Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 892: He’s not dead (10)

Sure enough.

Bibi Dong’s three-year alliance and five-year empire plan can be said to have been implemented perfectly.

This student is a representative of the middle and low level soul masters.

Under the situation, the spirit masters on the Martial Spirit Alliance will become stronger and stronger.

The stronger the soul master is, the stronger it will be able to promote the development of all walks of life.

“You guys, haven’t you thought about taking the Hunting Soul Forest?” Wang Feng asked.

“I thought about it!” The student pouted, “A year ago, a few small-scale fierce battles broke out, revolving around Soul Hunting Forest, these resources. Among them, Titled Douluo-level powerhouses participated in the battle. But this Soul Hunting Forest has been under the jurisdiction of the Soul Hall since ancient times, and it is impossible to rob it…”

“Furthermore, the spirit master team guarding the Soul Hunting Forest in the Spirit Hall is very strong. At least they are all at the level of Spirit Douluo, as well as Title Douluo.”

“Can’t get it.”

The student whispered, “If you want to find teachers and them, you may have to go to Sunset Forest to try your luck. By the way, a few days ago, some of our Shrek Academy’s famous seniors from the mainland also came back, listen. Said he planned to organize and **** several nearby Soul Hunting Forests. I wonder what the situation is now?”

“The Spirit Alliance has the most serious control over the Soul Hunting Forest around our Heaven Dou City, and has also sent several Title Douluo to guard several entrances to the Soul Hunting Forest. The Sword Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Bone Douluo, it seems that he personally went to the Spirit Alliance to discuss it, but he was directly beaten out.”

Wang Feng guessed that the students he mentioned were Oske, Ma Hongjun, and Ning Rongrong.

Now they are of extraordinary strength, and each of them is a Contra-level powerhouse.

In just three short years, the improvement has been so huge. After returning, I found that this is the case, and I will definitely not sit idly by.

Through this student, it can be said that the situation of the forces in this continent is changing very clearly.

There may be only one consequence in the end.

Either the two empires couldn’t hold back, and they directly forcibly fought the Spirit Alliance.

Or chronic death.

In another year at most, under this trade-off, the power of the two empires will plummet.

When Bibi Dong becomes a **** and uses thunder to kill the high-ranking powerhouses of the two empires, the Spirit Empire will be able to absorb the power of the two empires directly. The mainland is indeed fixed.

There is no need to start a war.

It’s even very possible that, in the middle of the journey, if he can’t hold it any longer, he will also take the initiative to join the Spirit Alliance.

If it doesn’t matter whether there is hatred or position, Wang Feng feels that this kind of unification is not a bad thing.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng sighed in his heart:

“Thank you.”

After Wang Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the Soul Hunting Forest outside Tian Dou City.

There are many hunting forests on the mainland, some large and small.

This Soul Hunting Forest outside Tian Dou City is smaller than the Sunset Forest, and it is not dangerous. Most of the soul beasts in it are under ten thousand years old, and there are quite a few ten thousand year old spirit beasts. Much better than Sunset Forest.

Actually, the Sunset Forest is not too dangerous, but now because of the massive influx of spirit masters, it has caused a large number of casualties among spirit beasts.

Now the riots of soul beasts inside are much more dangerous than before.

After a few years of not returning, the situation in the mainland has changed, and Wang Feng felt that he was almost out of touch with the mainland.

A journey of several hundred miles, for Wang Feng, only takes more than ten minutes.

Before it arrived, Wang Feng sensed the sound coming:

“These Contras are not our opponents at all! Xiao Ao, give me a sausage! I want to avenge the captain!”

“Fatty, be careful, be careful with the title Douluo.”

“Rong Rong, take a break…”

“I heard that Zhuqing returned to the Star Luo Empire and discussed it with Boss Dai, and planned to directly unite with the Heaven Dou Empire to launch a war against the Spirit Alliance… Then we will be able to take back these territories and the Soul Hunting Forest…”

“Hey, I received a letter from my third brother yesterday. He is currently in the Clear Sky Sect and will be back tomorrow at the latest. By the way, he said he has good news to tell us, I don’t know what the news is…”

“Be careful! They are here to support! Damn, why are they! Fatty, pay attention, there is a titled Douluo!”


A calm voice came from a distance.

What followed was a battle.

Wang Feng’s eyes are faint, and he can already perceive it clearly from thousands of meters away.

It is obviously impossible for the Spirit Hall to easily take such an important soul beast resource place for the Heaven Dou Empire.

Although there is no war now, these special resource territories have become their battlegrounds.

To put it bluntly, these places mean that more soul masters can be cultivated.

Like an advanced Soul Hunting Forest, it is very necessary for many middle and high-level Soul Masters.

“It’s two titled Douluos from the Spirit Hall, I haven’t seen enough…”

Wang Feng swept his eyes and looked into the distance, “The five of them should be able to fight…just…”


Outside the Hunting Forest.

Hu Liena took two Titled Douluos and more than a dozen high-level spirit master teams to this place.

For the first time, I saw Ma Hongjun and his party.

“Is that you?”

Hu Liena was dressed in black and had a stern face, “I don’t want to embarrass you, I want to gain the qualification to enter this high-level Soul Hunting Forest for your academy, just join the Soul Alliance. Other than that , there is no other choice. Or you can go to Sunset Forest.”

Behind her stood two Titled Douluos, who looked in their seventies, and looked at Ma Hongjun and his group with a bit of amazement.

Seems to be shocked by their spirit power level.

“Stop talking nonsense and join your Spirit Alliance, that’s impossible!”

Ma Hongjun shouted, “Hu Liena, although you let us go last time, but this time, you can just do it. You haven’t announced the world yet, have you? The White Pope of your Spirit Hall is our captain pretending to be Look at how incompetent your Spirit Hall is. Our captain went undercover alone and became the Pope in White.”

“Let’s join an incompetent and incompetent organization, it’s just a dream! And that Pope Bibi Dong, she killed the captain, we Shrek Seven Devils will avenge the captain sooner or later!”

Speaking of Ma Hongjun blushed.

“That’s right!” Oscar sneered, “This revenge, sooner or later, we will have to pay it back! Today is to collect some interest!”

Shen Lingqi and Bai Chenxiang on the side walked to the two of them one after another.

Although Ning Rongrong was alone and alone, at this time, he pursed his lips, and his face was slightly pale, but his eyes were indifferent.

She’s not sad, just hateful.

Hearing this, Hu Liena suddenly held her hands, silent for a moment, and said lightly:

“He’s not dead. You can’t avenge this revenge either… Don’t waste your life in vain!”

When the words fell, Ma Hongjun and his group were stunned.


Ps: Ten, a little late…

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