Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1110: Evil Fire Phoenix (5)

“Oh?” Wang Feng gave him a surprised look.

Been in Shrek for more than two months.

It’s not like he doesn’t listen to things outside the window. This academy is divided into two factions, the martial arts department and the soul guidance department.

The Soul Guidance Department is due to the increasingly powerful soul guidance technology of the Sun and Moon Empire, which forced Shrek Academy to establish this department hundreds of years ago to also study the soul guidance technology.

But obviously, this department is not very inclined in an academy that focuses on martial arts cultivation.

There is also a certain competition for resources between the two faculties.

And Zhou Yi is the teacher of the spirit department, but unexpectedly, he will send the students of the spirit department to the soul guidance department…

Sure enough, women are extroverts.

“No problem.”

Wang Feng nodded and said, “I know about the soul guidance technology. Because of its powerful spiritual power, the spirit-type martial spirit has greatly improved the assembly of various tight parts and the depiction of special inscriptions.”

“Senior also understands soul guidance technology?” Zhou Yi asked in surprise.

Just based on this sentence, the other party obviously has a deep understanding of soul guidance technology.

Is he omnipotent?

Wang Feng did not answer.

With his mental power control, thousands of years ago, he could easily control the Xuanming thorn, change various forms, and carry out various strange attacks.

In the future, even thousands of years away, they can kill people with weapons.

With such a powerful mental control, those soul guidance technologies are too simple for Wang Feng.

When Juzi and Keke showed Wang Feng the flying soul tool, Wang Feng could see it at a glance.

Wang Feng knew the structure of the internal parts, the inscription array on the soul guide core, and even the problem with the flying soul guide, Wang Feng knew.

Seeing Wang Feng not answering, Zhou Yi didn’t ask any more questions.

She is the head teacher of this freshman class, and she happens to be in charge of Huo Yuhao’s class.

But she also saw Huo Yuhao’s potential, especially after seeing the silver-striped silkworm raised by the other party and the gradually stronger spirit ring, she vaguely knew the strength of this spirit master, and guessed it. It is very likely that the other party is the disciple of this Wang Feng.

“What else do you have to do?” Wang Feng continued to ask.

Zhou Yi hesitated for a moment, then said: “I heard that senior will also become a teacher in the academy, and select some soul masters to help them become the first batch of soul masters? My wife also has a disciple. After hearing about this, , I find it very interesting. If possible, I hope that the senior can choose my beloved’s disciple as a student. Of course, his talent and aptitude are also very powerful.”

Wang Feng laughed dumbly and said, “Mr. Zhou, a person’s energy is limited. Whether it is a soul master, a soul teacher, or a soul master. Unless you have a strong spiritual force as support, you can have three things at the same time. Occupation will take care of one and the other.”

“Aren’t you worried that your beloved’s disciple will not be able to make progress in soul guidance technology?”

Zhou Yi seemed to have thought about this, so he smiled and said, “Senior is right, but in fact, if you encounter a bottleneck in one of them, you can change your path and try again? Maybe? Can there be new inspiration?”

Wang Feng heard the words and laughed a few times.

These teachers have their own ideas.

However, this is the truth.

“No problem, I agree.” Wang Feng smiled.

“Then thank senior.” Zhou Yi bowed respectfully towards Wang Feng and said.

This is actually her lover’s request.

Perhaps those students had limited knowledge of the Soul Master, and their awareness was low.

Girls like Wang Donger just want to raise a cute soul beast.

But for many soul masters with advanced cultivation, they can know how much influence this soul master will have on the soul master!

It will even change the pattern of the world!

After Zhou Yi left.

Wang Feng packed up and decided to go to see Huo Yuhao and the others.

Walking along the river bank to the teaching area, Wang Feng sniffed the breeze by the lake, but he was thinking about the first batch of soul masters.

“Boss, how many students do you plan to accept?” Long Xie asked curiously.

“Seven. Back then, Xiao San and the others were the Shrek Seven Monsters, and I just took seven.” Wang Feng said, “No more than ten.”

With this batch of soul deed masters, Wang Feng will be able to better observe the soul deed of life and improve it.

One man and one beast chatting.

At this time, a red dot suddenly appeared on the shore of the lake, accompanied by a slightly hot breath, coming from a distance.

“Boss, there is a situation in this Sea God Lake.” Long Xie’s voice came.

Wang Feng naturally sensed it.

The geographical environment of this Sea God Pavilion is somewhat similar to the ring-shaped island on Sea God Island.

At this moment, in the extreme distance, there is a small red dot, galloping on the water, rushing frantically towards the shore of the lake.

With Wang Feng’s eyesight, he could see it very clearly.

It was a woman.

A woman with a faint flame burning all over her body. She was about twenty years old, with a charming face, an excellent figure, and long fiery red hair, which surprised Wang Feng. Feels a little familiar.

After seeing the spirit of the opponent, Wang Feng was stunned.

The hot air waves came, and the woman shone with the flames on her body, looking like a sun.

She exudes extreme scorching heat. Every time she passes, the lake below is evaporated into countless In addition to her extremely fast speed, it looks like a fighter jet flew over the lake, setting off countless mists. Exhaust, the momentum is extremely terrifying!

Soon, the woman approached the shore. She had completely lost her mind and did not control the flames on her body.

Let the scorching high temperature bake all around.

At the same time, a dazzling flame rose from her hands!


One after another, water columns tens of meters high bloomed in this scorching flame.

At this time, he seemed to have noticed the students on the shore. The flames in the woman’s hands exuded a strange light and fell towards the shore.

In an instant, many students on the shore screamed and ran away.

Fortunately, today is the day of the entrance examination for freshmen, and there are not many people on the shore.

Quickly ran away.

Moreover, many senior students are still very familiar… While running, they shouted:

“Hurry up~she’s here again~!”

Obviously it’s not the first time I’ve experienced something like this.

As the students ran away, the woman with flames all over her body set her sights on Wang Feng, who was the only one left.

With a loud whistle, in the woman’s charming peach eyes, there was only pure flame… a purple flame.

“This is…”

Wang Feng looked at the flames on the woman’s body and the twin wings behind the woman… could not help but feel speechless:

“Isn’t this Fatty Ma’s evil fire phoenix spirit? This girl… Could it be that the evil fire is out of control??”.


Ps: Five more today, more tomorrow…

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