Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 647: Bind me up! (4)

‘The practice of the former word secret seems to really give me some dangerous warnings in the battle, and it is perfect to cooperate with the air battle! ’

If in the usual battle, Wang Feng didn’t feel the warning of the former secret.

But when you enter the air state, your perception increases tenfold, and the danger warning of the former word secret is fully reflected.

Looking at the sweeping dragon’s tail, Wang Feng did not hesitate at all. With a turn of the Soul Killing Spear, he stabbed the dragon’s tail directly with one shot, thereby causing a huge wound to the opponent.

The dragon’s tail swept past, and Wang Feng avoided it dangerously.

Yu Yuanzhen’s expression changed. He didn’t expect the opponent to be able to dodge so critically. In his imagination, the opponent should have resisted this tail so that he could launch other attacks.

Instead of dodging directly, he used his own attack to use the gun to cause damage to himself.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen already understood Wang Feng’s strength.

In the state of Martial Soul Avatar, although his strength has been greatly enhanced, because of his large size, it is very easy for the opponent to attack.

The two confrontations ended in his failure, which made Yuyuan Zhen feel a little unhappy.

‘This kid is strong, it’s time to get something real…’

Yu Yuan thought to himself.

Thinking of this, the eighth spirit ring on Yu Yuanzhen’s body suddenly lit up!

At the moment when the eighth spirit ring lit up, Wang Feng suddenly felt that it was difficult for him to lock on to the other party.

Any attack in any situation requires Wang Feng to lock it with mental power before he can hit it accurately, even if the opponent is huge.

“Eighth Soul Skill: Thunder Fury!”

Yu Yuanzhen let out a loud drink, every scale on his body flickered and jumped, his martial soul avatar suddenly shrunk, becoming only about twenty meters.

Three times the size!

But Yu Yuanzhen’s aura is even stronger!

Wang Feng froze in his heart, feeling the shock of Yu Yuan, who was getting stronger again at this moment, and was extremely surprised.

This is a very powerful special boosting spirit skill. In the state of the spirit avatar, the changes are even more amazing.

“The rage of thunder condenses the power of the spirit avatar, gathers it on the surface of the whole body, and increases all attributes by 300%! At the same time, the scales can block mental perception, release the mental lock of any spirit ability, and it is difficult to attack him. !”

Sword Douluo said slowly, “It’s this old dragon’s most powerful soul skill other than the domain. In this state, any enemy with a faster speed and agility than him would have a hard time attacking him. .”

Title Douluo, of course, has some understanding.

Since the two are similar in strength and age, Sword Douluo naturally understands a little bit.

Wang Feng felt that the current Yu Yuanzhen was like a catfish that was slippery in autumn. With his strong mental power, he was unable to carry out lock-on attacks.

Then you can only attack with your own physical quality, but the current Yu Yuanzhen is strong, after the increase, he is no weaker than him!

Even stronger!

Can’t attack at all!

Moreover, in the Thunder Realm, the power consumption of Wang Feng’s attack is still increasing tremendously, not to mention the reduction in the power of each attack.

His soul skills, especially the empty state, can be said to be a huge load on the body.

But if there is no space, Wang Feng will have a hard time catching up, let alone attacking Yu Yuanzhen.

Every attack of Wang Feng was evaded by Yu Yuanzhen, but every attack of Yu Yuanzhen, whether it was a claw strike, tail sweep, or entanglement, was also unable to attack Wang Feng.

For a while, it was deadlocked.

In fact, until now, Wang Feng’s strength has been fully recognized by Yu Yuanzhen.

But it’s a trick.

He is a dignified, ninety-sixth-level Titled Douluo, so it is impossible for him to lose a junior. Still a junior in the 60s.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Yu Yuanzhen to release any water.

After another confrontation, Wang Feng flew upside down.

If things go on like this, Wang Feng knows that he will definitely lose. Because his soul power is still much less than that of Yu Yuanzhen.

Even if Wang Feng used Jin Lian’s ability to raise his spirit power level to level 70, it would still only be comparable to the spirit power of a level 96 Super Douluo.

An old and refined person like Yu Yuanzhen naturally knows that his state of being in this state for a long time will definitely consume a lot of soul power.

Otherwise, why would you be able to compete with him at a level of more than sixty?

They don’t know that Wang Feng’s special state is called the empty state, but they can guess a few points.

The more powerful the move, the more terrifying soul power is needed to release it.

At this moment, everyone could see that the two seemed to be of equal strength and had already reached a stalemate.

‘I can’t lock my mind, I can’t attack… So… how can I break the game? ’

Wang Feng’s heart moved, and he charged towards Yu Yuanzhen again.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen smiled slightly.

This kid is very strong.

But after all, he only has more than sixty levels, so his soul power is definitely not enough. However, Yu Yuanzhen also had some doubts in his heart: Why didn’t this child use the other two spirit abilities? Fifth spirit ability and sixth spirit ability?

It’s not just him, the people watching below are equally curious.

At the beginning, Wang Feng’s soul power fluctuated at around level 65, but why hasn’t he used the last two soul skills?

Is it possible, is there any special reason?

This kind of question has been entangled in the hearts of everyone until they are attracted by the next scene:

Wang Feng charged towards Yu Yuanzhen swept across with a single move, but Yu Yuanzhen easily dodged, and the opponent took advantage of the situation and directly bombarded Wang Feng with a swipe.

But this time, Wang Feng did not dodge, but resisted with his chest!


The Xuanming Armor had already been hidden by him to improve his own strength, so it did not rebound, and the opponent’s body was too large, even if it rebounded 100%, it would not shake the opponent’s huge body.

Wang Feng snorted. With the defensive blessing of the Lotus of Thorns, he felt that his body’s blood and energy were shaking a little, but he did not suffer any obvious injuries.

But at this moment, countless black lights emerged from Wang Feng’s body and quickly rushed to Yu Yuanzhen’s dragon tail.

Seeing this, Yu Yuan was stunned.

But in an instant, countless black awns directly formed a long chain, entwining around Yu Yuanzhen’s Wuhunzhen body.

From a distance, it looks like a blue-purple dragon with a field of more than 20 meters, wrapped in a dense mesh of chains on its body.

“Huntian Ling… oh no, Xuan Ming Thorn!”

Wang Feng clenched his hand and shouted, “Bind me!”

In an instant, Yu Yuanzhen felt as if his whole body was being imprisoned, and he tightened a few points.

With a weight of 40,000 catties, in the form of Yu Yuan Zhen’s Martial Soul Avatar, he also felt like he was holding a mountain, and it was difficult to move!

“Soul bone?”

Yu Yuanzhen’s expression changed, but he did not panic. .

The next moment, Wang Feng once again shot at Wang Feng Yuyuan Zhen.

This time, Yu Yuanzhen couldn’t dodge, but was directly hit!

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