Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 765: 100,000 years (five)

Wang Feng’s current body’s potential is far from being developed.

Another reason is that in addition to being physically strong, Wang Feng’s additional boosts to various soul skills are too abnormal.

The potential is endless, so Wang Feng was able to easily climb the thousandth floor, but couldn’t hold the 500,000-jin Shen Yinzhu.

‘I need to exercise to develop the potential and strength of my body. ’

Wang Feng pondered.

After being irradiated by the divine light of chaos, Wang Feng knew that his body must have been greatly improved.

But these enhancements are potential enhancements, and they all need to be stimulated through exercise, not out of thin air.

‘In the next days, let’s exercise here temporarily…’

Wang Feng thought about it, “Until I can easily hold this 500,000 pillar without any augmentation…”

In fact, the essence is the pure strength exercise of oneself.

‘With such a workout, I won’t be a One Punch Man, right? ’

Wang Feng thought to himself.

If you can hold this heavy silver pillar, it means that your body’s strength will reach a terrifying level.

When the time comes, if you just punch a few hundred thousand catties, I will ask if you are afraid?

Which Titled Douluo can withstand hundreds of thousands of pounds of strength?

Even those hundred thousand year soul beasts would be smashed into pieces with one punch.

‘I don’t know how strong the physical power of God is? ’

Wang Feng set the following training goals, so he no longer hesitated, and directly dared the three sea soul beasts in the ring sea to enter this desperate situation.

The three-headed sea spirit beast said nothing, and was even a little excited.

This means that Wang Feng, the boss, is about to exercise…

But then, they couldn’t get excited.

Because the living environment in this place is a bit harsh.

The hundreds of meters of ocean waves crashed down directly, and they felt a little pain. Although it wasn’t painful enough to make them tremble, the key was that this rage was suppressed all the time.

Means not even the slightest rest, unless it sinks to the bottom of the sea.

But Wang Feng won’t let them sink into the sea to be lazy.

With the help of Yunqi, as long as the three Wang Feng dare to be lazy, Wang Feng will immediately be a mental shock.

At the same time, Wang Feng will also fight these three guys on the sea, and formulate a series of training plans for them, just like when he trained the four guys in the extreme north, the crocodile, Kunshenbing, Tiehu.

But the current Wang Feng is no longer the original Wang Feng.

I don’t know how many times stronger, so…

According to Wang Feng’s expectation, within two months, these three guys will be trained to become 100,000 years old.

Don’t think it’s impossible.

Wang Feng’s soul power is now mutated. After activating the golden lotus, it will exert a more powerful effect, which is even greater than that in the extreme north.

These four guys are at least 80,000 years old from the Xuanshui crocodile.

While fighting and exercising, restore, transform and mutate through the golden lotus.

Not to mention two months, Wang Feng estimates that in just over a month, the most powerful Whale Shark will be able to step into the realm of 100,000 years.

Wang Feng is not quite sure how the crocodiles are doing now.

If you worked hard, you should have already stepped into the 100,000-year-old.

When he left, Zhai Crocodile had a cultivation base of more than 70,000 years. After cultivating in that kind of treasure, Wang Feng also left them a large number of soul crystals refined with Qiankun Cauldron.

I don’t know how many times after Jinlian’s transformation, it will not enter a hundred thousand years…

Leave the group.

Just like these three sea spirit beasts, ask Wang Feng why he can torture and train them so much.

“Without 100,000 years, you are not qualified to be my little brother.” Wang Feng said.

The three-headed sea spirit beast suddenly stopped talking.

Among them, the most hardworking is the Whale Shark.

Because she was super unconvinced, she was unconvinced by the once demon soul great white shark clan.

With anger in her heart, she would naturally work harder, otherwise her cultivation would not have lasted for more than 90,000 years, and she is the strongest among them.

At the same time, Ten Thousand Demon Whale Shark also shoulders the task of glorious revival of their whale shark family.

In contrast, the other two, when Wang Feng used the golden lotus for the first transformation… worked even harder.

In fact, the reason is very simple, there is a head.

Normally trained like this, without the transformation of Jinlian, it is difficult for them to reach 100,000 years in a short period of time.

But with the transformation of Jinlian, it is different.

Just like when Wang Feng had meteor tears.

The current golden lotus, to them, is the golden finger!

With golden fingers, no matter how hard or tired, you can definitely bear it. Man is real, and so is the beast.

Just like on the Sea God Mountain before, if Wang Feng only madly destroyed Tang Sanjiu during the day, but did not cause an energy storm at night, let them secretly regain their strength. None of Tang Sanjiu could hold on.

No matter how strong your willpower is, if you can’t see hope, even a little bit, you won’t be able to last long.

Therefore, in less than two months, these three soul beasts have entered the step of one hundred thousand years in turn.

The whale shark is the fastest to step in. She has a cultivation base of more than 90,000 years. At the end of the first month, she has already stepped into the level of 100,000 years.

It can be said that it is the first powerful existence of their whale shark family to enter 100,000 years!

But now there are not many of them in the whale shark family.

The second one who stepped in was not the Xuanshui Crocodile, but the Blood Flood Dragon.

He had reached a hundred thousand years without realizing it. If he had to work hard, among the three sea soul beasts, the Blood Flood Dragon was relatively slack.

Occasionally want to be lazy.

In the middle of the second month, when he broke through to become a 100,000-year soul beast, two coral-like dragon horns grew directly from the two bags on his head.

At the end of the second month, the Xuanshui crocodile also broke through 100,000 years.

After becoming a hundred thousand year soul beast, the speed of cultivation is extremely slow.

However, at this time…

Tang Sanjiu’s second test was finally completed.

Their third test, called Tidal Body Refinement, is in this place.

In the second test, Tang Sanjiu spent a full five months, and it took a full year to come to Seagod Island!

It can be said that it has already exceeded the standard and completed the assessment time.

You must know that the time limit for the second test is also one year. This time, they completed it seven months ahead of schedule!

The first test is five months ahead of schedule, and the second test is seven months ahead of schedule!

However, this third test is a fixed time limit of one year.

On the sinking silver pillar where the raging waves are desperate, the body is trained to withstand the slaps of the waves and tides.

“What? You said that Wang Wu came here in advance two months ago?”

On the way here, Ma Hongjun suddenly jolted, “That is to say, he is also cultivating there?”

“Shit…Isn’t this a sheep entering the tiger’s mouth?”

Oscar took a few breaths, “This time, he won’t kill us? No, keep calm, keep calm.”

Several people were discussing in a low voice.

They never imagined that Wang Wu would have trained in that place in advance.

Bo Saixi smiled and said nothing.

“Senior, isn’t that Wang Wu’s second test also in the place you mentioned called Angry Waves and Desolation?”

Tang San pondered for a moment and asked.

“No, he is just exercising there to prepare for the second exam. That place is a wonderful place for our Sea God. It is very suitable for cultivation.”

Poseysi explained.

“That Wang Wu is so strong? Is it effective to cultivate in that place?”

Dai Mubai said suspiciously, “Two months ago… the thousand and one floor of Seagod Island…”

Bo Saixi was silent. In fact, she didn’t know whether it worked or not, but he should have his own thoughts.

Moreover, in two months, this rage and desperation seems to have changed. Bo Saixi sensed three very powerful auras… I felt a little incredible, and I didn’t dare to think about that…

Soon, everyone came to this desperate situation.

As soon as they arrived…the scene in front of them made them all stunned…


PS: There are still a few chapters… Please count the votes~

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