it will be troublesome later. The power level of this Dark Demon Realm itself is higher than that of Douluo Continent, and it can be compared with the God Realm. It is not difficult to destroy Douluo Continent itself. They did this because they wanted to completely conquer the Douluo Continent and preserve it. Instead of total destruction…isn’t that what they’re after? ’

Wang Feng thought to himself.

The high-level power of the Dark Demon Realm, Wang Feng is estimated to be hindering the God Realm’s induction to the Dark Demon Realm.

Thinking this way, Wang Feng can understand a lot of things.

“These creatures come from another world, and this world is called the Dark Demon Realm.” Xuanzi’s face was extremely solemn, “As early as a thousand years ago, the Dark Demon Realm opened up a special space channel leading to our continent. The place is in the Evil Demon Forest, and that place is where the most evil soul beasts are. After the space channel was opened, only a little dark magic energy spilled into the continent, which quickly infected countless soul beasts and eventually formed evil soul beasts.”

“But this special space channel, for some special reason, has not been able to spread, making it impossible for them to enter our continent. They can only control the evil soul beasts infected by dark magic energy.”

That must be because Douluo Continent has the prohibition and reinforcement of the God Realm, coupled with the power of rules to form, so the powerhouses of the Dark Demon Realm cannot enter Douluo Continent immediately.

“In desperation, they drove the Evil Soul Beast and broke out the Soul Beast War, and used this to send over the weakest unborn creature in their world, in the form of an egg, under the guise of the Evil Soul Beast’s defeat. It is an extremely insidious plan.”

It’s really insidious enough.

The powerhouses of the Dark Demon Realm can’t pass, and they can only send in those primitive creatures who are the weakest and weakest, and have not yet been born through the space corridor.

Because of this level of life level, it will not be blocked by the rules of the gods.

Only those powerhouses who exceed the upper limit of this world will be blocked by the rules of the God Realm. This is also the reason why Soul Beasts cannot become gods and ascend to the God Realm. There was also this factor when Wang Feng’s soul crossed over.

With the battle of soul beasts as a barrier, through Douluo Continent itself, it took hundreds of thousands of years to nurture the powerhouses of their dark demon world.

Once born, the entire Douluo Continent will be destroyed.

Those powerhouses in the Dark Demon Realm are very insidious.

It can be said that the Douluo Continent, which is governed by the God Realm, was successfully pried open with the least effort.

In addition, the Dark Demon Realm also blocked the perception of the God Realm to Douluo Continent. Even if they noticed something strange, it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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