Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 1076: The power of contract (3)

‘It is the power of the contract between the two! ’

Wang Feng was startled.

As the founder of the Life Soul Deed, Wang Feng feels that he has acquired a special power?

Wang Feng was slightly startled.

This change is something Wang Feng never expected.

This power is similar to the power of faith, but different.

Compared to the ethereal power of faith, the power of this contract is more solid.

“Damn it! The intelligence of this silver-striped silkworm has risen to the level of at least eleven or twelve years old!”

At this time, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was shocked and said, “This is too perverted! This is already at the stage of enlightenment! Ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts are nothing more than this.”

Such a change really shocked Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Today’s soul beasts, although because of the five energy tides, many soul beasts have opened their minds.

But it is impossible for such a little soul beast of more than 20 years to have such a high level of intelligence!

Intelligence has been turned on means a lot of abilities to the soul beast.

The simplest thing is that it is not the kind of unconscious cultivation that absorbs the vitality of heaven and earth. Instead, you can take the initiative or even speed up the cultivation of your own heaven and earth vitality.

The sooner the intellect is activated, the more effective it will be.

Obviously, this is a powerful effect attached to the Soul Pact of Life!

Huo Yuhao’s soul power, after merging into the silver-striped silkworm’s body, merged with the silver-striped silkworm’s consciousness, enabling its intelligence to be activated.

The previous soul contract between Wang Feng and Long Xie, the change to Long Xie was limited to the body of Yanyanlong.

So I can’t see how big the effect is.

But now Huo Yuhao and this silver-striped silkworm’s soul contract can clearly see the changes between the two.

Similarly, Huo Yuhao, who was the beneficiary, accepted the silver-striped silkworm’s soul ring and some of his life force.

His body is enveloped by a faint white light.

The gentle energy in the soul ring entered Huo Yuhao’s body, slightly changing the condition of his body.

Because it is not actively absorbed, the power of the spirit ring is perfectly absorbed, and some silver silkworm’s own life force is attached.

As a soul beast, the silver silkworm has a long lifespan. Unlike ordinary silkworms, their life spans are extremely short.

Actually, the lifespan of soul beasts is far longer than that of humans, and their life abilities are very strong!

After the soul contract was concluded, the silver-striped silkworm’s soul ring would carry some of his life force and give it to Huo Yuhao.

With the help of this life force, Huo Yuhao’s body also changed slightly.

Because of the mutation of his spiritual eyes, the meridians in his body are narrow and chaotic, and his aptitude is extremely low. Under this power of life, it has changed a little!

Wang Feng’s eyes flickered.

This is the result of signing a soul contract under the same circumstances.

Humans give blood essence and soul power, enlighten soul beasts with intelligence, and endow them with powerful cultivation ability!

Soul beasts will give human spirit rings and life force, improve the level of spirit power, and change the qualifications of spirit masters!

It was signed by the high-level life soul master expected by Wang Feng.

For example, in the class of 100,000-year-old soul beasts, in addition to the abilities given above by the life soul contract, the life soul contract is very likely to break the bottleneck and be promoted directly under the power of human blood and soul!

Of course, the premise is equality. Like a hundred thousand year soul beast, signing with a titled Douluo has this effect.

Even, in Wang Feng’s expectation, the soul deed of life represents the law of life!

Under the power of this law, the soul beasts who sign the soul contract and get promoted will not attract catastrophe!

Wang Feng’s eyes flickered, and under the influence of Huo Yuhao’s first life soul contract, he seemed to see the future.

These, Wang Feng will experiment in the future.

Go and sign contracts with the soul beasts of ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, and one million years, and see if they are consistent with what Wang Feng thinks.

“The aptitude of this kid has also changed, the life force donated by the soul beast…”

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm said excitedly, “Boss, the life soul deed you created is really powerful! Not to mention those high-level soul beasts. Even the lowest-level soul beasts have longer lifespans than humans. But Because of the slow growth period, it is extremely difficult to activate the intellect. Although human lifespan is short, the intellect is activated very early… Soul beasts donate the power of life, and human beings donate the power of soul. They exchange soul rings and blood essence… “

“It’s amazing!”

“Boss, you are a peerless genius! Now I want to find a powerful human, sign a soul contract, and see what will happen to this million-year-old soul beast…”

Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm said excitedly.

But in fact, think about it, the more powerful the human being, the more complex it is.

It’s unpredictable.

It’s not that simple to sign a soul contract with them.

Huo Yuhao is so young, only eleven years old.

Wang Feng smiled slightly: “You will have a chance.”

“The flatterer.” Long Xie said.

At this time.

Two figures in the distance suddenly flew over from a distance.

“Brother Wang? Huo Yuhao?”

Tang Ya’s surprised voice came, “Why are you all here?”

The two came following Huo Yuhao’s footsteps. They wanted to find Huo Yuhao, but when they were halfway through, they suddenly felt a strong mental wave.

After being stunned for a long time, when this mental wave disappeared, he came quickly.

I didn’t expect that the mysterious expert who left not long ago, Brother Wang was also there.

Could it be that you were also attracted?

“What happened to little brother Huo?”

Bei Bei frowned and looked at Huo Yuhao, who was surrounded by a cloud of white light, and seemed to understand something, “Is he absorbing a spirit ring?”

But this way of absorbing spirit rings seems to be a bit special.

So soft.

You must know that the energy in the spirit ring of the spirit beasts killed by humans is strong and violent.

It takes a lot of effort to absorb, and there are certain risks.

“Don’t worry, he’s fine.”

Wang Feng glanced at the two of them.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm saw that a human was coming, and went straight into Huo Yuhao’s pocket to hide, not wanting other humans to see him.

The silver silkworm was still in Huo Yuhao’s hands.

A moment later.

The white light disappeared, Huo Yuhao opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed from his golden pupils.

He knelt down toward Wang Feng, his tone trembling, “Teacher!”

Trembling because of the excitement at this time but also because of excitement and gratitude.

“You will be my only teacher from now on!” Huo Yuhao’s trembling tone surprised Tang Ya and Bei Bei.

Wang Feng thought about it and said, “Get up first.”

Huo Yuhao can comprehend the soul deed of life, but he still has a certain comprehension.

It’s okay to have an apprentice. It’s not bad to be able to observe the life soul contract.

Although it is impossible to teach him all the time.

Huo Yuhao hurriedly stood up, and then noticed that Tang Ya and Bei Bei were also coming, and couldn’t help but be stunned, “Sister Tang Ya, Big Brother Bei Bei, why are you here?”

Tang Ya and Bei Bei looked at each other.

“I noticed a change here just now… so I came over to take a look.” Bei Bei said, “I want to come to see you, little brother Huo…”

“Looking for me?” Huo Yuhao was stunned again.

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