Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 695: An early meeting (5)

In the past few days, because of the relaxation of the relationship, Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang have been patrolling and accompanying him in order to express his feelings, and inquired about the situation nearby for everyone in advance.

“The village in front was slaughtered.”

Ma Hongjun said something that made everyone’s face change greatly, “The whole village, old people and children are all dead. There are signs of being injured by wild animals or blunt objects on their bodies… There are very few women, they should have been robbed. .”

Everyone was stunned.

“Who did it?”

Tang San’s tone unknowingly turned cold.

Ma Hongjun shook his head, his face extremely gloomy, “I don’t know, it feels like a soul beast, but it doesn’t look like…a human being. Because soul beasts can’t use weapons.”

“Just go and see!”

Oscar’s tone was also low, “I will make eight mushroom sausages first. Lingqi’s fourth soul skill is called Aromatic Intoxicating Beer, which can increase the lasting effect of any auxiliary type by 100%. There are enough things to make Let’s catch up and find out.”

“Yes…” Ma Hongjun nodded and said, “Those murderers shouldn’t have run too far, there must be some people who are broken, we can catch up in a short time. Let’s see the situation!”

Tang San also nodded.

Oscar and Shen Lingqi immediately acted upon receiving Tang San’s response.

Shen Lingqi’s white beer is indeed a very strong martial spirit. Because they have never fought together, everyone has not felt it.

But at this moment, paired with Oscar, everyone can feel Shen Lingqi’s martial spirit, which is very useful.

Take Oscar’s mushroom sausage as an example. For Soul Emperor’s Oscar, it has been able to make everyone fly for as long as five to six minutes.

And after drinking the fragrant and intoxicating beer produced by Shen Lingqi’s fourth spirit ability, it can reach more than ten minutes!

Flying for ten minutes is already an exaggerated number.

Even if it is a battle at the Soul Emperor level, ten minutes can determine the outcome of a battle, especially at sea, which will be crucial!

The nine people flew directly into the air, forming a conical formation and flying towards the front.

When passing over the village, you can clearly see the hell-like scene in the village.

Rao is a few girls from Ning Rongrong, who have experienced all kinds of killings. Looking at the scene below, they are also rolling in their stomachs, and their nausea is boiling.


Dai Mubai’s face was ashen, but he did not leave the formation.

Soon, not long after the nine people flew out of the village, they saw the murderer.

However, these murderers are also dead.

These murderers should be left behind. They are tall, each at least two meters away, and each of them has wolf-like fangs in their mouths that extend to the outside of their lips, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying. .

“It turned out to be a wolf thief.”

Oscar and Ma Hongjun spoke in unison.

Tang San asked, “What is a wolf thief?”

“It’s a special kind of bandit.” Dai Mubai said with a gloomy expression on the side, “To put it simply, it is the combination of a human and a type of wolf called the Wind Devil Wolf, and the born is not human, but not a beast. They have a certain amount of wisdom, and they also possess the abilities of soul beasts. They are very powerful, and they are chaotic by nature. When they catch those women, they want them to breed, and they have these wolf thieves in both empires.”

“Furthermore, every autumn and spring is the rampant period for these wolf thieves. I didn’t expect to meet them here. There must be a large army of wolf thieves ahead, normal wolf thieves, at least five hundred thieves. More than people. Generally, if you want to exterminate these wolf thieves, you often need to send more than double the military force to be guaranteed.”

“There are only nine of us…but, it’s not impossible. Even if we can’t destroy it, we can’t let it go!”

After hearing Dai Mubai’s words, Tang San’s eyes flashed a stern light.

“Stop talking! These beasts, living in the world is simply polluting the air!”

Ma Hongjun said angrily, “Third Brother!”

The rest of the people also looked at Tang San.

Tang San is the most powerful among them, and has always been used to Tang San commanding.

“Let’s go and see how many of them there are.” Tang San felt Xiao Wu hug him tighter and tighter, and his voice was a little cold, “Then think of a way to catch them all!”

Everyone nodded and continued to move towards the forest ahead.

Soon, they stopped. I saw the large army of the wolf thief army.

Because there are countless screams of fighting and shouting from the front.

I saw a dense number of wolf thieves in front, surrounding the three people in the center like a tide.

A burst of soul power fluctuations erupted from the center.

There are too many wolf thieves. In mid-air, Tang San and the others could see very clearly, there were at least a thousand of them, and they kept running out of the forest.

“There seems to be someone? Third brother, look, those three people seem familiar?”

Ma Hongjun said in surprise.

Tang San also stared at the three people surrounded by the army of wolf thieves. Obviously, someone also saw the tragic scene in the village and came after him.

And, he sees clearly.

“These three people are really strong!”

Bai Chenxiang exclaimed in a low voice, “They shouldn’t be ordinary soul masters, right? Looking at the soul rings, they seem to be at the level of soul emperors.”

The people surrounded in the center consist of two men and one woman.

I saw countless pink mists emanating from the female soul master, and all the wolf thieves in the mist stopped motionless as if they had fallen into a dream.

The next two battle spirit masters, one held a double moon blade, and the other was full of flames, like a flame giant, and the flames on their bodies were not much worse than Ma Hongjun’s flames.

Like cutting straw, they harvested the wolf thieves rushing towards them.

Seeing this, the Seven Monsters instantly recognized it!

“It’s the three golden generation of Wuhundian!”

Dai Mubai said in a deep voice, “I didn’t expect that they would be here! They even met wolf thieves…”

When they heard the three words Wuhundian, everyone’s expressions changed.

“Third brother, should we wait until they are exhausted… these people from the Spirit Hall are not good things!”

Ning Rongrong said angrily.

She remembers clearly the incident when the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was attacked by the Spirit Hall!

But as soon as he finished speaking, Ning Rongrong was silent, “However, Wang Feng said that many things cannot be generalized… They must have seen the scene in the village before, so they came to hunt down these wolf thieves… From In this regard, they are also kind…”

The crowd was silent.

Good and bad seem to become a little blurry at this Tang San looked at it for a while, then sighed softly, just shook his head and said, “Not all people in Spirit Hall are bad… Maybe, It’s just that they can’t choose either, or maybe they have different positions. Let me do it, there are too many wolf thieves, and these three may not be able to defeat these wolf thieves… At this time, dealing with the wolf thieves first is the first priority.”

“The rest, let’s talk about it after the wolf thief is defeated.”


A few dozen meters above Tang San, a figure sat crossed over the flying sword, quietly looking at the ant-sized crowd below.

“I didn’t expect… to meet in advance…” Wang Feng murmured.


ps there are five more in the evening

(End of this chapter)



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