Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 761: Poseidon phantom (1)

The explosion, like a wind and a cloud, caused the light and fog on the entire Sea God Mountain to suddenly burst.

From a distance, it seems like a cloud has risen over the sky.

When Wang Feng stepped on the 1000th floor, the endless sea god’s condensed into a phantom, majestic and magnificent, exuding unparalleled might, like crushing Wang Feng.

At that moment, with Wang Feng’s current body, he also felt a great pressure!

The majestic soul power in the body was rapidly consumed, and several forms appeared hazy and successively increased, resisting this unimaginable pressure.

Wang Feng realized right away that this might really be the power of God. And it was just a phantom. The phantom man raised his eyebrows, causing Wang Feng’s soul power to be consumed wildly in a short moment, and several large soul bones flashed with cyan brilliance one after another, appearing dimly.

Qinglian’s chaotic divine light not only purifies herself, but also purifies her spirit bones.

I saw that vague sense of fusion, which became clearer after the chaotic divine light refinement. The four soul bones seemed to have a feeling of fusion.

Under boundless pressure, Wang Feng raised his head and stared at the phantom.


Not surprisingly, it is the real sea god.

But his face was expressionless, with only a faint shadow.

For the first time, Wang Feng felt the power of God. Maybe this is not even one ten thousandth of the power of God. At most, he has only the strength of ninety-nine Titled Douluo, but it is also the power of God.

That coercion is different.

The gods above the world of Douluo, understood from the perspective of life, are even greater beings.

Then… Wang Feng stabbed him with a spear.

The answer is very simple. He doesn’t want to bear this kind of coercion. If he keeps bearing it, it is impossible for him to bear it for too long.

Since you can’t take it for too long, you can only break it!

Wang Feng’s idea is that simple!

As soon as the sky opened, the two major fields were exhibited, and the hundreds of meters of space centered on him seemed to be enveloped by a layer of cyan light mist!

Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit appeared directly, as if covering the light of the world, making it difficult to know what was inside.

This is also the characteristic of Chaos Qinglian Martial Soul Avatar: the increase covers the Innate Five Directions Realm, and no one can perceive the situation inside. Stepping into the Innate Five Directions Realm is like entering another world.

The originally white Innate Wufang Domain has turned into a faint blue under the appearance of the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit Avatar.

Blue and black are mixed together, pure and evil seem to merge into one.

Under the two major domains, the four lotus seeds of Chaos Qinglian bloomed in turn, and gradually changed into different forms. After being increased, they became lotus seeds.

The rhizomes turn into the God-killing spear.

The magic spear of the wind and thunder, in a style of severing love and desperation, turned into a beam of blue and purple light in the killing spear, and in the field, it went straight to the sky!

Instantly penetrate the phantom that is as light as the breeze!

With this shot, Wang Feng’s power has reached the limit! The soul power of the whole body also seems to be exhausted at this moment!

At the same time, the two major fields disappeared directly, the form of Wuhun’s true body also suddenly disappeared, the soul killing gun, and the innate five-party flag also disappeared directly…

At the same time, the phantom formed by the Seagod’s Light exploded!

Vaguely, Wang Feng saw an incredible ray of light in the phantom’s eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom disappeared, and the Seagod’s Light exploded directly in mid-air!

At the same time, after passing through the phantom, the blue-and-purple spear light pierced the sky directly, as if it had pierced a big hole in the sky!

This caused the momentum that everyone saw that shook the sea and the sky!

Relatively speaking, Po Saisi sees the most clearly!

The opponent’s spirit is strange. After the spirit’s true body is revealed, she can only vaguely see a light blue lotus rising.

Immediately after the entire realm, she could not perceive it unless she stepped into the opponent’s realm in person.

And the thousandth and first floor, the so-called power of God, is that the light of the Sea God will form a shadow of the Sea God. You must endure the coercion of this Seagod phantom in order to pass the test.

This is impossible. Even Bo Saixi himself cannot withstand the shadow of the Seagod’s Light.

Even if that phantom, for the Sea God, it may not even have one ten thousandth of the strength, but it can’t bear it.

Because it belongs to the coercion of God.

It is for this reason that theoretically speaking, even if the Spirit Master is strong, it is impossible to climb to the last floor.

It’s pretty good if you can endure it for a while.

But Bo Saixi never imagined that this Wang Wu, he would dare to offend Shenwei!

Dare to attack the phantom of the Sea God!

Are you crazy?

To tell the truth, when Bo Saixi saw that blue and purple spear light appeared, he was shocked like the world was overturned!

How dare a person dare to do something to God?

Isn’t this courting death?

This will definitely anger the Sea God Shenwei!

And when the phantom pierced through the phantom of the Sea God, Bo Saixi was even more shocked!

Because of the attack alone, even she can’t break through that ordinary Poseidon phantom!

Among them, there are reasons for her being suppressed, but even if she is not suppressed, she cannot be crushed with one move!

“How dare he?”

Posey murmured.

This Wang Wu is really brave!

Even the sea **** dares to offend!

There was some anger in her heart. As a servant of the Sea God, she was naturally a little angry when she saw the phantom of the Sea God being shattered.

But the next moment, when I saw the phantom of the Sea God dissipate, the boundless light of the Sea God once again enveloped the Sea God Mountain.

Everything is at peace.

Only above the sky, there is a dark void.

This made Posey vaguely understand something.

I even felt a little awakened!

“Could it be that this last layer…isn’t to endure the pressure of this Seagod phantom at all…instead, to defeat the phantom of Lord Seagod?”

Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, unable to believe it.

Because in the concept, this is an outrageous act, but in fact, it can reach one thousand and one layers.

So far, this Wang Wu is the third one.

The first two were gone many, many years ago, and they were both the top powerhouses at the Title Douluo level.

In Bo Saixi’s concept, this layer is indeed to bear the power of God, and never thought that this is not to bear, but to destroy.

Only by shattering can one climb to the last level!

Succeed in Destruction!

Bo Saixi stared blankly at Wang Wu who was on the 1000th floor and stepped onto the top of the mountain.

It seems that there is some understanding.

He looks a little tired, but his posture is still very stable. At this moment, he has reached the top, and he seems to be calm and calm. Distinguished style, it is admirable!

“This person’s mind is really extraordinary. I must be enjoying this moment of success at the moment, right? There is no fluctuation…”

Bo Saixi sighed in admiration, “It is only by being able to do things that people dare not to do, that they can take this step, the first person to climb the one thousand and one steps. Break through and then stand up… This kind of transcendent wisdom and The means are really extraordinary, maybe in his heart, this is nothing…”


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