Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 726: Poseidon 2 exam? (6)

Wang Feng felt strange when the golden beam of light rose.

Because this is more exaggerated than in front of the Rakshasa statue. Originally, the Rakshasa God gave the True God Nine Tests.

But now this one has to surpass the Sea God’s Nine Tests, which makes Wang Feng feel incredible… Could it be that this Sea God is so optimistic about me?

You must know that in this kind of assessment, it is impossible for Sea God to perceive many of his own secrets without the presence of Seagod himself.

‘It shouldn’t be possible for the sea **** to descend to earth, right? Could he have seen me? impossible. ’

Wang Feng thought to himself, ‘Could it be that he was shocked when he perceived my handsome appearance? ’

In any case, when the golden light rose into the sky, Wang Feng was very puzzled.

Afterwards, Wang Feng felt the golden light, creating some kind of connection with himself and flying into his heart.

But it was precisely that, Wang Feng felt that the dark angel martial spirit in his body was rioting again, and it seemed that he was repelling this power, and at the same time, he was also absorbing this power…

This really shocked Wang Feng. For a long time, although this dark angel’s martial arts is a martial arts, Wang Feng feels that this thing is slightly different from a martial arts. It’s more like a different kind of martial arts.

From the power of the blood veins cultivated, it can be seen that this is not something that ordinary martial arts can do.

The two martial spirits, Chaos Qinglian and Pangu Axe, are spirits beyond the world of Douluo. Naturally different.

But the spirit of the dark angel is very likely to be beyond the spirit of the Douluo world. It is more like a high-level energy form, not just a martial soul.

When the system gave it, Wang Feng remembered clearly that it was just a mysterious humanoid martial spirit. The Dark Angel Martial Soul is just the name he gave it. Could this martial spirit, like Qian Renxue’s seraph, be a symbol of some kind of divine position?

Qian Renxue’s six-winged angel spirit is itself a symbol of the angel god!

Because only in this way, Wang Feng can understand why the dark angel Wuhun can not only absorb the power of the Rakshasa God, but also the power of the Sea God.

This means that this dark angel martial soul is very likely to be some kind of divine inheritance…

And when the Dark Angel Martial Soul absorbed the power from the Sea God’s Nine Tests, there was also a blue light in the blood pattern, vaguely Wang Feng felt that the realm of original sin had also changed, and the Angel Martial Soul in the sea of ​​consciousness was The jet-black seven pairs of jet-black wings also turned from black to black-gold.

This is also the reason why when the golden light falls, the light becomes weaker and weaker.

Because it is the same as the True God Jiu Kao given by the Rakshasa God, most of the power has been absorbed.

However, what Wang Feng is also a little puzzled about is that such a huge golden light, Wang Feng only absorbed part of it, and more parts are automatically dissipated, which is rather strange.

‘This dark angel Martial Soul has cultivated the blood pattern formed by the seven source powers, and can also absorb these descending divine powers… Although it may be much weaker than Chaos Qinglian and Pangu Axe, it may be The key to the divine position, but Douluo World does not have the inheritance of the divine position of this dark angel martial soul… Could it be that the divine position was broken and fallen? ’

Wang Feng doesn’t know much about the status of the Douluo world, so he can only guess.

At this time, when the light passed through Wang Feng’s mask and formed a trident between his eyebrows, Wang Feng also slowly woke up.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Wang Feng, watching.

“Your Excellency, can you take off your mask?”

Bo Saixi withdrew his hand from the holy pillar and looked at the still intact holy pillar with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

The Holy Pillar is inductive with the Sea God, and if the Holy Pillar is broken, it means that a single Holy Pillar alone cannot withstand the assessment of the Sea God. In other words, no matter what, the situation just now is beyond Passed the Ninth Test of the Sea God.

Bo Saisi has not experienced this situation and cannot explain it, but can only be determined by getting to know the other person.

But in any case, it was indeed the Seagod’s Nine Tests just now, but at the end the light suddenly became extremely weak, which was what puzzled Bo Saixi the most.

I’m afraid, this is only possible when the Sea God descends.

Wang Feng took off his mask without hesitation. Tang San and the others have all seen his face, as have Hu Liena and the others.

I wear this mask out of habit, so as not to cause other disturbances.

The moment the mask was taken off, the trident on Wang Feng’s forehead appeared in front of Bo Saixi.

It’s not like Tang San’s golden light, with a very deep imprint.

It’s looming, very light.

“Hi…this guy is too handsome, isn’t he?”

Seahorse Douluo couldn’t help but said subconsciously, and just closed his mouth.

Among these people, Tang San can be said to be superior to all of them in terms of appearance. But the appearance of this mysterious black-clothed man in front of him seemed to be detached from everything and naturally integrated with heaven and earth. At first glance, you will be amazed that there are such men in the world. At second glance, you will be deeply attracted, and at third glance, you will be unable to extricate yourself…

Even the more I watch it, the more Seahorse Douluo realizes.

The first time Bo Saixi saw Wang Feng, he vaguely understood how the other party could cause such a big shock.

When the mask falls the face of the other person blends with the breath on the body, exuding a pure and natural breath. This kind of breath, compared with the vastness of the sea and the vastness of the sky, seems to be able to accommodate and purify everything.

‘This child’s body is probably God’s darling. ’

Bo Saixi murmured in his heart, ‘I am afraid that the Seagod also took a fancy to this point, so he will drop such a mysterious test, transcending the existence above the Nine Tests of the Seagod…’

But in reality, they were all wrong.

Actually, it’s precisely because… Seagod really met Wang Feng that he dropped this test that surpassed the Seagod’s Nine Tests.

But unfortunately, Wang Feng doesn’t know this, and no one knows.

As for why it disappears again, that is another unknown secret…

After thinking about it for a long time, Bo Saixi looked at Wang Feng, and her tone returned to the gentle and peaceful tone just now:

“Wang Wu, can you tell me the origin?”

Wang Feng pondered for a moment and said, “My name is Nicholas Wang Wu. I come from the northernmost part of the soul beast forest in the northern part of the mainland. These three are my disciples. In order to cultivate, I brought them to Seagod Island. “

To be reasonable, except for the name, every word of Wang Feng is the truth.

But after Tang Sanjiu heard it, they felt that the cliff was a lie!

The name Nicholas Wang Wu is not well-known. If you ask the Pope in white on the mainland, everyone must know it.

But few people know the name Nicholas Wangwu. .

It was also known to Tang San, because Tang San knew the name when he was in the capital of slaughter.

Bo Saixi fixedly looked at Wang Feng with a faint smile on his face, “I see. Your assessment, according to the light, should be the first or second test of the Seagod. The Seagod test generally only appears on one person. , but now there are two people, but one is nine exams and one is one exam. This is not impossible.”

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